Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 376: , the corners are running away


The vast star power radiated past, and the ground trembled slightly from dozens of miles away, and purple-red energy particles were scattered in the air, like a demon.

"F... what happened?"

"What happened to that place, is it an earthquake or a volcanic eruption?"

On this day, the citizens of the Kingdom of Bears felt the mighty terrifying aura in the distance, as if a natural disaster made them uneasy.

The few rock ninjas lurking in the dark were even more frightened.

That location, is the Star Ninja Village!

"Hey, Tugen, this... it's not the work of the tailed beast, is it?!"

A young guy with an Iwanin forehead was sweating coldly on his head, and said to a slightly fat but still burly big man next to him.

"...Impossible. According to our information, that direction is not the haunt of any of the nine big-tailed beasts."

Tu Yuan has a big round nose. At this moment, one hand is on the ground, silently sensing the fluctuations in the distance.

This is obviously Iwanin's exclusive perception technique, which is farther than Tobirama's chakra perception. Of course, it can only perceive the general fluctuation of the drum's energy.

"If you guessed correctly, it must be a moth from Xingren Village." Tu Yuan said solemnly.

Apparently, the one who hired the corners to go to the Xing Ninja Village is obviously Iwa Ninja Village. Hiring some black market ninjas to do some dangerous and difficult tasks is not uncommon in this era. It has been popular since the distant Warring States period, and Iwa Ninja is even more successful.

At this time, there is no "Xiao", and Jiao is the "most prestigious" bounty ninja, because although he is greedy, his strength is strong enough, and Taki Shinobu hates him to the core, and there is nothing he can do.

It is impossible for the shadow-level powerhouses in ordinary villages to do bounty quests. It is only done by the rebels. Their position and identity do not allow them to do so.

However, the strength of ordinary betrayal and ninja can reach the elite Junin at most. For example, if they don’t cut it, there are very few people who have unfinished money to become bounty hunters.

These guys often have their own ulterior motives.

"It seems that the corners have stabbed in the basket this time. I really don't understand that he would miss such a place. Besides, wouldn't it be foolproof to let the Shadow Guard deal with it directly?" the young ninja muttered.

"Hehe, don't underestimate Xingnin Village, Master Tuying attaches great importance to it, besides..."

Tu Yuan smiled lightly, and then realized that something was wrong, and immediately kept silent.

The current Tuying is naturally the third generation of Tuying Onogi. It has been 200 years since the star of Xingnin Village has fallen. At the beginning, no one could approach the area with strong radiation, so the land of soil was temporarily abandoned.

Black Star got the power of the star ten years ago and quietly established the Star Ninja Village, although the isolation of the miasma barrier caused by the star is very secret. But after so long, the land of the land can always get a lot of news.

After all, Xingnin Village is deserted, and supplies are all delivered from outside, so the wind will naturally leak.

Most of the rock ninjas are a group of guys who love to escape from the earth, and Ohnogi has an inexplicable [soft liking] for stones!

Naturally, he is very interested in stars!

It's just that the land of the land is a big country anyway. After the establishment of the five kingdoms, although the ninja world is still chaotic, it is no longer as disorderly as it was during the Warring States Period, so there will be some scruples.

Going to launch the village to attack the worthless Bear Country for the sake of Xing is also a bit of a loss, and it also damages his reputation (although it doesn't matter), so Onogi chose to start secretly.

"Okay, don't think about those useless things, go and report to the village." Tu Yuan stood up and turned around and left...

Ninjas are defined as weapons in this era, and weapons are consumables.

Iwa Shinobu cherishes his feathers, and hiring bounty hunters to complete some dangerous, uncertain, and inconvenient tasks is also a good choice.

Kakuto, who stole the art of resentment from the ground and slaughtered the high-level officials of Taki Ninja Village, was powerful and experienced, and was undoubtedly the best candidate.

It's just... now the horns are quite embarrassed...

"Ahem... bastard! This **** beast!"

Amidst the ruins, a group of dark threads slowly wriggled, the threads twitched, and gradually converged into a shadowy human figure.

Jiao Du trembled as he looked at the somewhat comical giant monster in the distance, burning with anger. He was unfortunately hit by a star laser just now, and he lost another heart of a strong man he had worked so hard to collect!

It is easy to gather five hearts, one heart is one life. But it is troublesome to gather Chakra's powerful heart, which is related to his strength.

"Jeep ji ji!"

After emitting lasers frantically, the star looked extremely restless after venting indiscriminately, hovering in the air and constantly waving tentacles.

Obviously, this monster's energy is huge, and its star power attack is comparable to a tailed beast jade. But this guy's body seems to be very fragile, no stronger than ordinary ninja beasts.

Maybe that's why it needs a parasitic ninja body.

"It's power is almost exhausted now... I really want to kill it!"

It's been a long time since I suffered such a big loss. The body with ragged horns is still smoking, and the green pupils are awe-inspiring.

Obviously, although the energy of the star itself is as powerful as a tailed beast, it comes from the starry sky and is not a product of this world.

So it is not like a tailed beast, it is a split body of the divine tree, it can directly devour natural power and transform it into a tailed beast Chakra, the recovery speed is amazing, the power it uses is star power, and the transformation is very slow.

In the same way, even if a star dies, it cannot be resurrected like a tailed beast.

Now the power of the stars has weakened!

"Wait, where's Uchiha Ryu?" Jiao Du was stunned.

Just now, it seemed that Ryu Uchiha attacked the monster first and let it go berserk, and it was the closest.

"That guy won't be turned into scum, right?" Jiao Du guessed maliciously, but he wasn't sure.

He really wants to rush over and kill the fragile star Maybe he can get the crystal containing the star power, so he can complete the bounty task of the land of the land... Well, I just want to Just thinking about it, it may be an explosion in place, dragging yourself into the water...

In the heyday, the horns were bombarded indiscriminately, and even the real tailed beasts could be suppressed. Together with Feiduan, they captured several human pillars.

But now he only has two hearts left... his strength has also been greatly weakened.

The corners are all cowardly.

"Huh? This kid is lying here too?"

Jiao Du looked around and suddenly saw Bei Liuhu lying in the distance covered in charred black.

The shadow-level horns are all in such a tragic state, and Bei Liuhu naturally can't please him. His speed is fast, and he can't escape the range of the star power laser. He was affected by the explosion and was severely injured.

Before Beiliuhu was hit by an excessive amount of radiation, the cells in his body were rioting all the time, and he was seriously injured by the star power again. At this time, he looked like a monster, with all kinds of strange cells proliferating all over his body, and then necrotic and collapsed, charred black. His body was twitching constantly, giving off a pungent odor.

Although Beluhu has completed the genetic fusion evolution of the technique of Guiya Luo, he is still far from the true [Ultimate Body] life, and the hidden dangers in his body are already huge!

"Hey, at first glance, it looks like a guy who doesn't live long. It's a pity that he has a thunder-attribute heart."

Jiao Du shook his head, Peiliuhu looked like he would definitely die, and his heart was contaminated with radiation, so naturally he couldn't want it.

Although there are two kinds of blood descendants in Beiluhu, Diqiyu is different from Guiyaluo, and he can only obtain Chakra with the basic attributes of the five middle schools. Both have advantages and disadvantages.

"Huh? What is that?"

Just as Jiaodu was about to leave, he suddenly saw a few pitted purple meteorite fragments on the ground, burning with a faint star power flame.

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