Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 385: , the reactions of the parties

"Duo duo."

"Come in."

In Tsuchikage's office, a short man with thick eyebrows and round eyes tucked his entire body into a tall back chair, leisurely watching the big man Iwa Shinobu who came in.

Two days later, Oh Yemu had that red rosacea. Although he was stern, he always had an indescribable funny.

"Lord Tsuchikage, Kakuto's mission has been completed...but a huge accident happened in Hoshinin Village!"

Iwanin, who was secretly monitoring the movement in the country of bears, has returned, and the expressions of several people are a little uneasy, obviously the situation is a bit complicated.

"Oh? Does that corner have problems that can't be solved? Could it be that there are still strong people in Xingnin Village?"

Onogi angrily knocked on the table, "Don't talk nonsense, have you brought what I want?"

"Yes! Lord Tuying!"

A few Iwanin hurriedly moved into a huge shelf, a huge lead box, and a few purple meteorites were burning with faint flames.

"This is a star? Damn it! How could it be like this!"

Onogi flew up under the panicked eyes of everyone, and reached out to touch these coveted stones, but he stopped because of the radiant energy.

"Uchiha Dragon? Kaleidoscope? Where did this guy come from?!"

After listening to the report from his subordinates, Onogi stroked his beard, his eyes flickering uncertainly.

He is a very stubborn guy. As the strongest, longest-lived, and longest-reigning Tsuchikage in history, he has a strong desire to control.

He doesn't like to accept new things, and he also has his own measures in doing things. For example, in order to save military expenses, he does not care about other people's dissuasion from hiring.

But he will never forget that devil-like man and his eyes.

"Uchiha Dragon...I've never heard of this name! These stones are of great value to me, but what purpose does that Uchiha guy have?"

Onogi floated in the air, "So the Hoshinin Village was destroyed? What about the country of bears?"

"No... In fact, there are still some surviving Star Ninjas. They seem to have received the support of the Bear Kingdom recently and are rebuilding the village.

It's just that they suffered heavy losses after all, and the nearby countries were all ready to make a move. "Iwaninhui reported.

"Rebuilding the village... Hehe, it seems that these people still have some remnants of meteorites. Forget it, continue to monitor."

"Give me a task and offer a reward for that Uchiha dragon! Any Uchiha is an evil one, only a dead Uchiha is a good Uchiha!" Ohnogi said bitterly.

Jiao, who suffered a loss, sold out Ye Long's information without hesitation, leaving him with a very vengeful opponent.

It's just that the reward is almost zero for Ye Long, at least Jiao Du himself will definitely not touch this bad head...

"It's really unfortunate."

On the other side, Ghost Lantern Manyue also returned to the village, but the end was not very good.

The Mist Ninjas secretly investigated Xing Ninja Village, and inevitably they had some friction with Iwa Ninja. At the same time, some high-level officials also knew and paid attention to the existence of Uchiha Ryu.

The fierce battle that broke out in Xingnin Village had a very bad impact. Xingnin's actions caused an uproar in the country of bears, but it was like a fire in the sea, which was quickly extinguished.

The Yingyue controlled by Yaotian is active in the country of bears, trying to accumulate her power silently.

This incident has attracted the attention of many forces in the dark, and even the dark parts and roots of Konoha, and the more distant country of the wind, have been secretly investigated, but it is still calm on the bright side.

At this time, Ye Long's vest has been known by most of the high-level ninja world, and has gained a lot of hostility, although it still does not attract enough attention.

If it is not a last resort, no force will spend huge manpower and material resources to fight to the death with a shadow-level criminal who has no personal interests.


"Beiliuhu, are you feeling better now?"

In the laboratory of the root, Ye Long looked a little listless, lying in a huge water tank filled with green solution, with all kinds of catheters inserted all over his body, he said.

"The power of the stars is very wonderful, the radiation energy is deadly to the cells of ordinary people, and it will greatly accelerate their mutation, division, necrosis and unpredictable ending.

However, for the owner of the Guiya Luo technique, it is not a bad opportunity, although this time he suffered a little too much energy, Ye Longjun. "

Orochimaru carried out his research leisurely, with a focused expression. The researchers at the two roots in the lab went their separate ways, as if they couldn't see them.

Being able to talk in and out of the lab at the root without anyone else, Ye Long and Bei Liuhu both have identities on the bright side, and they are not "black households".

At the same time, it can be seen that Danzo is very tolerant and tolerant of Orochimaru now, although it is definitely not trustworthy.

"Lord Yelong, I think Star Power may be really helpful to us. I have sought various ways to stimulate the mutation of cells. For this reason, I have tried many ways to bring myself to the brink of death, but the results are not satisfactory. once......"

Beluhu's chest heaved and he could see that he was still struggling, and finally made a conclusion.

"The power of the stars is an opportunity for many of our human body modification research, and its dangers and opportunities coexist."

"I know, fellow scientists, that's one of the reasons why I transformed it into a avatar."

Ye Long said lightly, "This action is full of surprises, but the ending is gratifying. Maybe I controlled Xingnin Village because of this, so that we would have a real base - but that depends on the performance of our new accomplices."

He spread his hands and smiled: "To be honest, the four of us can have a table of mahjong, but we have about three to four years to study this matter."

"It's a pity that I didn't meet the Yaotian you mentioned. I'm very interested in Xingli and him."

Orochimaru still stared at his material, squinting his dark golden snake eyes.

"In this way, the name of your Uchiha Dragon should be widely known, right? Even the most conservative Onogi and the far-away Kirin Village should have your So what do you want to do? Do you want to mess up this ninja world by yourself? Or do you want to play a savior, or just out of your bad taste?"

"Maybe there are, but what I do is for my own interests. Of course, the identity of Uchiha Ryu will be useful in the future."

Ye Long smiled meaningfully, "Very useful, once everyone believes that I am a rebellious senior Uchiha."

Ye Long spread out a document.

Konoha 19 years


On January 8th, Hyuga Hizu, Hyuga Hipsa brothers were born

20 years of Konoha


June 1, Uchiha Mikoto was born

On August 9, Rope Tree was born

Konoha 22 years


On September 7th, oil girl Shiya was born

Konoha 23 years


Yamanaka Kaiichi was born on January 28

April 22, Autumn Dodo Dingza was born

Shikahisa, Nara was born on July 15

Konoha 25 years


February 24, Yoshino, Nara was born

On August 12, Inuzukazu was born



These are all information obtained from Anbu, which records the information of some important people, which are collected and summarized by Ye Long.

It is now the twenty-fifth year of Konoha, and Yelong and Orochimaru are already fifteen years old.

"...This is indeed an interesting layout." Orochimaru nodded, "So what do you choose to do?"

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