Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 390: , the vanguard

"Report, Lord Orochimaru, that the second vanguard annihilated a total of 300 Kusunin, with 28 casualties, 20 of whom were killed, some materials were seized, and a small number of enemies escaped!"

Joinin Yoshida excitedly reported to Orochimaru. There was a trace of blood on his face, and he was quite embarrassed. This devastating battle greatly increased his confidence.

With a low casualty rate, this is definitely a glorious victory. Although Konoha has an absolute advantage in numbers, it is still a good start. No one will reject a leader who can win the battle.

Although Orochimaru was only swept away in the previous battle, he easily tracked the enemy's trail and concealed their actions in a way he did not understand, allowing Konoha's surprise victory.

These grass ninjas are completely rogues like guerrillas, because their purpose is always to plunder, and they will not take the initiative to confront Konoha ninjas. Unfortunately, this time they encountered their nemesis.

As the Sannin who led the army for the first time, these Konoha ninjas were not familiar with them at first, and the battle between Jiraiya and Tsunade just now gave him a general understanding of the strength of the Naruto disciples, which has dispelled them from commanding. Questions about the power of officials.

"Burn everything that you can't take away, and let the medical ninja deal with the wounded urgently. Let's move on." Orochimaru said lightly.

The escaping Kusanagi will definitely notify other surrounding troops of their arrival. In the forest, whether it is Orochimaru and Yelong's mental power, pupil technique, wood escape or natural power perception, they are all extremely powerful, the more complex the terrain. The more powerful it is to him, Kusunin's strategy of dividing troops is to seek death in front of him.

"Kill! Drive these robbers out of here!"

For three days, the thousand Konoha ninjas led by Orochimaru rampaged in the land of soup, defeated several Kusanagi in a row, and quickly attracted Kusanagi's attention.

The three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hidden and Shadow Shimura Danzo are still sitting firmly in Konoha. They each sent an elite army of a thousand people, and they were led by their own disciples. The strength they showed was exposed for the first time in the entire ninja world. , immediately attracted the attention of many people.

As for the other unit, it was naturally the first Konoha vanguard unit led by Danzo's disciples, Shigeru Hatake, Dan Kato, and Kiryu.

That's right, Beiliuhu was also hired, although he only showed the strength of the elite johnin, he still surprised Danzo and countless others.

You must know that the strength of the single Zhuludie in the same session is not up to the level of elite johnin, but Beiliuhu is very low-key, and has long looked down on other people's eyes.

Peiliuhu did not defect this time. It is said that Danzo, who had once dismissed him, knew that after Peiliuhu passed the Shangnin test on his own, he accepted him shamelessly again after struggling for a few seconds, and entrusted him with the important task of letting him go. He was involved in this war.

Although Danzo became a "Shadow", he still competed with Sarutobi in secret, and naturally he would not give up a potential disciple.

After being calm for so long, this war is about to break out, and it is also a continuation of Konoha's politics!


A white light that seemed to tear apart the world flashed, and a few grasses held their throats tightly, their eyes were full of unbelievable horror, and their bodies had fallen like scum.

"As expected of Shigeru, this Hagi swordsmanship is truly superb!"

Hatake Shigeru put the bloodless white-toothed dagger into the scabbard, and the Kusanagi lying on the ground around him was like an asura field, and his body was still clean and his breath was still stable.

Obviously, in this encounter, Konoha also defeated Kushinin's army of hundreds of people.

Just hearing Kato's voice behind him, Shigeru Hatake's brows could not help but wrinkle slightly.

"We came three days earlier than Orochimaru and the others, and you killed the five Kusanagi's Jōnin. Even Orochimaru can't match this kind of strength, right?"

Kato Dan still had a spring breeze on his face, but Hatake Shigeru just remained silent.

"That's all, maybe it's not his opponent."

For a long time, Hatake Shigeru looked at Kato Dan calmly, his face was expressionless, but his whole person was like a sharp-edged sword, which made the latter's heart suddenly burst!

Kusanagi's Jōnin, although it is "Jōnin", his quality cannot be compared with that of the Five Great Kingdoms at all, including those killed by Ye Long and the others, Xiao Ninja Village will automatically "depreciate" when calculating merits.

Shigeru Hatake was unmoved by Kato Dan's praise, but the name of Orochimaru made him unable to ignore it.

As a new star of Konoha's generation, Hatake Shigeru was forcibly suppressed by Orochimaru. Although he was indifferent to his reputation and even "betrayed" Danzo to join Anbu, he only cared about his own strength.

He, like an invincible blade, only strives for the first, ashamed to be the second, and has a strong personality, which is why he became the strongest in Hatake.

He said it was better, how could he not compete in secret?

Unfortunately, he didn't know that Orochimaru didn't take action in these few encounters, and Ye Long was just playing soy sauce...

"Beiliuhu, I didn't expect you to be so strong. You have been working hard all the time, but Danzo-sensei was surprised!"

Duan Kato then looked at Kiryu who was cleaning the battlefield without saying a word, and joked casually.

Why is it self-acquainted? Because before this war started, no one cared about him at all, including the exquisite Kato Duan.

"Haha, it's just a fluke."

Kiryuhu was more indifferent than Hatake Shigeru, he just smiled and nodded, and continued to do what he was doing.

Kato Dan's eyes suddenly turned cold!

Hatake Shigeru is wholeheartedly for the village and doesn't care about his own interests, but he has no identification with the village at all!

For this war, he really doesn't care.

"...Haha, you are too modest."

Dan Kato is still but it's getting more and more reluctant.

"Never mind that fellow Hatake Shigeru, to make you so indifferent to me?"

As Danzo's most optimistic disciple, and also the most ambitious disciple, Kato Dan's life is not easy now.

Several times he provoked Orochimaru and ended up slapped in the face, and his most important task was also screwed up, failing Danzo's plan.

Kato Dan is also a powerful genius, but fate is like a joke with him, and the strands are not smooth.

This war may be his only chance to make a comeback...

"How's the situation?"

In a shabby command post, several ninjas with strong breaths were kneeling on both sides, and the first one was an old man in sackcloth.

"Lord Yama, in just two weeks, we have lost nearly a thousand ninjas. If we continue like this, the price of starting a war will be too great!" A Kusanagi couldn't help but said anxiously.

"Yeah, Mr. Yama, Konoha's two ninja troops seem to have very strong perception ninjas. Even if we plunder resources and don't fight them, the other party can actually determine our location."

"Even if the land of the land secretly supports us, this is a huge loss. Once our strength is weakened, we will not be able to protect ourselves in this war!"

Several high-ranking Kusanagi shouted, while the old man sitting in the first place just squinted his eyes and took a sip of tea calmly.

"Once the war starts, it doesn't mean that it will stop. We have no way out."

The old man has a hideous scar on one eye. He is Yama Kusao, the leader of Kusanagi Village, a once-famous powerhouse.

"The reward of the land of the land is not so easy to get..."


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