Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 426: , Detective Emperor?

"Um...Damn, what's this feeling? It's been a long time since I've encountered such a powerful illusion."

Facing Beiluhu's Sangouyu, even the wasteland was caught in a whirlwind.

An alarm rang in his heart, thinking that Peiliuhu would take the opportunity to attack, and immediately assumed a defensive posture, with iron-gray light shining brightly from his entire body.

"As expected of the mainstay of Iwa Shinobi, he's really not leaking, and he's not careless at all."

Belyuhu's illusion technique failed to completely immerse the wasteland in an illusion. Seeing that he was so cautious, he also gave up his plan to continue the test attack, and instead retreated a distance.

"Your abilities are really varied. Why, don't you dare to confront each other?"

In just three seconds, the wasteland broke free from the illusion of nothingness. Just escaping allowed him to condense the strength of his entire body and easily resist the chakra disorder caused by the power of illusion.

Wasteland looked at Bei Liuhu in the distance with a look of contempt and arrogance, and the provocation was obvious.

"Damn, when did Konoha show up such a troublesome boy? His name is... Beiliuhu? This is from that family? Never heard of it... Could it be...!"

However, unlike on the surface that he didn't take Belyuhu seriously, he was already paying attention.

Wasteland pondered, frowned deeply, and fell into a stalemate for a while.

Although after several rounds of confrontation, whether it is ninjutsu or illusion, Beiluhu can't break the defense of the wasteland at all.

But Wasteland himself knew how strong his defense was, and he devoted all his energy to cultivating the Escape. Even if his strength surpassed his existence, he might not be able to hurt him.

In contrast, his other abilities are very sparse.

He knew very well that the real strength of Kiryuhu in front of him was very strong, at least much stronger than that of Hatake Shigeru just now!

And such a genius-like existence, he has never even heard of it...

"Wait... that was... a writing wheel?!"

The pondering wasteland suddenly realized something and stared at Beiruhu in front of him.

"You belong to the Uchiha clan? No, how could you be so ignorant?!"

"Hehe, Hatake Shigeru and the others are almost evacuated, so I should go too."

Seeing the wasteland, he seemed to have noticed it, so Bei Liuhu smiled coldly, and retreated to a distance of dozens of meters with a teleportation technique, and then evacuated directly, ignoring the annihilated tea country and secret country ninja.

"Stop! You can't run away!"

The wasteland roared angrily, and the ground under his feet exploded in an instant, and the whole person chased after Beiliuhu.

He has too many questions to figure out, so he needs to keep Beiliuhu.

"Hahaha! I finally got hooked!"

Beluhu excitedly glanced back at the wasteland that was chasing after him. He didn't use the power to escape, so that the wasteland could still keep up with the speed of brute force.

"Lord Wasteland!"

Seeing the wasteland alone, the rock ninjas chased Beiruhu away, and cried out in worry.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon!"

Wasteland didn't look back.

Seeing Bei Liuhu fleeing, the wasteland sneered.

Sharotunyan, Lan Dun, a little-known powerhouse... The corner of Wasteland's mouth raised a sinister smile, and he felt that he had discovered something incredible.

When things go wrong, there must be a monster, and no matter what the identity of the other party is, Wasteland has the confidence to get out of it.

It's just that once something is confirmed, the fun is huge!

"Stop! You can't run!"

The two quickly escaped everyone's sight, one after the other, and ran for more than ten miles.

"Stop for me!"

The stamina of the wasteland is very strong. Seeing that Beiluhu in front of him seems to be exhausted, he suddenly jumped up and slammed down with a punch.

"Hehe, can't wait? Very good, let's end it here."

Feeling the crisis behind him, Beluhu finally turned around, his whole body turned into an indistinct afterimage in the unbelievable gaze of the wasteland, and disappeared directly in front of him!


The wasteland's powerful punch smashed the ground into a ten-meter-wide crack, but there was still the shadow of Beiruhu.

"Damn, you really did draw me out on purpose!"

Wasteland secretly hates it, at this time, all the fools know that Beiliuhu's speed is throwing him a few blocks, and Beiliuhu's strength has definitely reached the shadow level.

"But aren't you also very confident? Otherwise, how dare you follow me alone?"

Beiliuhu's figure suddenly appeared more than ten meters away, as if teleporting. He looked at the wasteland at the moment, naked as if he was looking at his prey.

"Hahahaha! You deliberately led me here, didn't you just want to kill me silently?

It's a pity, your strength may be beyond my expectations, but if you want to get rid of me before my companions come, it's tantamount to fooling around!"

Wasteland burst into laughter, not caring that Bei Liuhu would suddenly attack.

"It seems that you are very confident?"

Beluhu stood on the top of the tree, silently surveying the wasteland.

"Okay, stop pretending to be a ghost."

Wasteland pointed at Bei Liuhu and suddenly said loudly:

"Uchiha Ryu, your trick has been exposed!"


Beiliuhu was taken aback, his mouth widened, looking at the wasteland, his head was in a momentary crash.

"Hahaha! I just knew that the one who was rumored to have a writing wheel eye, but was wearing a mask to hide his head and show his tail, is the one who has stirred up the storm in the ninja world over the past few years. Is it you?!"

Shocked! At this moment, Bei Liuhu was speechless!

Wasteland pointed to Bei Liuhu and continued:

"Uchiha Dragon, or Beiliu? You set yourself up as a Uchiha clansman who survived the Warring States Period. What you do is unscrupulous, like a **** stick, but if you rule out all the impossible, then you really want to be very clear. already."

Wasteland snorted coldly.

"Although your actions seem to have no clue, you want to fish in troubled waters, but in conclusion, every time you are against us or Yun Ren!

Maybe you will interfere with Sand Shinobi or Mist Shinobi in the future, but in the end, you are working for Konoha!"


Then the wasteland considered again:

"By the way, you claim to be inferior, there are no white-haired guys in the Uchiha family, and you have a shackle..."

" It seems that Konoha, who advertises benevolence, righteousness and morality, has been secretly conducting sinful human experiments!"


Wasteland sneered, and vaguely he had already deduced the truth——

"Yes! You must be a member of Konoha Hokage's faction, secretly transplanted Uchiha's Sharinyan and other bloods, and then disguised as a Uchiha who left the village, and secretly used this identity to seek benefits for Konoha, Then throw all the responsibility on the Uchiha clan who were suppressed by you!"


Peiliuhu looked at the sworn wasteland, opened his mouth, but was speechless.

"Good plan! It's amazing! Not only did you steal the abilities of the Uchiha clan, but you also directed and acted so many good plays!"

The wasteland looked at the stunned Beiluhu, like a triumphant reasoner:

"Admit it, you are the Uchiha dragon who hides his head and shows his tail! I will expose the ugly face of your Konoha!"

"Clap clap clap-"

At this moment, a crisp applause sounded without warning.

The wasteland, which originally seemed to be winning, was suddenly shocked, and the smile instantly solidified on his face.

"You are very clear about Konoha's twists and turns, good reasoning, it's almost the truth.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Wasteland, who looks rough on the outside, is actually a reasoning emperor. "

The indifferent and ethereal voice came from nowhere, and cold sweat dripped from Wasteland's forehead instantly.


He turned around, and a masked figure walked out of the bushes, like an old friend who had been waiting for a long time.

With those same scarlet eyes, Gu Jing stared at him without a wave!

"Sorry, you guessed wrong."

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