Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 456: , fierce melee

At this moment, the ordinary Mist Ninja Anbu and the three major clan ninjas are still fighting with the rest of the beasts, and all Mist Ninja's high-end combat power, including the water shadow in the enchantment, is focused on these three On the "weird" who suddenly appeared.

The wasteland that Orochimaru personally controlled stood at the front, like a towering iron wall.

Wasteland is carrying a ferocious hammer that was just built in the later stage, and Lan Yun Ninja Tian Xin, who is also equipped with a pair of metal armguards and has the strongest ninjutsu output ability, stands on both sides.

I have to say that the reincarnation of the dirty soil made by the big snake pocket in the original book is very perfunctory. When Jiaodu appeared, he only had a heart, and Suo Xing was thrown into a group of miscellaneous soldiers.

Hanzo was in a miserable situation. Rather than being defeated by Mifune's sword skills, it would be better to say that the sickle that he had buried for decades was rusted and broken...

The most unfortunate one is the Scorpion of Red Sand, the strongest of Tang and Tang Huoying puppets, and there is no puppet when the muddy soil appears...

In short, after some transformations by Orochimaru and Ye Long, these three filthy soils are not only transformed bodies, but only with their sculpted equipment, and the evil masks look very intimidating. At first glance, they are organized and premeditated. Rebel gang!

Moreover, although these three ninjas were powerful in their lifetimes, Tianxin was Yun Ren Ren Ren Ren, Wu Ya was a grass nobility, and the wasteland basically just came out of the mountain, and wearing masks, the mist Ren who hangs overseas alone can't recognize one at all.

In this way, they can't imagine that the three people in front of them are all dead people who came out of the dirt!

"Did you just ask our purpose?"

At this time, the wasteland standing in the front spoke, and its voice was as hoarse as two pieces of fur rubbing against each other.

"Actually, our goal is very simple. It's just the head of your water shadow. I heard that you are sealing the three tails. Of course, we will not miss such a good opportunity."


After listening to Wasteland's words, everyone present was stunned, and even Lang Xing, who was about to start, slightly grew his mouth.

"Hehe, arrogant guy." Shui Ying said calmly in the barrier, but there was a killing intent in his narrowed eyes!

"Originally, we were counting on Sanwei's strength, who would have known it would be so vulnerable. But you guys seem to be in trouble? That's great, hahaha!"

Wasteland laughed and said, their goal is to kill Suiying, get his body of filthy soil, and disrupt the situation in the country of water, so that they can't take care of themselves, and have no time to intervene in the war of ninjas, and at the same time, take advantage of the chaos to establish a stronghold in the dark.

Of course, collecting the three-tailed and six-tailed chakras is also an equally important task, but the Kirin in front of him doesn't understand it at all.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"

After the atmosphere solidified for a short time, Ghost Lantern Chengyue smiled instead of anger.

"I have to say, this is the funniest joke I've ever heard!"

He pointed to the wasteland and said: "Even if this is not the fog shadow village, do you think you can defeat our three generations of water shadows? Or, you think that there are so many of us, all of which are just decorations?!"

Ghost Deng Chengyue's eyes flashed fiercely, "Humph! Someone dares to blatantly assassinate Shui Ying, what a joke!

Everyone will take them down with me, life or death! I want to see how holy they are!"

Shuiying was still dealing with Roy in the barrier, and it was temporarily inconvenient to come out. At this time, Guideng Chengyue was the commander here.

The three "no-name soldiers" said to assassinate their shadows in front of the elite of the entire Shinobi village. This is no longer arrogant, this is simply absurd!

Guideng Chengyue can be regarded as someone who has seen the world. It's not because he has a strong sense of belonging to Wu Ninja, but when he sees such an arrogant guy, he doesn't even want to ask the reason and identity of the other party's assassination of Suiying.


No more speculative words, the battle is about to start!

Hui Ye Third Elder Hui Ye Xiong Village bore the brunt of it. His whole body was covered with thick and hideous bones. The whole person seemed to have grown up in a circle, rushing directly towards the wasteland standing at the front like a bulldozer.

Like Ghost Lantern Manyue, Lang Xing was the only young hero who appeared here, and he was following him with a bloodthirsty expression.

"Hey! Just let the shark muscles do some exercise after meals!"

The watermelon mountain puffer ghost, the largest in the audience, naturally wouldn't back down. Carrying the same huge shark muscle after absorbing the three-tailed chakra, he jumped high and slashed directly at the three people together, which was very inconsistent with his figure. The speed is last to first serve.

"Arrogant guy, let's see how much you have."

Tong Cao Ye Bai Ren charged towards the three people carrying the blasting knife droplets, and dragged out a long streamer from the scroll covered with detonating symbols behind him.

"The Shining Release!"

Ghost Lantern Full Moon is full of energy, and when he comes up, he will not hesitate to consume a lot of chakra to release a big move.

Flounder Butterfly was thrown out by him with an extremely bright Chakra meteor, like a powerful rocket launcher pointing directly at the center of the three people.

He has reason to believe that under their joint bombardment, the wasteland standing at the front will definitely not be able to stop it. When the time comes, the three of them will inevitably dodge in embarrassment and their formation will be completely disrupted.

"Hey hey, since the establishment of Mist Ninja Village, this old man has not moved his tibia for a long time. You are so loud, don't let this old man down!"

Ghost Deng Chengyue grinned, and her whole body suddenly turned into a puddle of water, scattered on the ground, and instantly disappeared out of thin air, with no way to hide.

It's just that those who know his strength know that when fighting in an environment with water, the ghost lamp Chengyue, who can't find anyone, is the most terrifying, because he is like a ghost assassin, and he will appear behind you at any time!

"Hey, old man Chengyue, he is so pushy even at such an old age!"

The last Shui Wuyue elder, Bai Yue, moved a little slower and spat silently from behind.

"Bing Yun·Bingxiang Thousand Kills!"

Bing Dun is an all-purpose escape technique that can be attacked and defended and has a particularly strong control. Bai Yue is conservative and uses a very safe mass destruction ninjutsu.

Although the seven people had disputes in the village before, the attack they jointly launched at this moment was incomparably astonishing.

In front of such an offensive, without the strength of the shadow level, it is simply a man's arm as a car!

"Haha, it's kind of interesting."

Wasteland suddenly laughed.

It's a pity that the wasteland controlled by Orochimaru is a real shadow-level powerhouse, and it is still a shadow-level powerhouse with the strongest defense, blood Jigang escape, and even a strong resistance to the attack of spiritual transformation!

In the face of such an offensive, even though the controller is Orochimaru, he still made a timely response——


Facing the watermelon mountain puffer ghost who first arrived at and chopped down from the sky, the wasteland didn't even look at it, and directly slammed an uppercut, a special boxing glove. It is covered with a thick layer of Gangdun Chakra, which is heavily bombarded on the shark muscle!


It was like a thunderstorm on the ground, and the watermelon mountain pufferfish hadn't reacted to what was going on. The huge body was like a watermelon or a pufferfish, and flew back faster than before!

"...what am I doing just now...?"

The watermelon mountain puffer fish in the air is still stunned, and he can't imagine that someone can fight back with flesh and blood under an attack like himself, so that the shark muscle in his hand is also whimpering, and the originally inflated blade seems to be deflated. Get out straight away.


A circle of astonishing cracks appeared at the foot of the wasteland, but his body did not stop at all. Instead, he put his hands on his chest and directly met the death impact of Kaguya Bear Village!


The two of them stood on each other's feet. Huiye Bear Village was covered in white bones, with huge and sharp bones like horns growing on their heads. At this moment, they were firmly held up by the wasteland!

"you you...!!"

No one knows the sharpness and hardness of the bones made by the corpse veins better than Kaguya Ninja, and now the wasteland is directly resisting it with the body!

A metal-like streamer circulates on the surface of the wasteland, like an unbreakable golden body, and like the strongest barrier in the ninja world, nothing can be broken head-on!

Looking at the empty pupils under the wasteland mask, Kaguya Bear Village, who was at zero distance from him at this moment, actually felt a little timid!

"Are you...a movie-level...?!"

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