Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 460: , a distant call

The far side of the ninja world.

A country beyond the borders of the land of the land.

Country of Bears, Star Ninja Village.

A few years ago, a major event happened here, which led to great changes in the country of the bears in the past few years.

Two hundred years ago, there was an extraterrestrial meteorite that fell here. The place where the meteorite fell was filled with purple flames, and there was no grass. It was regarded as unknown.

It was not until a few decades ago that the surrounding area was completely turned into a barren land, and the ninja Black Star of the Land of Bears accidentally discovered that approaching the land where the meteorite fell, he would be infected by purple power, gaining a powerful power different from chakra.

From then on, he secretly studied the power of meteorites, developed the [Peacock Magic Method] by himself, and even established the prototype of Xingnin Village.

It is a pity that there is no airtight wall in the world. Just a few years ago, Black Star thought that the time was right, and proudly declared to the ninja world that the Star Ninja Village was established. When the power of the Shinobi was transformed into more Star Ninjas, Iwa Ninja secretly dispatched ninjas to intervene to **** the treasure [Star], and even the passing mist Ninja also participated.

The battle was unexpectedly tragic. It was suspected that a shadow-level powerhouse and a Chakra energy source comparable to a tailed beast appeared, and the nearby small countries fell into a huge panic.

Thousands of civilian ninjas who came to watch the ceremony died, and even the invited daimyo in the kingdom of bears died tragically in the Xingnin Village. Countless people were forced to infuse star power, and life was ruined.

As for the specific result of the battle, no one knows the exact outcome of the battle, only that the original Xingnin Village was completely razed to the ground, the arrogant "Xingying" Black Star died, Xingren was killed and injured, leaving only two or three big cats and kittens. , with the surviving Xingren Yingyue as the new leader of Xingren.

As for the [star] that caused the war, it is said that it has been destroyed, and the fragment part was acquired by the land of the land, and the Xingnin also saved some of them to continue to transform the Xingnin.

Because the weak country of the bear is nominally a vassal of the land of the land, and after all, this is an unjust war of privately interfering in the affairs of other countries, the land of the land seems to have obtained what it is satisfied with, and did not take the initiative to respond afterwards, and even shied away completely. , and even disdain for the series of coups in the kingdom of bears.

As for the Mist Ninja, who is inserted horizontally, it's nothing more than nothing...

At that time, the country of the bear was undoubtedly in a great crisis. The Ninja village was destroyed, the daimyo died, and the nearby countries were all eyeing, and no matter the country of the earth, no one thought that it would be annexed by a neighboring country one day, or Directly incorporated into the territory of the land of the land.

However, the result was unexpected. Xingyue's new leader, Yingyue, is actually a ruthless man, and is said to be an extremely powerful ninja.

Zeng Jin's Yingyue is said to be just an ordinary Jōnin strength. She is also a gentle, kind and beautiful woman, but after the [Xingnin Village Destruction Incident], she unexpectedly became a decisive and decisive woman.

First of all, she showed her strength to gather the remaining Star Ninjas, including those who survived the Star Power Infusion Ceremony, and helped them master the Star Power.

Then she even took people directly to the capital of the Kingdom of Bears, forcibly suppressed the chaotic situation in the name of the head of the Star Ninja Village, and even arrogantly appointed a new name of the Kingdom of Bears.

It is said that the scene at that time was unforgettable. Although the capital of the Bear Kingdom was not Longtan and Tiger's Den, the news after the death of Daimyo was confirmed to be restless. Many politicians and tycoons were eager to move, and there were spies from other countries to stir up the storm.

But the result was that Yingyue, who seemed to be gentle and modest, turned out to be a different person, fierce and powerful, and used force to suppress her on the spot. Her terrifying strength directly made everyone tremble.

In spite of everyone's protests, she forcibly controlled the situation and made rules, which completely subverted her previous image.

The ninja world is the world of the strong, especially in small countries, as long as there is strength, daimyo and state institutions are just tools to serve the ninja village and educate the people. Although Xingren exists in name only, but Yingyue showed her capital.

In the land of bears, she alone is a ninja village!

Many people accepted her control in a huff, and Yingyue even announced the wartime regulations, which put the entire country under wartime control.

Sure enough, within a few days, several neighboring countries who got the news sent their own troops to try to invade the kingdom of bears.

The result was shocking, the country of the Bear almost relied on the strength of Yingyue alone and the assistance of a small amount of Xingnin to annihilate all the intruding enemies!

With Yingyue's personal outburst, this small-scale battle ended quickly, and all the star ninjas present were tight-lipped about Yingyue's true strength, and were even more fearful in secret.

After that, Yingyue made a decisive decision and led everyone to launch a counterattack against these countries!

The situation changed three times a day, and the invading troops were unexpectedly wiped out. These small countries did not have the fighting power they could use, and they turned out to be in a situation where they were defeated like a mountain.

Ordinary people can't be the opponents of ninjas at all. After killing the ninjas who were hired and pieced together by countries that were also weak and did not even have Ninja Village, the big names of these countries finally chose to surrender in humiliation and were killed by Yingyue. He plundered the only resources, and then witnessed Yingyue leave with high spirits.

The war broke out suddenly like a flood and beasts, and ended abruptly like a flash in the pan.

In this regard, the land of the land, which is on the sidelines, still chooses to remain silent.

First of all, they didn't know Yingyue's strength. Hei Xing, the founder of Xingren Village, was dead. They didn't think Yingyue could pose any threat.

In their opinion, these guys who don't even have a ninja village are just grass chickens pecking at each other.

In other words, the arrogant Land of the Earth does not look down on their meager interests, nor does he let go of his stature. His opponents are only the other four countries.

Now that he has obtained the so-called [star], he watched from the sidelines before, but now the country of the bear has also retreated, and the country of the earth chose to continue to pretend to be deaf and mute to the end.

After Yingyue developed Xingnin's actions, the Land of Earth no longer interfered.

Let nature take its course, consider it a generous sympathy for the Kingdom of Bears!

At that time, Ohnogi seemed to focus all his attention on the research on the fragments of the [star] obtained from Kakuto, and it seemed that some miraculous results had been achieved.

If he still has the remaining attention, it must be divided by Uchiha Ryu.

Kingdom of Bears? Xingren? Yingyue?

Which corner guy is that?

No matter how intense the riot, in the impression of these big men, the country of the bear has become a useless and inconspicuous gravel like other small vassal countries.

Adults, how can you be real with children?

But they didn't know that the current Yingyue was no longer the beautiful and kind Xingren, or not exactly.

In her body resides the real [Xing], which is Ye Long's second clone, Yaotian.

Once, [Xing], who had only instinctive consciousness, used the ability to devour nature to strengthen his own It invaded this world, bewitched Black Star to establish Xingnin Village, and used star power to erode the ignorant desire for power. People, let them turn into walking collectors and reserves.

And now, it has turned into a demon, has its own complete and independent consciousness under the ability of Ye Long, and obtained a body that can be driven and exerted its strength at will!

He is finally free!

After this inconspicuous battle in the ninja world, Yingyue completely stabilized her position. In a few years, Xingnin Village was re-established, but this time the establishment was much more low-key, and even arranged on the periphery. The enchantment and the recruitment of Xingnin were also carried out secretly.

The number of Star Ninjas keeps increasing. Although the fragments of [Xing] can only transform and maintain the most ordinary Star Ninjas, Yaotian can completely transform them with his own power.

Star power is a kind of power that is harmful to the human body. Although people who are transformed by star power can directly obtain the power of star power around the chunin, it will damage their lifespan.

However, how many people in the ninja world can die?

In the case of Yaotian's own shot, the transformation of star power will not directly lead to death. Therefore, although Xing Ren is notorious, there is an endless stream of people who secretly want to join the village of Xing Ren.

In the past few years, although there is no strong person born in Xingnin Village, the number of Xingnin has exceeded 1,000!

With the strength of thousands of chunin, over time, the kingdom of bears may become another country of rain without knowing it, and Yingyue will be another Hanzo.


In a secret room, a beautiful woman raised her head slightly, as if looking into the distance. .

Yingyue's eyes were shrouded in purple, and she whispered to herself.

"After so many years, is the main body calling me?"

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