Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 484: , the strongest of the ninja world

"Hurry up and treat Zuoyun-sama!"

"Where's the medical class? Come to me quickly!"

"Hold on, you can still save it!"

After "beating" the entire ninja team of Shimura Saun with one person's might, Hanzo finally retreated with his rain ninja army.

Obviously, Hanzo still has reservations about Konoha.

Amidst the grief, there are Konoha ninjas with poisonous screams and dejected faces everywhere.

Shimura Saun refused the medical ninja's continued treatment. After he made sure that Tsunade, Hatake Shigeru and others were all right, he sat alone on a tree trunk that was blown down by a hurricane, with a melancholy expression on his face.

Hanzo is too strong, just a single hand of poison has made them helpless.

And through the previous fight, Shimura Saun already knew that even if it didn't rely on the poison, Hanzo's strength was still not something they could compete with.

A wide range of highly poisonous, top-notch swordsmanship, powerful ninjutsu, secret techniques, and even powerful psychic beasts...

Shimura Saun was shocked!

"If you analyze it like this, Hanzo's strength is indeed very strong, I'm afraid... I'm afraid that only Sarubi-sama can really defeat!"

Shimura Saun was in a cold sweat. He admitted that Hanzo was very strong, but originally, as a Konoha strong man, he didn't think much of a strong man from this small ninja village.

The reason why Zeng Jin Konoha has the capital to look down on the ninja world is because of the powerful **** who crushed the entire ninja world.

And now, they're all gone.

Even Senju Tobirama, who was also a one-time choice, died early from an illness.

As for Zeng Jin and Konoha Shuangshen, the mysterious Hyuga Tenren...

"Haha, you really put gold on your face!"

Shimura Saun shook his head sadly.

In the first ninja world war, too many strong men died. At present, looking at the whole ninja world, there are only three strong men who can hope to reach the top of the whole ninja world——

Yunnin's third-generation Raimokage, Iwanin's second-generation Tsuchikage, and their Konoha's third-generation Hokage.

As for the three generations of Kazekage who is said to be called "the strongest Kazekage" by Sand Ninja...

Shimura Saun shook his head again.

Sand Ren is weak, so the so-called three generations of Kazekage are probably boasting about themselves, at least they are too young in age.

Then, the current Hanzo is definitely the strongest in the entire ninja world, at least one of the strongest!

The problem is that compared to him, although Hokage, Tsuchikage and Raikage are not inferior to Hanzo in strength, how could they be the leaders of a large ninja village so easily go into battle to kill the enemy?

Especially after the first Ninja World War and the "collective fall incident" of the villages, everyone no longer feels much more...

Shadow-level powerhouses are not invincible, and they will also die if they are not careful.

Then, with the three shadows out, Shimura Saun suddenly found out that there is no one on the card who can restrain the "insignificant" Hanzo of the Land of Rain?!

"Damn it! The war in our Tang and Tang Sannin Villages was actually disturbed by the humble Yu Ninja!"

Shimura Saun was very unwilling, and there was a sense of sadness in his tone that the blue and yellow were not connected, and the brilliance was absent.

"Hey, forget it, no matter how strong Hanzo is, he is only one person. As long as he finds a way to crack his poison, there will always be a way to defeat him.

And this guy doesn't seem to want to completely tear his face with Konoha and become the target of public criticism, then we may not be able to join forces with the Kingdom of Rain to deal with Yunren and Yanren..."

"Why do I think so much? This kind of thing is still a headache for Hanzo-sama, Hokage and the elders. This war will never end easily!"

Shimura Saun coughed, his lungs still aching from inhaling the poisonous mist.

"Huh? That's right! Where's the wind escape ninja from before?"

Shimura Saun was suddenly shocked, only to realize that he had overlooked something!

"Shino, who was the one who used Feng Dun to temporarily force Hanzou Hanzo to retreat, and why is he so oblivious?"

Shimura Saun asked his adjutant.

"Wh... who? Why don't I know?" Shimura Shino looked bewildered.

Shimura Saun's heart thumped, "Who brought you here?"

Originally, Shimura Sao was full of confidence with everyone, and he was worried that Hanzo would release poison on a large scale again, so he did not specially arrange reinforcements.

"Hey... It seems that there is one... Said that you asked us to reinforce, but I didn't pay attention!"

"Then you didn't notice the wind escape ninjutsu he performed?!"

Shimura Saun suddenly became popular, a guy who was not under him, suspected to be a Konoha ninja, didn't pay attention, there was definitely something strange!

"Strange, I seemed to ignore him before."

"Me too, I don't have any impression at all."

"I just came with the big army..."

All the subordinates said in succession.

"Damn, don't we collectively fall into illusions?!"

Shimura Saun snorted coldly and stopped asking.

He didn't think it was a top priority. In addition to his loss this time, he was not in the mood to find the "Fuyun Ninja" who saved Tsunade and the others' lives.

At the same time, a tall ninja silently stood in the corner watching all this. The two ninjas beside him were close at hand, but they didn't seem to notice him.

"Being able to play against Hanzo in advance is beyond my expectations."

The ninja smiled with some relief, his body gradually dissipated, and finally he turned into a white snake and swam away...


Tsunade sat on the ground exhausted and gasped, not because of the previous battle, but because there was no trace of chakra in her body at this time - including the part that had previously unlocked the Yin seal enhancement.

The same is true for the other medical ninjas. In terms of medical skills and healing, they are far inferior to Tsunade.

Through this fight with Hanzo, a problem that Konoha had originally existed but never took seriously is finally exposed, that is, the serious shortage of medical ninjas!

Tsunade's level is outstanding among her peers in the entire ninja world, but unfortunately, in the face of hundreds of poisoned ninjas, her strength is still a drop in the bucket.

For Hanzo's poison, even if the corresponding antidote has been researched, using the antidote to treat ninjas also requires chakra, and Tsunade has no time to study these now.

"No, I have to propose to Mr. Sarutobi that a certain percentage of medical ninjas be allocated in the ninja unit to treat injured companions in time!"

Now they have retreated 30 and have basically withdrawn from the Land of Rain.

Tsunade looked extremely pale as he looked at the wailing wounded in front of him. The poison in these people was not fatal at first, but now he could only watch them die.

In fact, Konoha has already calculated it, and the casualties of the equally defeated Iwanin and Yunnin are even worse than those of Konoha, but the number and level of medical ninjas in the army are not as good as Konoha, and countless wounded have died. On the way back!

The scene in front of her completely strengthened Tsunade's determination. In addition to her fighting ability, being a medical ninja can also reflect her value, at least she has this talent!

"Tsunade, it's all thanks to you this time, otherwise we wouldn't be able to survive."

Hatake Shigeru walked up to Tsunade and said solemnly, he usually likes to be alone, but he seemed very sincere at this moment.

"...You're welcome, this is what I should have done, and in the end it was thanks to that Konoha ninja who helped."

Tsunade forced a smile, she was too tired.

"Hahaha, Shigeru-senpai, so you also thank people."

Jiraiya patted Hatake Shigeru on the shoulder from behind, "Actually, I had a unique trick, but I didn't expect...hey, hahaha..."

Having experienced life and death, the three worlds seem to be in harmony.

In another corner, Kato Dan watched this scene, his eyes gradually filled with resentment.

"This time, Shimura Saun will definitely hate me. If I continue to stay here, I'm afraid I won't be able to do anything in the future!"

"Damn, **** Hanzo! Even Danzo-sensei, have you lost confidence in me?"

Kato Dan lowered his head.

"Looks like I need to make a choice!"

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