Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 494: , Dazla's Deathmatch!


The terrifying poisonous fog covered the sky and covered the sun and drowned all the rain ninjas who attacked Hanzo, like a huge mouth of the abyss swallowing them up.

Hanzo's poisonous breath was too sudden, and the scope was too large, and no one could avoid it.

The shrill screams and mourning echoed in the pervasive poisonous mist. Hanzo's move was unusual. It was the most powerful poison in the saccharomyces japonica transplanted inside him. It was not only corrosive and poisonous, but also had powerful paralysis. Effect.

As long as it is inhaled, it will be slaughtered by others. Even if there is a corresponding antidote, it may not have time to take effect.

Of course, the disadvantage of this terrifying move is obvious, that is, it takes five minutes to prepare. Hanzo has been planning it for a long time.

"What happened, those guys from Yun Ren—"

In the distance, Hunter punched Yurin who was rushing up, and he was shocked when he saw the poisonous mist. "Dazla, doesn't he say that he has a way to deal with Hanzo's poison?!"

At the same time, the Konoha crowd peeping at the battlefield from a distance, a few perceptive ninjas also looked grim.

"It's a stab—!"

A violent electric current suddenly erupted in the dark poisonous mist. Hanzo was startled and dodged to avoid it, and a deep pit was blasted out of the ground by the plasma.

"Zi la la-"

A few more electric lights flickered in the thick fog, and then the blue light erupted, the plasma shot up into the sky, the earth and rocks splashed, and the poisonous fog was blown away.

"Well, it seems that I underestimated you, yes, after all, it was the ninja sent by the five great nations to kill me."

Hanzo put on a respirator silently, even he himself couldn't completely ignore his poison.

So how did these Yun Rens restrain his poison?

"Hanzo, you must die!"

Dazla's figure reappeared in the poisonous mist, and four Yun Ninjas also appeared at the same time.

As for the rest of Yun Ren, the ending is self-evident.

Looking at the fiery electric current on them, Hanzo raised his chin slightly.

"Is this Yun Yin's secret technique? It's the first time I've seen it."

The five people, including Dazla, all used Yun Ren's stunt, the armor of thunder!

The use of Lei Dun Chakra to cover the whole body makes the cell activity surge, which not only greatly enhances attack defense and maneuverability, but also protects the body.

This kind of protection is even more effective for some tricks, such as the bugs of the oil girl family, and the poison of Hanzo.

The only downside is that this move requires a lot of chakra, and only Yun Ninja elites have the opportunity to learn it.


Dazla was furious, and attacked with all his strength with the only four remaining cloud ninjas.

The strength of the four Yun Ninjas is obviously not enough to maintain the armor of thunder for too long. If you want to kill Hanzo, Dazla can only succeed before they are poisoned!

He can no longer have any reservations!

"Lan Dun·Lan Electric Cannon Hammer!"

The chakra coat formed by Lan Dun was obviously stronger than Lei Dun, and the poisonous mist in the air was just a little closer to Dazla and it was burned into nothingness.

Under the electric light rendering, Dazla's figure even burst out with blue light from both eyes. His hair was standing on end, his hands were raised above his head, and a light bullet gathered by an electric cocoon condensed and was smashed at Hanzo!


Like a thunderous meteor tearing apart the poisonous mist, even Hanzo's eyes had a hint of horror that could not be concealed.

"What a powerful Lan Dun!" Hanzo's hands quickly formed seals, and a gust of wind quickly condensed around him.

"Windless Barrier!"


The poisonous fog exploded, and the blue light was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. Dazra's furious blow directly defeated Hanzo's Kaze, and he was blown away in a panic.


Hanzo's eyes flashed fiercely, and the sickle in his hand slammed into the ground, forcibly stopping his body.

"Cough cough..."

The ground was plowed into two long ravines by his feet, and there were residual arcs flickering on Hanzo's body, and he couldn't help coughing.


The other four Yun Ren also began to fight for their lives, turning into thunderbolts and rushing towards Hanzo. At this time, their fists and feet covered with the armor of thunder escape were the strongest killing move.

"Hmph, don't be too presumptuous!"

The hand holding the scythe suddenly exerted force, Hanzo's eyes narrowed, and a terrifying killing intent converged on him, and it seemed that even the air condensed.

"Swordsmanship · Flash!"

As if an incandescent beam of light in the dark night crossed, Hanzo's sickle slashed through the space, and the whole person passed by the four Yun Ren in an instant!



The four Yun Ren just felt cold, and they were already cut off by the sword light.

Blood spilled out of his body, and the four Yun Ren looked at each other in horror. They didn't even see Hanzo's attack clearly!

The invincible sword skills reappeared. Danzo, who was far away, stared at the fleeting blade of light in horror. He couldn't help grasping the long sword at his waist, and even the eye under the blindfold turned scarlet. .

Is this the difference in strength between the powerhouse beyond the shadow level and the elite Jonin!

If it wasn't for these Yunren's full-strength use of the Thunder Armor, Hanzo's blow might be enough to instantly kill them!


The sharp blade light and the fiery thunder burst into clusters of dazzling sparks, and Hanzo Zouji fought against Dazra, and the two sides fought dozens of times in just a few seconds.

"Lord Dazra, let's help you!"

The four Yun Ren knew that they had no way out at all, and also spared no effort to assist Dazla, and the six fought fiercely in the poisonous fog.


The poisonous fog gradually faded, Dazra's eyes were splitting, but Hanzo's eyes were full of indifference.

"Damn! Lan Dun · Jingzhe Gun!"

The thunder surged, and Dazra stabbed Hanzo with his two-fingered spear. The thunder roared between him and turned into a rainbow light to blast Hanzo away.


Hanzo snorted coldly, pressing the scythe with both hands against the rainbow light.

The impact of the electric current split a little on his blade, turning into a swirling spot of light, and he was finally cut open by him.

"how so?!"

Hanzo stood coldly and coldly, while the four Yuren in front of him were panting, and the armor of the Thunder Escape was also flickering.

Dazra's face was extremely gloomy, he never expected Hanzo to be so powerful. Even his most admired Lord Ai is comparable in strength, right?!

I may be able to continue but the remaining four subordinates are definitely approaching their limit.

These subordinates, including those who were poisoned, are the elites of the village!

And once the four of them are also defeated, Dazla thinks that he may not be the opponent of this Hanzo!


The loess in the distance shouted at him, his face also full of anxiety.

In order to buy them time, Yunnin and Iwanin in the periphery also attacked Rainin's formation regardless of casualties, hoping that they would be able to kill Hanzo by surprise.

However, things backfired.

"Quickly withdraw, the troops suffered a lot of casualties, let's go back and have a long-term plan!"

Looking at the loess of the previous battle, Hanzo's strength and strategies against him and the Kingdom of Rain should all be reconsidered.

As for this battle, there could be no better ending.

"Don't linger, let's go!"

Hunter also shouted while fighting in the distance, it's been so long, they really won't be able to leave if they don't withdraw!

"Don't hesitate, Konoha Ninja is nearby!"


Dazra only felt angry, and after being urged by Iwanin, he didn't want to retreat like this.

He still couldn't accept the fact that he couldn't defeat Hanzo. From Shou and Huang Tu's eyes, he seemed to see deep disdain and ridicule!

"Damn Hanzo, **** Iwanin!"

Dazla roared up to the sky, and the thunder on his body became more and more violent.


A thunder light suddenly fell on Dazra from the rain curtain. He shuddered and stared at Hanzo. His body and muscles actually swelled up a little bit!

"Whoa! It's impossible for me to be defeated by a **** like you!"

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