Darkness, pain, sadness, hatred, confusion...

Nagato had a long nightmare. In the dream, there seemed to be something gloomy and cold wrapping his body. A dark force was swimming in his body. The cold ice caused burning pain, and he couldn't wake up. .

"So sad......"

The burning pain gathered in his eyes, and Nagato struggled hard, trying to get rid of this torture.

Faintly, he seemed to see two people wearing cloaks looking down at him indifferently in the rain, a man in white clothes and black hair standing arrogantly, with a pair of strange eyes, and then there was boundless silence...


Finally, Nagato woke up groggy.

The memory in my mind was as if it was crushed by a shredder, and then smashed into a ball with paste, and my vision was blurred.

However, before he could figure out what happened, a cold hand tightly covered his mouth.


Nagato widened his eyes in panic, before he could recall the vague memory before, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

"Really, only this kind of thing can be eaten. Are all the people here dead?"

"Perhaps, there is a battlefield nearby. The original people have already moved away, right?"

In the darkness, Nagato's parents covered his mouth, and the three of them hid in a dark corner and shivered.

Two people dressed as ninjas rummaged through their house, seemingly looking for food.

"It's a ninja! This is a ninja who invaded our country!"

Nagato was terrified. The tragic war made ordinary people talk about "forbearance" for a long time, and the ninjas in their images were equivalent to executioners.

"I haven't eaten for four days!"

"No, it's only three days!"

"It doesn't matter, eat first, then you're going to starve to death!"

"After eating, go to other places to search, maybe you can find something."

The two ninjas did not find the three people in the corner, and devoured them around a pot of porridge.

"Escape now!"

"What if you are discovered, it's terrible..."

"It's okay, don't make a sound."

Nagato's three parents looked at the three ninjas in horror, and walked quietly towards the door with their bodies bowed.

The three were cautious, but an accident happened. Nagato accidentally broke a clay pot!



The devoured ninja was taken aback, and Kunai instantly appeared in his hand.

Nagato's father's heart had sunk to the bottom of the valley. At the critical moment, he shouted and rushed towards a ninja, holding down the other's hand holding Kunai, and shouting at the same time, "Run now!"

"Damn, it's the enemy!"

The ninja also seemed to be frightened. In the dim room, he couldn't see the person in front of him.

"Come on Nagato!"

Nagato's mother couldn't care about his father's ending anymore, she was about to rush out after pulling Nagato, another ninja had already reacted and stabbed them fiercely!


At the juncture of life and death, Nagato's mother blocked the ninja's blow with her body.

"Nagato...run away..."

Nagato's mother fell weakly, while Nagato was already dumbfounded, watching the scene in front of him in disbelief.

"There's no reason for this!"

Nagato's father was devastated and wanted to fight the ninja, but he was the ninja's opponent, and he was soon killed.


The stiff corpse fell on the floor and cooled quickly, Nagato fell down against the cabinet, his long hair covered his face, and he couldn't see his expression at the moment.

"Hey, why is it a child?"

The two ninjas looked at the huddled Nagato in surprise, and a bad idea came to their minds.

"Oops, they don't seem to be enemies..."

"It's an oolong now. I didn't expect that there would be civilians on the battlefield..."

The two ninjas looked apologetically at Nagato, who was crying silently, looked at each other, and approached him silently.

Dead, they are all dead!

It was you who killed my parents!

Why are you doing this?!

The unforgettable grief gradually turned into deep hatred, and this hatred turned into nourishment and injected into his eyes!

Nagato's heart has undergone earth-shaking changes, like a silent volcano, an amazing force awakened, brewed in his body, and finally exploded!!

"My little one, I'm sorry, we..."

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--!!"

The astonishing repulsive force exploded centered on Nagato's young body. The two ninjas just wanted to approach him to comfort him. Under this terrible force, they were hit hard and their bodies trembled like chaff!

"Uh ah...!"

An invisible force blew open the hair in front of Nagato's forehead, and the mysterious double reincarnation eyes reappeared.


The two ninjas died instantly and fell down slumped.

Nagato was also exhausted, and the whole person fell into a coma again, and the five of them lay neatly together...

"Jie Jie Jie, what an amazing kid, he can use the pupil power of Samsara Eye so quickly."

A dark shadow faintly emerged from the shadows, but it was like a yin and yang.

"Speaking of which, what have you done to him, Madara-sama wouldn't have thought that he could use this ability so quickly, it's really scary!"

"Shut up, you idiot!"

"Hmph, be careful I'm making a snitch to Madam-sama!"

"As you please."

Bai Jue and Hei Jueyan were chattering like they were talking. Hei Jue looked at Nagato who was in a coma, and a surprise appeared in his deep eyes.

"Great, my efforts seem worth it, this little devil's vitality is as strong as a cockroach!"


"What's wrong with me......"

After a long time, Nagato woke up, and the scene in front of him made him fall into a long silence.

"So it wasn't a dream..."

Nagato clenched his fists tightly, his nails sinking into his flesh.

On this day, he deeply remembered the Konoha forehead guards on their heads.

In the same way, he also knew that he possessed this incredible power, and the unarmed power was enough to kill ninjas.

Nagato stared at his own eyes in the water, that circle after circle of purple patterns like annual rings.

He no longer cares how he awakened this power, he just wants to leave this desperate place immediately.

"Goodbye, Mom and Dad..."

In the heavy rain, Nagato said his last goodbyes at his parents' graves.

In the chaos of the war, he didn't know if this place could be preserved.

"This is the last..."

Nagato, wearing a raincoat, trudged aimlessly in the wilderness alone.

He had the last bit of bread in his hand. There was no food left in his house, so they went out to try their luck before...


Two days later, Nagato fell into the muddy sewage. He hadn't eaten for so long that his body couldn't keep up.

A stray puppy licked his cheek, and Nagato stood up forcibly.

"Even if you follow me, it's useless, because I have nothing to eat..."

Hunger is like a **** of death approaching him step by step. In order to survive, Nagato has to do some things that he is not good at.

"Excuse me, can you give me something to eat, I haven't eaten for a long time..."

Nagato knocked on the door of a resident~www.readwn.com~ and forced a bitter smile on his face.

"I'm sorry, there's nothing I can give you, it's good to take care of yourself in this world..."

The door was half-closed, and an old man looked at him vigilantly, then closed the door again.


Nagato left blankly, disappearing into the rain step by step...


He fell down again, and the puppy barked beside him.

This time, he didn't have the strength to get up.

"Huh... No way... Am I going to die here...?"

At this moment, Nagato's eyes were full of serenity, and his dead parents seemed to be waving at him.

All the suffering will come to an end, Nagato smiles like relief, he doesn't want to struggle anymore...


What a big piece of bread!

This should not be an illusion!

Nagato's eyes widened in disbelief, the strong stomach acid seemed to be digesting his stomach, and his instinct to survive forced him to wake up again!

The rain seemed to have stopped, Nagato raised his head, and what caught his eye was Xiao Nan's gentle smile.

At this moment, Xiao Nan, who was holding an umbrella for him, was like an angel.

"Can I eat it?"


Nagato sat up, the puppy wagging its tail desperately at him.

"Amazing bread, how could she afford such good food?"

Carefully divided the bread in half, and Nagato ate it with the stray dog.

"It's really fragrant...".

Nagato felt that his whole being was alive again.

He suddenly doesn't want to die so early now...

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