Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 542: , Palace of Mysteries

In the dark karst cave, water ripples appeared on one wall.

Kato Dan walked in cautiously, the red light in his eyes flickered and became more active.

Looking around, the rows of braziers hanging on the rock wall barely illuminated the space inside. It was a long tunnel.

The light of the fire flickered, the color was dim and desolate, and the shadow projected on the rock wall was windless and automatic, making people creepy.

Dan Kato walked blindly forward in this gray-white and eerie space, and his heart became more and more irritable, as if surrounded and watched by countless ghosts.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

The passage is tortuous, and I don't know how long it is. With his powerful mental power, a phantom sound appeared in his ears, as if it was chaotic mourning and crying, which made people upset!


Kato Duan let out a low roar, and a red glow from his body swayed through the space, and the phantom sound subsided.

The further you go, the colder it gets. The pale flames burning on the walls don't seem to have the slightest temperature.

Duan Kato couldn't help but check the fuel inside, but it was dark and viscous, like a nightmare substance!


Just when he was going crazy, a wave of fluctuations came from the passage.

Duan Kato felt dizzy in his mind, and when he reacted, he actually appeared in a huge cave space, with the entrance of the passage behind him.

There are more than a dozen on the rock walls of these passages, and they are obviously secret entrances arranged everywhere!

"Here... it's really unexpected..."

Shaking his head vigorously, Kato Dan looked around in horror.

The entire underground space is so vast that there is no end in sight.

In the distance, the ground cracked open, and the fiery magma burned and spewed out in the depths of the earth's core, like an abyss volcano, and the lava rolled like streams and waterfalls.

The high temperature barely dispelled the cold and stiffness of Kato's body, and there were many traces of artificial excavation around.

Many huge statues with a height of five or six meters are lined up, and they seem to be carved from some kind of ore.

However, I don't know how long it has been standing in such an environment. The statue is severely weathered, the whole body is dark, and the surface is pitted, showing a very ancient feeling.

"It's such a big hand. It seems that this place has existed for a long time... Could people at that time be able to build such a place? But how long ago was it..."

Duan Kato only felt that the evil gods he had not seen were deepening and unfathomable. He touched the statue, and the place where he started was as cold as cold iron. If he looked closely, they all had horns, were dressed in hideous armor, and were holding various exotic weapons. the weirdo.

That shape... It seems to be a bit similar to the way the messenger possessed a corpse and used his power, the one covered with skull tattoos?

Looking around, the two rows of statues are like guards, giving the illusion that they are all alive.

At the end of the road in the middle of the statue, there seems to be a huge... pond?


The statue touched by Kato suddenly trembled, and cracks appeared on the surface of the weathered rock!

Duan Kato was taken aback. Just as he backed away, the two statues at the front exploded, and two tall monsters emerged from them, with their heads raised and shrill roars!

"What kind of monster is this?!"

Duan Kato was terrified. This scene was beyond his understanding. The monster sealed in the statue was neither a ninja nor a psychic beast.

The two monsters were three meters high, and they seemed to have been sealed for too long. While shaking off the stone chips from their bodies, they looked around.

When they saw the "thin" Kato Dan in front of him, the two monsters roared, as if they had discovered an intruder, and rushed towards him with their heads buried in it!

"What's going on? The messenger-sama?!"

Kato Duan was shocked and shouted hurriedly.

"Jie Jie Jie, don't worry, boy, these are actually the messengers of the Heretic God, but they have been sealed here for too long, and they need to adapt and move."

A hidden voice sounded in Duan Kato's mind, but the messenger did not appear directly.


The gravel splashed, and the huge fist smashed the ground into a huge pit!

Duan Kato hid in a very embarrassed way, cursing loudly in his heart!

"Hurry up and stop them, aren't these evil god's subordinates?!"

"Hey kid, they're just responsible for guarding that altar, they'll stop as long as you stay away."

Kato Duan cursed inwardly, and immediately retreated a further distance. As expected, the two monsters roared and stopped reluctantly.

Thankfully, only the two monster statues standing at the front woke up, the other statues seemed to be just dead...

Ruan Kato looked at two monsters, one of them was an extremely burly giant, his arms were thicker than his waist, and his legs were short and ugly.

It is worth mentioning that this monster has only one eye in the middle of the face.

There is another monster that is even more infiltrating, with a head like a lizard, a pair of eyes emitting a bright yellow light, slender horns on the top of the head, and countless sharp bristles on the back.

Her skin is covered with blue-black scales, her limbs are slender, her nails are sharp, and she even has a tail.

"Boy... how... how did you get in here?"

"Who... brought you here?"

What surprised Kato even more was that these two monsters actually spoke!

The Cyclops monster hummed, and the lizard-like monster was the voice of an old woman.

The messenger said that they were also messengers, were they ordered by the evil **** to be stationed here?

Kato couldn't help but think that this is just a stronghold. How many "Messengers" are there under the evil god? the purpose of the messenger in my body really just to teach me ninjutsu and monitor my every move?


A mass of red energy emerged from behind Kato Dan, wriggling in the air and turning into a grimace, the messenger finally showed his identity.

"Hehehe, you two, don't be impatient, he's here to meet the Heretic God."

The messenger in Kato's body explained Humph, so it is, but you **** disturbing our sleep, **** it!"

The Cyclops looked down at Dan Kato, his eyes full of ridicule, contempt, and even a trace of pity.


Dan Kato felt that the energy in his body was directly out of the body, and he opened and closed his mouth with the two guarded messengers, not knowing what they were talking about.

"Wait here."

The messenger who revealed his body turned into a red glow and flew towards the altar in the distance. This time, no one stopped him. Kato Duan tried it out and followed.

Duan Kato can be considered a battle-hardened man, but the two monsters in front of him don't seem to be ninjas, and he can't see through their strength at all.

However, Kato Duan guessed that these two monsters might be stronger than him, and they may have the fighting power of Quankage - this is the perception and warning given to Duan Kato by the high spiritual power!


The messenger flew to the top of the pool-like altar, and the red awns twisted and reluctantly transformed into a human form.

He flew around above, murmured syllables he had never heard before, and the altar quickly shook, like blood filled the pool with liquid, and countless bubbles emerged from the ground!

"This is--"

The two monster guards bowed their heads and kneeled respectfully towards the altar.

Kato Dan looked in surprise.

In the middle of nowhere, a huge dark, rotten, and desperate aura seemed to emerge little by little from the void!


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