Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 472: , the ability to speculate

"You actually...can neutralize Po's power!"

Jun Suo was stunned to see the blood flames that had been crushed into bits and pieces.

"I didn't expect to encounter the existence of cultivating natural power in this era. Who are you?!"

Suzuo and Jun Suo could see clearly that the blood flame in Ye Long's hand was not extinguished because the energy was exhausted, but was forcibly offset and neutralized by Ye Long's power!

If it is the Chakra of the ninja, the blood flame can corrode the opponent's power, but the two will not have such an obvious conflict.

The real essence flickering in Ye Long's hands made them feel extremely familiar and surprised. The people in front of them were astonishingly like them, possessing natural energy!

But Ye Long made them feel threatened.

As the messengers of the evil gods, their abilities come from the evil gods.

This kind of gift gives them the ability to freely absorb natural power and turn natural energy into some kind of power of the evil god. The body will automatically refine it, which is extremely powerful.

However, the so-called gift of the evil **** is also a curse!

They can't really use natural power freely, but through this fixed transformation, they produce a single kind of ability.

The power given in this way came easily, but while being powerful and strange, it limited their other possibilities.

Their fighting methods have become very single, and they can no longer rely on natural power to perform other moves similar to immortality.

While the evil **** made their messengers instantly powerful, it also restricted their future possibilities.

But Yelong is different.

Ye Long can unleash his power naturally, and his True Essence is obviously cultivated by him through the refining of natural power.

Today, everyone who can truly grasp the power of nature has an ancient and powerful inheritance, and the future is limitless!

"It seems that the so-called Heretic God is also an existence that uses natural energy to cultivate, but his ability should be completely different from mine and that of the Three Holy Lands."

While the messengers were amazed that Ye Long could master the power of nature, Ye Long also had a certain understanding of the power of the messengers and the mysterious evil **** behind them!

Jun Su's four attribute attacks of thunder, wind, water and fire, Po's blood flame, and Su's ability to absorb damage and transform it into some kind of attack burst... These people can only use fixed moves !

It's like he who cultivates True Essence, but can only use the technique of Baiji or Inorganic Reincarnation, a kind of immortal technique, which is powerful and single.

Including Feiduan in memory, apart from his spell, Death by Blood, there really seems to be no other tricks. Immortality should be his characteristic as a messenger of the evil god.

And what gave them this characteristic should be the power of the evil god.

As for the power of the evil god, it is undoubtedly a spell that favors curses.

The White Snake Immortal told him back then that a long, long time ago, this was a world for cultivating immortal arts. Similar to the snakes, slugs and toads in the Three Holy Lands, all of them would refine natural power into their own true essence.

This kind of real energy is the real magic energy. The so-called "immortal mode" of immortality is just a simple blend of the unprocessed natural energy and chakra that exist in the world, and only has a part of the real magic energy. feature only. (Enhance physical fitness, perception ability, etc.)

In the words of the White Snake Immortal, it is a "vulgar" move!

The energy of immortality, that is, the unique characteristic of true essence, mainly depends on the cultivator's own bloodline and the way of cultivating immortality, which is the legendary "gong method".

Taking his own bloodline of the Orochi White-Scaled as an example, the true essence he cultivated has the characteristics of strengthening his spiritual power, because the bloodline ability of Orochio White-Scaled is a soul splitting technique that involves the spiritual and soul level!

This is a special "nature". As for the blood phagocytosis ability that benefited Ye Long in the early stage, it is not the unique ability of the white-scaled snake.

By consuming the flesh and blood of the other party to absorb power and produce some kind of "evolution", this is the innate ability that many existences in the past and present have.

This ability is indeed a magical skill when it is weak, but it is not uncommon. Even in today's ninja era, it is also possible to use cell transplantation, Guijara's technique, etc. to obtain the blood limit to achieve the same or similar purpose.

The curse ability of the evil **** is absolutely the same as the splitting of the soul of the white-scaled serpent. It is a powerful and strange ability.

From this, we can also know that the evil **** itself must belong to the prehistoric era when Zengjin was prevalent!

"Destroy our plan and take your own life to pay for it!"

Sasuke and Junsu looked at each other, and also saw the solemnity in each other's eyes.

Ye Long's identity is definitely no trivial matter, but if he can be taken down and handed over to Lord Heretic God, or he can make up for the failure of the mission!

"watch out!"

Jun Susu raised his hand high, and a group of flames and thunderbolts were formed out of thin air, turning into four types of attacks that attacked Yelong overwhelmingly, and Suzui also rushed towards Yelong.

"Xianfa · Baiji technique!"

Now that the other party has discovered that he has cultivated true essence, Ye Long does not need to cover up, and directly uses pure fairy magic.


A white dragon holding an orb shot out and exploded with a bang. Huge and noisy sound waves and dazzling light instantly enveloped a huge area, and all three of them were affected by this attack.


Jun Suo was caught off guard, hugged her head and let out a scream, her body trembled involuntarily, she had no time to think, and the attack condensed by natural energy suddenly dissipated violently.

Suzuo's offensive was also restrained abruptly, but a strange shimmer appeared on his body, like a smooth mirror wall, resisting the invasion of sound and light.

Obviously, the technique of Baiji couldn't break through the "mirror wall" of Suzuo. Instead, the natural power that restored a trace of it was absorbed by his body.

"Sure enough, it's a real magic!"

Kato Duan let out a low roar again. He was far away, and a layer of scarlet blood flames covered his body for defense. The White Shock Technique did not affect him.

The so-called pure immortal art of Po-Yu is a move that completely uses the real energy to stimulate, and has greater power. As for the "impure" magic, it is naturally mixed with Chakra's magic.

"Bone Vein·Ten-Finger Piercing Bullets!"

Taking advantage of Suzuo and Junsu unable to move, Ye Long launched the fastest The pale phalanx shot out, hitting both of them at the same time.


Jun Suo, who was unable to control her body, was hit by three phalanges at the same time. Her ** is not strong, and her neck, chest and shoulders were directly penetrated, leaving shocking blood holes!

"Ah! Asshole!"

Jun Suo screamed and fell to the ground, but still yelled. She quickly struggled to stand up again, ignoring the injuries that would be fatal to ordinary people.

"Is it immortal?"

Ye Long's eyes froze, just as he guessed, ordinary attacks cannot destroy the Evil God messenger.


With a furious roar, Sao continued to pounce on Ye Long. He was hit by seven phalanges at the same time, and the surface of his body shone with a khaki light. Ten-finger piercing was still not enough to break through his defense.

Among the three, Po's blood flame ability can be said to be the most bizarre and powerful. Ordinary people will die if they touch it, and its power is comparable to that of Amaterasu.

Jun Suo's four-attribute ability is the most destructive, and the four-attribute fusion explodes, and its power far exceeds that of ordinary blood.

Suzuo's ability is biased towards defense, which complements his powerful body.

Moreover, once his "mirror wall" absorbs enough damage, the stun attack that erupts can easily make the person facing it for the first time.

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