Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 592: , Xiaochun and Menyan's thoughts

"Have you met?"

"As expected, Nagato, Jiraiya also chose to stay and teach them..."

"Huh? What! Orochimaru wants Tsunade to awaken Mu Dunxueji?!"

In the Land of Rain, Ye Long, who was still leading the elders and the few remaining troops of Sannin, looked at a white snake spitting out a snake letter in his hand, and the corners of his eyes couldn't help but pick.

"It seems that you still take good care of Tsunade, Orochimaru!"

The white snake burrowed into the cuff and disappeared, Ye Long closed his eyes, leaned on the seat and fell into thought.

The relationship between the original time and space and the three ninjas has always been complicated.

They are comrades-in-arms fighting side by side, but Orochimaru is in irreconcilable opposition to Tsunade and Jiraiya because of the complete ideological opposition.

Ideological contradictions are the most difficult to reconcile. They are wary of each other, confront each other, draw swords against each other, but they are disconnected, stay in the line of work, only fight for victory and defeat, regardless of life and death. This is fetters.

But because of the changes brought by Ye Long, Orochimaru understood a lot of things and wanted to be stronger. With his powerful control, he often eliminates some contradictions directly, and the relationship between the three forbearances is also more harmonious.

The persistent and emotional Orochimaru obviously does not intend to easily destroy the relationship between the three.

Helping Tsunade to awaken Mu Dun can be seen as recognition of Tsunade's partner, and it may also be a kind of compensation, but Orochimaru himself will only think that this is just a means and investment for him to usurp the Qianshou family... ...

"Awakening is awakening. There is a group hiding in front of him. Now Konoha is not so taboo about Mudun's research."

"Lord Yelong!"

Just when Ye Long closed his eyes and rested, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Ye Long's expression turned cold and suddenly stood up.

The visitor was a ninja who had taken refuge in the elders, and he set foot on the battlefield of the Land of Rain with him. It can be regarded as the one sent by Koharu and Mito Gate to monitor him and convey the news.

"Lord Yelong, there is news from Lord Danzo that Lord Hokage has signed the armistice agreement and the peace agreement in the Land of Rain.

On another day, Danzo-sama will lead all Konoha to meet Hanzo and the remaining ninjas in the Land of Rain, and then he will lead all Konoha ninjas to withdraw from the Land of Rain. "

The elders sent a middle-aged Joinin, with a shaggy beard, wearing loose robes, and a short samurai sword behind his back.

"Lord Yelong, Lord Danzo means that we will lead our troops to join their main force today, and then you will be able to complete the covenant with the Land of Rain on behalf of the elders and win a lot of prestige... What do you think?"

This middle-aged ninja looked like he nodded and bowed. It stands to reason that he represented Koharu and Mito Menyan, so there was no need to be so polite to Ye Long.

So the only reason is that this ninja was completely controlled by Ye Long.

The difference in strength between the two sides is too large, and the ninja with the strength of Shangnin has no ability to resist in front of Ye Long's illusion.

This is also the biggest short leg of the elders group. There is so much momentum, there is no strong enough subordinates, there is no available person who can get on the table, and even to the state where it is necessary to take the risk of recruiting grass-man masters to fill the front.

Now, Ye Long, as their "number one thug", or even the actual number three or four, naturally does whatever he wants outside the village.

I believe it is impossible for the two shrewd guys to not know this, but the two sides said that it was originally a cooperative relationship, and the two never trusted Ye Long.

As long as he can complete the task of two people, participate in the war for the elders, and obtain merits, the other small things will not be ripped off.

"Hehe, what is there to say, get ready to go immediately."

Ye Long grinned, "Danzo, Danzo, I didn't expect us to meet again. I don't know how you would look in my current capacity?"

"Lord Yelong, those two also hope that you can try to provoke Hanzo in the alliance and strengthen our elders?" The ninja hesitated a little this time, and said cautiously.

"Huh? They still have such ridiculous thoughts? Humph! Two uneasy and kind guys."

Ye Long snorted coldly, thinking that Xiaochun and Men Yan still hold grudges very much. It is estimated that it was because of the last time he had a big fight in the elders, and the two wanted to find a chance to cheat him.

According to their guess, Ye Long was young and vigorous, and he was a blockbuster, and he held a high position for a short time.

In addition, I have never played against Hanzo, so I don't know how powerful it is. I must have a little arrogance in the face of the demigods of the ninja world.

If it's just a few presumptuous words in language, and there is Tuanzo standing by the side, and Hanzo should also take care of the overall situation, maybe he will really endure it and just write it down in his heart.

Then the two of them in the village of Konoha can hype how the elders are doing in this war, how the commander Ye Long "suppresses" the demigods, "subjugates the soldiers without fighting", and how the merits and demerits "wooden" "Ye Sanren" and so on... a wave of crazy blows, creating public opinion, deceiving ordinary ninjas and the general public.

Of course, this is the best case, and it all depends on the operation of these two guys.

It's just that in Ye Long's eyes, they were like two clowns, and he hated the two old guys even more in his heart.

"Okay, I understand, I have my own plans for this matter." Ye Long waved his hand and sent the ninja away impatiently.

"Hi! Lord Yelong must be careful, Hanzo's strength should not be underestimated."

The ninja of the elders hunched out of the room, looking like they were thinking of Ye Long, which shows how deeply they were controlled by Ye Long.

"My strength is not enough, I don't dare to go to the battlefield, I hide in Konoha's lair and tremble, but I am narrow-minded and like to point fingers!

With these two guys and Danzo there, it's no wonder that Konoha will be able to keep talented people when they come out in large numbers. "

Ye Long shook his head, "But what does this have to do with me? I wasn't loyal to Konoha in the first place."

"Everyone packs up the harvest and sets off immediately, all give me a little quickness!"

Dian Zhong, the ninja of the elder group outside, was already giving orders.

Don't look at him bowing his eyebrows in front of Ye In front of ordinary ninjas, especially in front of the ninjas left behind by the three of them, he is arrogant, putting on the air of elders ninjas.

"Cut! The deacon elder of that elder group is really not a thing, he has so many merits and a defiant look, and he still has to command us.

Obviously, the elders set foot on the battlefield when the war was about to end, but they had to pick peaches at the end and forcibly win the battle. We have been fighting hard with the three adults of Orochimaru for several years, and I really feel unfair for the three adults!"

The ninjas brought by Ye Long naturally obeyed the orders, but the old part of Sannin secretly cursed.

Ye Long walked out of the command room and watched this scene lightly. Naturally, the words of those ninjas could not escape his perception, but Ye Long didn't care.

Before, he told Jiraiya and Tsunade that he did not know about the decision of the elders beforehand, and it was indeed true.

But in fact, even if the elders did not let him continue to stay in the country of rain, he would find an excuse to stay here for a while and try to participate in the final alliance ceremony.

Because once he confirms that Nagato is still the Nagato who obtained the Eye of Samsara, he will be taught by Jiraiya in the future to establish the Akatsuki organization under the control of darkness and darkness, and develop step by step in the country of rain according to his script. Ye Long knew that his plan could continue.

"The title of Konoha Sannin, no matter how it sounds, sounds like a gift to the lower-ranking people. I don't think Orochimaru will like it either."

Ye Long looked at the gradually busy camp, thinking about the upcoming alliance, turned and left.

"Hanzo, the next battle is ours!"

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