Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 628: , Evil God!

Sacrifice one's own sacrifice, whether it is soul or flesh and blood, turn it into one's nourishment, and use this method to quickly become stronger.

Moreover, this old ghost's ability to bewitched is very strong, and he has a bunch of brainwashed supporters.

The Heretic God lived for a long time before Lord Bai Hao was born, and he has always been the cancer of the whole world, and everyone gets it and kills it. "

"Uh, that's it." Ye Long was stunned. He didn't expect that the Heretic God Cult would still have such a big background, and he still underestimated this Heretic God.

By sacrificing other people's lives to continue to live... This guy, I don't know how long he has lived, this is the real Lao Yinbi, see you in the ninja world!

"The Heretic God agrees with Bai Hao's ancestor's idea very much. With his vision, he also knows the drawbacks of relying on natural power. At their level, breakthrough in strength is more important than anything else, and he also wants to become that detached person."

Immortal White Snake said coldly, "This guy is very cunning, he did not cooperate with the ancestor Bai Hao, but took advantage of the world's siege and suppression of Lord Bai Hao. During the fierce battle, the evil **** completely let go of his hands and feet and hunted all ethnic groups wantonly. members, sacrifice them to make themselves stronger quickly.

He admired Lord Bai Hao's soul-splitting technique, but he found a new way and created a fusion method called [nuclear].

Each [nucleus] is an independent existence from the body of the evil god. The evil **** injects the bloodline power of each sacrificial race into a corresponding [nucleus], ​​and then also splits a few souls into it to form his own brand. . "

"You mean, [nuclear]?"

Ye Long recalled the scene of Zeng Jin fighting the evil **** messenger.

The power of the other party is very special, and they don't want to be cultivated normally. The three people have their own special power, and they claim to be given to them by the evil god.

Po-yin is the flame of blood that can burn everything and sacrifice life.

A mirror wall that can resist all attacks.

Jun Suo's four-attribute fusion attack of wind, fire, thunder and lightning.

Every ability is particularly powerful, even Jun Suo's four-attribute attack seems simple and ordinary, but the attack after the fusion of the four energies has a certain characteristic, it seems that even the immortal method has reached the realm of the heart of the sky. cannot be absorbed directly.

But Ye Long had captured the two of them at the beginning, and he didn't find the [nucleus] in their bodies?

Moreover, those two people seem to have "self-destructed" directly. I don't know if it is the means of the evil god. If the evil **** really gave them [nuclear], is it just destroyed like this?

And how could the [nucleus] belonging to the evil **** be in the hands of his messenger?

"The path of the Heretic God is very similar to that of the ancestor Bai Hao, but it is not exactly the same. He still concentrates most of his power in his body, and all the energy of sacrifices is gathered into his body, and his power is amazing."

Immortal White Snake said, "The so-called [nucleus] is actually a power imprinted in the soul, because it has the imprint of the evil god's soul in it, and it is driven by him.

The evil **** injected the [nuclear] into the souls of his most powerful and potential subordinates, making his subordinates the containers and sacrifices of the [nuclear].

The stronger his subordinates are, the more power the [Nuclear] absorbs. In the end, the evil **** will sacrifice these sacrifices to become his own power, and the [Nuclear] will also be recovered by him. "

"As expected of an evil god, he is indeed evil!"

Ye Long sneered, "It's not uncommon to kill your opponents and enemies in order to achieve your goals, and even sacrifice your own subordinates... It's really cold-blooded!"

"Could it be that Ancestor Bai Hao and the others wouldn't find a way to catch those messengers and destroy the [nucleus] in their bodies?" Ye Long couldn't help asking.


"Sir Bai Hao must have thought about this method before."

The White Snake Immortal sighed, "Sacrificing directly is definitely easier than cultivating a soul clone. [Core] can be repeatedly implanted in other people's souls and sacrificed, making that ability constantly stronger.

However, after being blocked by Lord Bai Hao, the Heretic God also came up with a way to deal with it. He would extract some of the souls of his sacrificial subordinates to create a soul orb, and then inject the [nucleus] into the soul orb.

In this way, the soul orb is in the hands of the evil god, and those messengers will only possess a part of the power of [nuclear].

But in the same way, even if his subordinates are killed, [Nuclear] will not be threatened, but the speed of gathering power will be slower. "

"Is that so..."

After listening to Immortal White Snake's description, Ye Long basically affirmed that Jun Suo and others he met that day were messengers with the power of [Nuclear], but that was not all of [Nuclear]'s power.

"But why are you looking for that guy, Kato? What role is he playing?"

Ye Long thought about it and didn't care.

"It may be that there have been some changes over the years, but Dan Kato probably exists as a sacrifice."

However, Ye Long and even the White Snake Immortal could never have imagined the huge change of Kato Duan. The abilities of the three [nuclei] originally given to Jun Suo had been mastered by Kato Duan.

It's just, maybe it was originally part of a plan of the evil god...

"Jie Jie Jie, it is worth mentioning that, in order to surpass Lord Bai Hao and press him on the head, there are a total of nine [nucleus] of the evil god!

Although a [nucleus] is definitely not as good as a clone of Master Bai Hao who has cultivated to the extreme, the power of the Heretic God's body has reached an astonishingly powerful After integrating the nine abilities of nine [nuclei], There is indeed a chance to detach and compete with Lord Bai Hao in strength!"

"The most hateful thing is that one of these nine [nuclei] has the ability, but it was forged with the blood of our white-scaled snake family!" The White Snake Immortal said angrily.

"It turned out to be... like this!"

The Heretic God started frantically when Bai Hao was attracting firepower to him. As long as he had enough bloodlines to sacrifice, he would be able to condense a [nucleus], ​​and the strongest white-scaled snake clan naturally became his target.

"Then... what's the ability of that [nuclear]?" Ye Long asked mysteriously.


The White Snake Immortal smiled, her bright yellow eyes stared at Ye Long, and after a long time, she only taught Ye Long that her scalp was numb!

"The last ability that nucleus has is pure devouring!

Devouring the bloodline, power, and even soul power of the enemy through killing is definitely the most powerful ability among the nine [nuclei]!"

Immortal White Snake smiled grimly, "The evil **** didn't know how many bloodlines of our clan were killed at the time, "devour" is just a simple ability, and does not include our clan's soul secret technique.

However, the devouring power of this [nucleus] even exceeds our own, which is simply another sacrifice.

At the same time, the subordinates of the evil **** who were transplanted with this [nuclear] grew very quickly, and they were the fastest existences to provide the evil **** with power. ".

"It's also the fastest to die!"

The White Snake Immortal looked at the leaf dragon with a smile, causing the latter to fall into an ice cellar!

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