Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 561: , Miko God Moon

In the shrine of the witch, the most splendid and noblely decorated hall, a dignified woman sat on the bed table behind the curtain, and there was a little girl carved in pink and jade beside her.

"Mom, mom, why have you been so restless recently, is there a new prophecy?"

The little girl has long reddish-brown hair, and at first glance she looks like a beautiful embryo, with a small and exquisite bell pinned to her chest.

"Maitreya, stop making trouble..."

The dignified woman stroked the little girl's head, the magnificent purple pattern in her eyes dissipated, but she sighed, leaving a drop of sweat on her forehead.

"Mom, did you predict anything interesting this time?" The little girl was still waving the woman's hand with great interest, with a carefree look.

She is the successor of the witch, and she spends almost all day in this ancestral hall, learning some spells and spells that even she doesn't know what it does. According to others, this seems to be his mission.

The people outside and the guards respected her very much, but they also seemed a little afraid and would not communicate with her easily. Over time, her mother became the only person she relied on and admired.

Although the days are a bit boring, but under the careful care of the woman, the little girl still lives freely and has no worries at all.

It's just these few days, my mother seems to have been stuck, seems to have encountered a problem, although she usually still smiles at her, sometimes she is still stuck, her eyes are empty, as if she is thinking about a difficult problem.

"Maitreya, stay here obediently, don't go out, wait for mom to come back."

In a soft and unrelenting tone, the shrine maiden put down Maitreya and stood up leisurely.

The closed curtain formed a faint spiritual barrier, and the witch ignored her daughter's cry and walked out of the room, looking at the sky outside.

The blue sky was as clear as blue, but it had a faint purple meaning, which made the witch's expression even more serious.

"Damn, what should I do, why is there such a ridiculous premonition?!"

After leaving her daughter, the witch's face became more and more complicated, things were tangled, confused, and sometimes excited and hesitant.

"Damn it! Why do I have the feeling that I have a premonition of an unavoidable crisis, and even the source of the crisis cannot be determined?"

In just a few minutes, the sweat on the witch's forehead became more and more, and the purple meaning in her eyes became more and more intense. The brows even became hideous, and the surface of the body shone with a faint golden light. The samurai was horrified, and could not help but fell to the ground one after another.


"There is such an unprecedented situation... What kind of power is this..." The Miko didn't care about the guards and whispered while covering her head.

"Hey, the one here suddenly burst out with his own breath, and seems to have locked me?"

Ye Long was just like entering the Yin-Yang ancestral hall, and He Beiliuhu swaggered into the shrine maiden from the front of the guard.

At this moment, under the powerful perception of cultivating immortality and his own spiritual power, Ye Long found that he seemed to be swept away by an illusory, mysterious and mysterious power, and he had a strange feeling.

It seems that he was detected by a strange detection method. Although he subconsciously resisted, the energy of the strange art did not seem to intersect with his power, and it was passed to his body like this. is an illusion.

Of course, Ye Long knew that this could never be an illusion, especially since he had just entered the shrine of the shrine maiden and tried to probe the so-called shrine maiden!

Could it have been discovered by a contemporary shrine maiden? !

Ye Long couldn't help but be stunned, although the witch felt to him like a container of power in her body, some kind of "reincarnated body" with the same origin as the sprite, and the power it usually exerts is limited.

However, the witch's ability may be limited, but perhaps she was aware of the "power" in her body?

"It's just the two of them, the sneaky ones, definitely not the ones we were here before."

"Who are you? What is your purpose here?"

"Put down your weapon and take off your hood! This is the order of the Miko-sama!"

Just as Ye Long felt something, a group of guards with a large number rushed out of some temples aggressively, and aggressively surrounded him and Bei Liuhu in the square.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing this scene, Ye Long was unmoved, while the ordinary people who came here to take refuge in the square seemed to be panicked, and even some people who were originally stunned, thought it was the undead army of sprites that came over, but they ran away.

"Miko-sama is here!"

In the distance, a dignified woman wearing a red dress and a white top hat came over under a group of fully armed guards, and everyone gave way.

"The Miko-sama has appeared!"

"Rescue the miserable Miko-sama!"

"Woooooo, bless us..."

"Miko-sama, save you..."

The witch stared straight at Ye Long. She didn't walk slowly, but she had an aura different from that of a strong female ninja, like a holy maiden who was holy and incorruptible.

Of course, her identity seems to be similar.

What Ye Long cares about is that everyone around her seems to respect her, that is a kind of admiration, worship, and even fanaticism from the heart.

What surprised Ye Long even more was that, as many people around her knelt down and praised her, some faint white lights rose from those people and then converged on the witch.

"This power... is it...?!"

Ye Long's eyes couldn't help being scarlet, and he still secretly used the power of a kaleidoscope!

In the kaleidoscope's field of vision, those faint spots of light still did not change much, and covered with these snowflakes, the witch's whole body was covered in a faint light, as if plated with a thin layer of gold, which was surprising.

And this kind of scene is probably only because Ye Long has a certain accomplishment in practicing immortality, and he can see it with strong mental power.

Even Beiliuhu, who was on the side, didn't notice anything except that the shrine maiden shone even more when surrounded by the crowd.

"This thing is very similar to the legendary power of faith, isn't it? Ghosts destroy the world and create disasters to "harvest" those negative powers. Shouldn't the purpose of the witch be to collect the blessings and power of prayers from the commoners?

So every time the sprite comes out to destroy the world, it is to collect power, and the witch seals the sprite, just to get everyone's worship, become his followers, and collect the brightest power to temper herself?

Ye Long was a little surprised but didn't show it. He was a little strange about the witch's purpose. Could it be the witch's own perception just now?

"Lord Yelong, we...?"

Seeing the cold and serious expression of the witch, Bei Liuhu felt that the visitor was not good, but he did not know and could not perceive the power of the witch. In his opinion, the other party was just a monk from a small country.

"Don't be impatient, this woman is not simple, you must not be careless."

With a faint smile on Ye Long's face, once the shrine maiden's true strength erupts, the world-destroying sprite can be killed directly. Although I don't know how strong it is, it must not be underestimated.

After all, this is an existence that survived from "that era" and was left behind under the curse of the evil god!

"I am the master here, the witch goddess Yue of the witch shrine."

The witch looked at Ye Long and Bei Liuhu indifferently, and her eyes quickly focused on Ye Long.

Just like Ye Long can perceive the power of the witch, although the power of the witch is not all she cultivated, she can also find Ye Long's unfathomable, if there is no danger.

"You shouldn't be here!"

After a long time, the scene was silent for a while, but the witch suddenly said such a sentence.

"Oh? Your Excellency Shenyue, although we came uninvited, we are just two ordinary people seeking asylum. Like many people in the square, why are they targeting us?"

Ye Long looked at this contemporary witch named Shenyue with interest.

He didn't know that there was Shenyue. In his memory, it should be a witch named Maitreya who sealed the sprite, and Maitreya was Shion's mother.

However, Maitreya seems to have sealed the sprite when Shion was a child, but the original time and space five generations of Hokage Tsunade said that it was a long time ago that the sphinx disrupted the ninja world and was subdued by the witch.

At this time, Naruto and Shion were about sixteen years old. If it was only ten years apart from the major disaster in the ninja world, Tsunade should still remember a lot, but it seems that it is not the same time, it will be even longer...

"Could it be that the cataclysm in the ninja world that Tsunade said was not the same time as Maitreya's seal of the sphinx, the sprite was sealed many times before and after, and it has been messed up many times in the past few decades, but only the one in Tsunade's memory. Especially important?"

Ye Long shook his head, perhaps because he changed some historical details after so many years, and many of the details were originally ambiguous, and now they can only be used as a reference after so many years.

"You shouldn't have come."

Shenyue's face was tensed all the time, staring at Ye Long, as if she was looking at a huge disaster, making Ye Long very uncomfortable, "You shouldn't belong here, your arrival has caused a crisis and triggered a huge disaster in advance. catastrophe!"


Ye Long was a little surprised. Could it be that there was no problem in his memory, it was really his own travel that stirred up the original history, and he couldn't hold back in advance, did he want to start a war?

But... so what does that matter?

My goal is your power after all!

"haha, really?"

Ye Long sneered, he suddenly didn't want to hide anything, because he suddenly understood something.

The reason why the shrine maiden will confirm him is probably that the pupil technique that can speak death is at fault, and she may play the role of igniting the wire and fueling the flames!

And the witch should have also seen her own death, perhaps because of her own reasons, it is unavoidable, so she is so anxious to find a way to solve it in advance?

Naturally, it is unavoidable, Ye Long is quite clear about his own strength, and the power of sprites is bound to be won!

As for the power of the witch... Ye Long is equally interested!

So this time, I will act as a "decent" in order to protect the ninja world, and I will resolutely help you solve the problem, and it is completely solved!

Shenyue's expression became more and more painful and sad, she opened her hands, whispered lightly, and a bright light spread.

The people around them only felt hot in the light, and at the same time, they seemed to be bathed in the light.

Then, in Ye Long's surprised eyes, Shenyue suddenly threw a string of beads at the two of them!

"Watch out!"

Ye Long was taken aback and pulled Bei Liuhu away.

Shouldn't the witch be open-minded and help the suffering?

At least every witch should not know that they are one with the sprites. They should be very kind and call themselves the saviors of the world, right?

What does this first move mean?

Although I want to kill you and sprites, I haven't done anything yet.

Could it be... the immoral things I did in the Ninja world, you, a witch of the land of ghosts, have predicted that, and you are eager to come to do justice for the sky, so you are the first to do it? !


The string of beads fell on the ground and burst into a ray of light, almost lighting up the entire square. The pale golden power spread to the four corners of the square. Then, in the horrified eyes of many people, a huge beam suddenly rose in four directions. The enchantment covers the entire square.

"This... what move?!"

The figures of Ye Long and Bei Liuhu appeared outside the enchantment, and it seemed that they almost trapped them. At this time, Bei Liuhu still had lingering fears.

"These witches have a lot of magic weapons on them, and they are strange and strange. They are quite different from our ninjas. You have to be careful."

Ye Long said lightly.

The meaning of the barrier just now is very obvious. If you want to leave the two of them behind, the barrier is usually used to deal with the target of sure-kill.

For example, Orochimaru assassinated Mr. Sarutobi, and he assassinated Mizukage and Hanzo, all of which were barriers to retreat.

In other words, the Miko has already torn her face.

She has the determination and reason to get rid of Ye Long and the two.

Even if there were so many friends watching in the square, they didn't care.

"Humph! The deception is too much, the fire escapes and the fire is extinguished!"

Seeing the witch attacking, Beiliuhu was furious, without hesitation at all, he shot out a powerful fire escape.


Kill you and sprites, but I haven't done anything yet.

Could it be... the immoral things I did in the Ninja world, you, a witch of the land of ghosts, have predicted that, and you are eager to come to do justice for the sky, so you are the first to do it? !


The string of beads fell on the ground and burst into a ray of light, almost lighting up the entire square. The pale golden power spread to the four corners of the square. Then, in the horrified eyes of many people, a huge beam suddenly rose in four directions. The enchantment covers the entire square.

"This... what move?!"

The figures of Ye Long and Bei Liuhu appeared outside the enchantment, and it seemed that they almost trapped them. At this time, Bei Liuhu still had lingering fears.

"These witches have a lot of magic weapons on them, and the left and right are They are quite different from our ninjas, you have to be careful."

Ye Long said lightly.

The meaning of the barrier just now is very obvious. If you want to leave the two of them behind, the barrier is usually used to deal with the target of sure-kill.

For example, Orochimaru assassinated Mr. Sarutobi, and he assassinated Mizukage and Hanzo.

In other words, the Miko has already torn her face.

She has the determination and reason to get rid of Ye Long and the two.

Even if there were so many friends watching in the square, they didn't care.

"Humph! The deception is too much, the fire escapes and the fire is extinguished!"

Seeing the witch attacking, Beiliuhu was furious, without hesitation at all, he shot out a powerful fire escape.


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