Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 705: , the tranquility before the storm

"The world is fickle, just like human encounters, which can never be predicted."

After Kato Dan left, Orochimaru couldn't help feeling a little emotional. The people who would have died a long time ago had completely broken with the world of ninjas. If Kato Dan can be used by them, it may play a vital role in the battle against the evil god. .

But, is it really that easy?

Counting the [nucleus] of the three messengers possessed by Kato Dan, and the one that Ye Long captured as soon as he opened it, the Evil God seems to have had four [nucleus] out of his control.

I don't know if Feiduan will appear in the future. In addition to the ability of the messenger to be immortal, Feiduan's ability [Death by Blood] should also be given to him by the evil god.

In this way, five of the evil god's abilities have surfaced, and the remaining four are unknown.

This is quite strange. Does the evil **** really care about these [nuclears] that are very important to the evil god? Watching Kato Dan wandering in the ninja world? Watching his own abilities exposed?

Are you confident that Kato's [nuclear] won't be destroyed by others, or is it simply indifferent?

Orochimaru found that he could not guess the thoughts of the evil god.

If the Heretic God is really so weak and can only survive in the seal, then everyone will be happy.

It's just that no one will believe this old monster who has lived for thousands of years. This existence who once came to this world will not see all of this. He will not be blindly optimistic.

"I hope Duan Kato will really go to Longdi Cave, so the White Snake Immortal will definitely get a lot of information from him."

Before leaving, Orochimaru gave Kato a small purple snake that could be used to pass messages.

If Kato Dan did not choose to go to Ryuji Cave, Orochimaru would know.

When necessary, he also uses this special snake to take some action.

In the following three months, Orochimaru temporarily left the Land of Rain, and some subtle changes gradually took place here.

Under the rotten rule of Hanzo, some minor uprisings gradually broke out in the remote areas of the Land of Rain. Many people who opposed what Hanzo had done gathered together to attack the towns controlled by Hanzo and destroyed the establishment of Konoha in the Land of Rain. The factory, assassinated Konoha's merchants and ninja guards, inflicted huge losses.

Hanzo didn't seem to pay too much attention to these rebels, but the Yuren, who sent his subordinates, was not very strong.

Most of the resistance forces with only a few dozen people were easily defeated, and Yuren slaughtered many rebels, but the three largest forces still resisted stubbornly under Yuren's suppression.

These people have caused huge damage in the weak areas under Hanzo's rule, not only causing huge losses to the industry of the Land of Rain and Konoha, but also gathering other disbanded resistance forces to strengthen themselves, while promoting Hanzo's stupidity and ignorance. fault, call more members.

Konoha was very concerned about this, and even urged Hanzo to eliminate these rebels as soon as possible to protect all their interests in the Land of Rain.

However, Hanzo, who is considered to have a strong desire for control, is indifferent and is not in a hurry to deal with the three biggest resistance forces. He just sends Yuren to wipe out the other small forces, and sends a few Yuren to deal with them, as if giving away Same.

Another year later, most of the important areas of the Land of Rain are still in the hands of Hanzo, but the three forces that resist Hanzo have grown stronger and their numbers have reached thousands.

These people are self-sufficient in the base areas they occupy, and at the same time they continue to attack the towns controlled by Hanzo.

The situation in the country of rain has attracted the attention of all parties, and Konoha has to send more people to "assist" the country of rain, while the country of thunder and the country of earth are secretly watching.

The country of fire has benefited too many from the country of rain these years. With the help of Danzo, Konoha's strength is even stronger, like a big stone pressing on their hearts.

These people also want to have the same rights and interests as Konoha and replace them, so they have tried many times to provoke the relationship between Rain Country and Konoha.

However, Hanzo is like being possessed, no matter what kind of benefits they offer to make Hanzo betray Konoha, Hanzo is indifferent, hating their teeth, but because their strength has not recovered, they can't do it directly.

They are undoubtedly the most excited when the country of rain is gradually unrest, trying to overthrow Hanzo's rule!

However, just when everyone thought that Hanzo was old and his strength was not enough to control the Kingdom of Rain, so he could not make a strong counterattack against these people, Hanzo took action.

He seemed to get a certain signal, and then he simply slaughtered the gathering place of the two rebels, and the strength displayed was frightening!

In that battle, the Land of Rain, which had not experienced a large-scale war for a long time, was once again bloodshed, and Hanzo once again interpreted the strength of the "demi-god", which was even more terrifying than before.

He seemed to have endured for a long time, and suddenly got the appearance of venting. Under the **** suppression, the two forces were completely defeated, and all the leaders were killed.

Many forces who were secretly observing Hanzo were shocked, and only then did they restrain their thoughts of taking action against the Land of Rain.

"Yahiko! No, Hanzo has taken action against our brother organization!"

In a secluded and secret cave, countless ninjas in miscellaneous costumes were resting, and Xiao Nan hurriedly found Yahiko, his face full of horror.

"What did you say?"

"That **** is going to war with us?"

The people gathered in the cave all stood up in surprise. Xiao Nan was their ninja in charge of intelligence work, and her news attracted these people's attention.

"How's the situation?"

In the crowd, Yahiko with short orange hair walked out surrounded by ninjas, while Nagato silently followed behind him.

"The situation is very bad. They are finished. Hanzo completely wiped out these people, not even the women and children." Xiaonan said with a livid face.

"Damn! This beast!"

Xiaonan's words made the crowd excited, and they cursed Hanzo's brutality, but Yahiko fell silent, and his face changed uncertainly.

"You mean, with the secret support of Yunnin Village and Yannin Village, they were eliminated without even persevering for a day?"

"That's right."

Xiao Nan frowned tightly, "Hanzo seems to have long been familiar with their positions and laws of action. It is said that under his actions, even Yun Ren and Yan Ren, who pretended to be their accomplices, all sacrificed!"

"how so!"

Yahiko's face was gloomy and uncertain. Although the resistance organizations fought separately, they often communicated with each other. Yahiko had a general understanding of their situation.

Unlike their troops, which were composed entirely of Ninja Ninjas from the Nation of Rain, those two organizations were actually supported by Iwanin and Ninja in secret. The purpose was to overthrow Hanzo and secretly divide up the interests of Nation of Rain.

"Hanzo hasn't shot for a long time, these people probably thought the time was right, and they were a little overwhelmed."

Nagato said lightly, he is not optimistic about these two resistance organizations. They grew rapidly with the strength of Yunren and Yanren. Even if they overthrew the rule of Hanzo, they will be exploited by the two major villages. Rain The country is still unable to get out of the situation of being slaughtered by others.

And Yahiko's organization is actually the weakest of the three resistance organizations, but it is also the most cautious.

If Hanzo had been indulging and numbing them for so long, it wouldn't be surprising at all that they were wiped out.

Hanzo did this, presumably both Yanren and Yunren were already mad...

"Does Hanzo have any other actions next?" Yahiko asked.

"According to my Zhihe observation, Hanzo has returned to Yuren Village. It seems...he ignored our existence?" Xiaonan asked uncertainly.

"Is that so..."

While everyone was showing a frustrated expression, Yahiko smiled faintly, as if he had noticed something.

"Yahiko, our brother organization was easily eliminated with the help of other countries. Hanzo is still a strong man standing at the pinnacle of the ninja world, aren't you worried?" Seeing Yahiko's strange expression, Nagato couldn't help asking.

"Worry? Of course, my heart aches!"

Yahiko said with a smile, "However, our path will not stop. As long as Hanzo is still harming this country, we will not give up the fight."

Yahiko glanced at everyone, "Hanzo is still very powerful now, but he can't always cover the sky with his hands. Although we are weak now, since Hanzo didn't do anything to us this time, he will pay the price for his fault one day."

Yahiko looked at Nagato seriously, with a strange light in his eyes, and whispered: "I refuse everyone to cooperate with any forces, just to prevent the current situation.

Hanzo has wiped out the claws that other countries have stretched out and ignored us, and this is our chance.

Nagato, I believe your strength will surpass Hanzo one day, right?"


Nagato looked at Yahiko's eyes and fell silent for a while, but soon nodded firmly.

Under the eyes of these strange arts, Nagato's power is increasing day by day, but he has always been very low-key, and even the people in the organization don't know his true strength.

"As long as we persevere, we can definitely change this country with our own power!"

Yahiko patted Nagato's shoulder and looked at everyone.

"Our organization exists to bring this country out of the dark and have a bright future.

Use our power to bring her to the other side of peace, and even... change this world full of strife. "

"From today, we must be more cautious, but this is only temporary. As long as everyone does not forget the original intention and forge ahead, Hanzo is not invincible."

Everyone looked at the optimistic Yahiko, and they raised their heads when they were in a downturn.

"Do we still have a chance to defeat Hanzo?" Xiao Nan asked in a low voice.

"Of course, it just takes some time!"

Yahiko held Xiaonan's shoulders and looked into her eyes seriously.

"From today, I will name our organization [Xiao], we are the last hope of this country and the beginning of world peace!"

"Do you know..."

Everyone looked at Yahiko blankly. In the long battle, the three of them quickly stood out and gained the right to speak with their own strength.

After the "accidental" death of the previous leader, Yahiko became the new leader, but the most powerful Nagato was willing to assist him.

The strength of the organization is getting stronger and stronger, and the three have been recognized by everyone.

Today, Hanzo's actions cast a shadow over the entire organization, but it completely dispels the idea of ​​other countries intervening, and clears out their potential competitors.

Today, the Akatsuki organization is the only resistance organization in the Land of Rain, and their name will one day shock the entire ninja world.

"Xiao, what an interesting name..."

Yahiko tried his best to boost his morale, but in secret, Jue looked at Akatsuki, who was still just a prototype, but smacked his lips helplessly.

"There is something wrong with your plan. With these people, I really don't know when it will be possible to overthrow Hanzo!"

Bai Jue was very dissatisfied.

"Hanzo's strength is somewhat beyond my expectations..."

Hei Jue said helplessly, "This Hanzo is too much of a hindrance, with his existence, Konoha is really even more powerful, and he is always the dominant family.

Based on his age, I thought Hanzo's strength had already begun to decline, but this time his behavior was unexpected and completely broke my plan!"

"And this Hanzo is acting a little weird." Bai Jue smacked his mouth.

"Did you feel it too?"

Hei Jue sneered and said, "I always thought it was an illusion before, but now I feel more and more that someone in this ninja world seems to be secretly opposing us.

I used to think it was a coincidence, but when things kept going off my calculations, I had to suspect that someone else was doing the trick. "

"Oh? Are you talking about Hanzo, or the Uchiha dragon who disappeared for many years?" Bai Jue joked.

"Uchiha Ryu? Yes and no."

Hei Jue said coldly, "This guy is indeed a mysterious existence. Many changes in the ninja world are related to him, but I didn't have the opportunity to pay attention to him before..."


"Well, you should be, before you are born."

Hei Jue sneered and said Bai Jue's inexplicable words.

"I once searched for this guy in the ninja world but found nothing. I really thought he had died in some remote but I am beginning to suspect that he was hiding it on purpose.

Such a person will not die silently.

It's incredible to think about, but if you rule out all the impossible situations, then the conclusion is..."

Thinking of this, Hei couldn't help but widen his eyes, "Could it be that the Uchiha dragon who appeared out of nowhere has also seen the slate I modified?"

Hei Jue's face became weird. He had been paying attention to Uchiha Madara's Awakening Samsara Eye before. There was nothing more important than this, so he naturally ignored Ye Long's actions.

But when Hei Jue reacted, he secretly investigated and discovered something unexpectedly, that is, many ninja beasts in Ninja Village, in the past 20 years, it seems that all kinds of accidents have occurred!

Although no evidence has been found for the time being, this has to make him wonder if someone is playing the tailed beast's idea?

Could it be that this Uchiha Ryu unintentionally interprets some of the slate he left behind, so he made some changes other than calculations?

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