Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 707: , Wave Wind Watergate

The dark clouds of war gradually gathered in the ninja world. After seeing Danzo, Orochimaru left quickly and stopped when passing the Hokage Building.

As Sarutobi Hizan's favorite and most valued disciple, Orochimaru and Danzo are very close, but that doesn't mean he doesn't respect his enlightened teacher.

After thinking about it, Orochimaru climbed up the steps under the respectful gaze of the guards Anbu.

However, when Orochimaru came to the door of Hokage's office, only to find that the two of them had already arrived.

"Old man, how are you doing recently? You haven't shot for so long, and your reputation as a doctor of the ninja world is getting bigger and bigger!"

Wearing a red vest, Jiraiya Big Thorn with white hair was lying on the desk of Hiruzen Sarutobi, and beside him was a handsome guy with blond hair.

"Little brat, in front of the juniors, don't be either big or small. Although my old bones have been inactive for a long time, it's still very easy to take care of you."

Sarutobi was still wearing a red and white imperial robe, with his beloved pipe in his mouth.

Facing Jiraiya's presumptuous performance, he didn't care, and there was a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I stayed in the Land of Rain for three years. I really don't know what you did. The people I entrusted didn't find you, which made me worry for so long."

"Haha, of course there is something important. I'm really sorry for worrying you."

Jiraiya didn't say much about Nagato, the son of prophecy, and he didn't even know about the changes in the Land of Rain until he came back.

But for Sarutobi's concern, Jiraiya is still very grateful and guilty.

After thinking about it, he took out a book from his vest, "Actually, I'm still a writer, and I've been collecting materials in the Land of Rain for the past three years!

This book is my creation in the Land of Rain, so I will leave it to the teacher as a souvenir!"


Hearing that Jiraiya also said "resources", Sarutobi Hiizhan's face collapsed, and even the handsome blond guy on the side and Orochimaru outside the door looked very strange.

Everyone who knew Jiraiya's hobby knew that Sarutobi squinted his eyes, looked at the book, and finally picked it up.

"Huh? "The Legend of Perseverance and Endurance"? What is this?"

"This is a novel I wrote about ninjas. As a future writer, this is my Virgo!" Jirai also said proudly.

If Ye Long was here, he would definitely know that the famous "Strong Perseverance and Endurance" was inspired by Nagato and played an important role in cultivating Naruto's life values. Even Naruto's name comes from this book.

Jirai didn't say anything about Nagato, but he wanted to use this book to tell Sarutobi his ideals and goals.

"Is that so..."

Seeing the book that is not so strange, Hizan Sarutobi's expression relaxed, and at the same time, he put away the book with a hint of regret and disappointment, obviously not very interested.

"Tell me, you should have a purpose today, right?"

Sarutobi Hizan is indeed old, and his body looks a little thin, but his aura as a Shinobi has not diminished in the slightest.

He looked at the handsome blond man in a green vest next to him, and his eyes were more scrutinized: "Namikaze Minato, one of the best ninjas of Konoha's younger generation."

"I've seen Hokage-sama!"

Facing Sarutobi Hizan, Minato, who had been left to the side for a long time, was not impatient at all, with the most sincere and sunny smile on his face.

The current Namikaze Minato is far from that golden flash, or even just an excellent civilian ninja.

"Namifeng Minato!"

Orochimaru outside the door squinted when he heard the name, and quickly understood Jiraiya's intention.

"Everyone has come, why don't you come in?"

Orochimaru's surprise quickly caught Sarutobi's attention.

"It's really good to disappear, teacher, Jiraiya."

Orochimaru walked in generously and looked at Minato in his youth.

With the passage of time, Sannin and Shigeru Hatake have become the mainstays of Konoha, and are well-known powerhouses in the entire ninja world.

And a rising star like Minato Namikaze has grown up and has become the leader of Konoha Shin's younger generation.

"I have seen Lord Orochimaru!"

Namikaze Minato always looks like a bright young man, and he looks very respectful in the face of the famous Orochimaru.

"Yo! Orochimaru, what kind of wind brought you, a busy man, here?"

Seeing that the visitor was Orochimaru, surprise flashed on Jiraiya's face, but he soon changed to a frivolous and disdainful face.

"Haha, aren't you willing to come back, Jiraiya, Tsunade has been honing his fists, I've been waiting for you for a long time." Orochimaru grinned, **** for tat!


Jiraiya's smile did not diminish, and he slapped a heavy palm on Minato Minato Namikaze, "Then I would like to introduce again, my talented disciple, Minato Minato Namikaze!"


Unlike Orochimaru's long-anticipated expectations, Sarutobi was still very surprised, and the smoke in his mouth fell out.

The apprentices of Naruto World seem to be random, but they are actually very particular.

Jirai is also the apprentice of Sarutobi Hizen, and Sarutobi, Danzo and others are the apprentices of Senju Tobirama, and they inherit the "will of fire" that is the most rooted.

In other words, becoming an apprentice recognized by Jiraiya, no matter what status you were in the past, you will directly get the opportunity to inherit the name of Hokage! (This is also the reason why I designed Danzo Kato as a disciple of Danzo. Without this relationship, ordinary How can people be qualified to talk about being a Hokage?!

Even Uchiha Obito, after careful calculation, is a disciple of Minato Minato, a disciple of the Hokage lineage, so he is qualified to inherit the position of Hokage!)

"Yo, are you in such a hurry to find someone to inherit your mantle, Jiraiya, just your virtue, don't be misunderstood!"

"Shut up Orochimaru, how could you allow you to accept Ropeshu as a disciple?!"

Jiraiya and Orochimaru fought brazenly and without anyone else in front of Sarutobi, UU reading www. The air of is full of cheerfulness.

Sarutobi Hizan looked at the two disciples with kindness on his face, and then looked at Minato Namikaze, wanting to see how this young man got Jiraiya's approval.

Only Namikaze Minato has the least seniority and qualifications, and has no chance to interject. He can only stick there like a telephone pole, smiling awkwardly and politely.

"Okay, don't let your apprentice see jokes, Jiraiya, I know about you."

Finally, Sarutobi ended this farce.

Namikaze Minato's reputation is quite good in the village. The most impressive thing is that he used his wit and bravery to rescue the kidnapped Uzumaki Kushina before graduating from the ninja school, and The two became lovers, and many old people in Konoha admired this handsome guy.

Sarutobi couldn't directly judge Minato Namikaze's character, but he also liked him.

"Then I'll just say it straight, old man, I'm here today for Watergate."

With a serious look on his face, Jiraiya caressed Minato Namika's shoulder and said earnestly, "As Minato's teacher, I want to apply for him a chance to read the sealed book!"

"The Sealed Book!"

Not only Orochimaru, but even Sarutobi Hizan's originally lazy eyes burst out with two rays of light!

The Book of Seals records the powerful ninjutsu that Konoha has collected from Hokage and major families at the beginning of its creation. There are many evil and strange forbidden techniques, and some are even the secret techniques of captured enemies. Not eligible to read.

The forbidden techniques developed by Senju Tobirama are impressively listed, and it also has the stunt of the original time and space Namifeng Minato on which he became famous - the technique of flying thunder god!

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