Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 739: , an agreement with the Xiao organization

"This woman can't die for the time being..."

"Maybe I should have shot earlier just now, so that my sincerity can be more demonstrated..."

"No, no... Doing too much will attract Nagato's attention, so it should be just right..."

The strange light in his eyes subsided, the ninja looked at Xiao Nan who was lying on the ground, and a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


"Uh ah ah ah...!!"

The oily ninja screamed under invisible pressure, her whole body was twisted and squeezed into a ball, bursting into a ball of blood, and she was so horribly dead that Nagato didn't take a second look.

"Are you all right, Xiao Nan?!"

Nagato, who had slaughtered Yu Ninja and the root ninja indifferently, carefully lifted Xiao Nan and immediately tore off the curse mark on her body. After seeing that Xiao Nan was in no serious condition, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Nagato, I'm fine, take a look at Yahiko!"

Xiao Nan exclaimed, she was only banned and didn't suffer much damage, but he saw the way the root ninja used Yahiko just now.

"Yahiko, wake up!"

Nagato hurriedly helped the unconscious Yahiko, whose body was still twitching slightly, and there was even a faint trace of black energy on his body.

"This is...?!"

Nagato's face became ugly. Although he had mastered such miraculous and powerful power, he had no means of treatment at all.

Although he is the strongest in Akatsuki's organization, Yahiko is the core and brain of the organization. Nagato is more accustomed to assisting the partner who took him in in obscurity behind his back.

In his eyes, Yahiko's status is the same as that of Xiaonan. It was Yahiko who discovered his abilities, and he was the guide who led him to join the organization, and he embarked on this path!

"I can only try that ability, I hope it works...!"

A blue chakra appeared in his hand, Nagato looked very serious, and was about to press Yahiko's forehead.

However, at this moment, Yahiko suddenly coughed violently and actually woke up!


"Yahiko, are you okay?!"

"Master Chief!"

Including Xiao Nan, all members of Akatsuki's organization surrounded Yahiko with joy and excitement in their eyes.

"Cough cough... I'm...?!"

In his mind, it seemed as if the stirring rod was torn apart, and then forcibly glued together by some force. Yahiko opened his eyes and felt that the world was spinning. Severe pain came in waves in his head, and his face was extremely pale.

He vaguely remembered that he was under some kind of mind control by the enemy, and countless strange images quickly appeared in his mind, but he couldn't see them clearly.


The memory seems to be fragmented, and it took a while to appear in pieces, but it still feels illusory and unreal, like a mirror.

Yahiko struggled to stand up, looking at Konan, Nagato and the members of the Akatsuki organization with concerned expressions, Yahiko forced a smile.

"I'm fine, hahaha, I've made you worry." Yahiko patted Nagato on the shoulder, "Thanks to you, Nagato."

[Tsk tsk tsk, it was really dangerous just now, this kid is too stupid, how can he directly probe with the power of the human world?!

The transformed soul is about to be discovered. It seems that we need to speed up the progress and end this kid's role as soon as possible...]

In the crowd, the ninja narrowed his eyes, still having a decision in his heart.

"These rain-nin beasts actually slaughtered so many of us, even Konoha attacked us!"

Yahiko, who woke up, quickly entered the role, watching the many members who died in a rage.

"Yahiko, Konan's actions are exposed, do you think it's inside our organization...?" Nagato said aside.

"No, this is my negligence."

Xiao Nan shook his head, "I told those people that the organization has expanded too much recently, and it may have touched the bottom line of those people.

When I wooed other people to join the organization, I was negligent and only discovered by them. "

Xiao Nan has his own thoughts on this attack.

At this time, I suspect that the members of my organization can only be in a mess. No large organization can completely prevent others from being scrutinized. As an intelligence worker of Akatsuki, Xiao Nan is very clear about this.

"As long as our core members are not eroded and infiltrated, we can give enough trust to the rest and maintain necessary vigilance."

Xiao Nan said lightly, she is very clear that most of the members of the Xiao organization who are of good and bad join them with the same philosophy, which is the foundation of the organization, but it is by no means the most important.

All their hopes are actually on Nagato. He is the hope of the entire organization. The key to defeating Hanzo is the information she tries to hide.

The rest can only be trusted by the surrounding members of the Akatsuki organization. These are the core members that she has personally reviewed and will never betray them.

It's a pity that so much was lost all of a sudden!

"Wait, who is this person?!"

At this moment, Xiao Nan suddenly looked at the unfamiliar ninja with a cold expression on his face.

This is not the person of the organization at all.

"Aiya, Lord Xiaonan, we are the most reliable allies of your Xiao organization. We really have no malicious intentions."

Being stared at by Xiao Nan, this person seemed a little flustered, "We found out that you and Chief Yahiko were in danger just now, and informed Nagato-sama!"

"You guys? You are monitoring our Xiao organization. Who are you?" After hearing the other party's explanation, Xiao Nan's face became even more tired, and even clusters of paper appeared in his palms, which was a sign that he was about to start.

"Wait, Xiao Nan, he's right, if it wasn't for their people, I'm afraid... I'd lose you guys." Nagato said suddenly.

"Who the **** are you, and what is your purpose?!"

"Haha." Xiao Nan said with a sneer, "Nagato, don't believe in such a guy of unknown origin. My attack this time may not be a deliberate play by some people!"

"Enough, Xiao Nan!"

At this time, Yahiko, who had been silent for a while, spoke up.

"The so-called them... are the potential allies I told you last time. You have been busy outside recently. In fact, we have started to contact them and even reached some agreements."

"What? Are they—"

"That's right, he is the one sent by Mizuying," Yahiko said lightly, "They have provided a lot of information to our organization, and they are indeed on our side at present, and also conveyed the purpose of Mizuying. I talked to you last time. said.

The reason why Hanzo and Konoha have frequently attacked us recently has also verified his words, war is coming!"

" that so?"

Xiao Nan looked at the man in astonishment, then took out Kuwu with a cold face, and slowly pressed against his neck, "Can he really be trusted?"

"Stop it, Xiao Nan!"

Yahiko let out a low voice, his eyes shining even brighter, "The war is about to break out, and Konoha is about to encounter an unprecedented crisis. This is the general trend. No one can cheat, and no one can stop it!"

"This is our opportunity, the best time to organize the overthrow of Hanzo!" Yahiko shouted in a low voice, "To overthrow Hanzo, we not only need our own strength, but also need to get Hanzo's backer Konoha, otherwise there will be the intervention of Konoha Shinobi Village. We can't be successful."


Xiao Nan's expression changed, and he lowered his head slightly.

"Only when the ninja world is in chaos and Konoha can't take action, will we have a chance to conquer the country of rain. It doesn't take anything to join forces with them, and there is nothing to worry about." Yahiko continued.

"Xiao Nan, Yahiko is right."

At this time, Nagato also said, "Only with absolute strength can you protect what needs to be protected, and you are qualified to have peace.

No matter what the outcome of the war is, if we can take the opportunity to defeat Hanzo and rule the Land of Rain, then we will have enough leverage.

By that time, even if they turn their faces, we have grown and grown, and we don't need to worry about anything at all. "

"...Is that so..."

After listening to the persuasion of the two, Xiao Nan suddenly fell silent.

Not long ago, the Land of Water sent someone to contact their organization, hoping to unite them to deal with Konoha, and the allies involved included almost all the other villages!

The task of their organization is to launch an uprising to overthrow Hanzo when Konoha has no time to take care of the country of rain, so that Hanzo in the country of rain cannot support Konoha, and the country of water is responsible for secretly supporting them, including providing a large amount of material supplies for free, This is where the organization is currently most in short supply.

Very attractive conditions, but Konan and Yahiko didn't trust each other at that time and thought that further consideration was needed.

Now it seems that the other party's people have done a lot of things, and even gained Nagato's trust!

"There is nothing to doubt, Konoha is the number one enemy of our four Shinobi villages, and the Land of Rain is also our obstacle.

But Konoha is too strong, we don't have the extra power to contain Hanzo, if you can overthrow him, we will only applaud!"

Being held by Xiaonan's Kunai's neck, the mister who claimed to be sent from the Land of Water was not nervous at all, "Of course you will doubt us, this is normal, but we can sign an agreement with you with other villages, and we will not aggress each other after the war. , admit the status and rights of your Xiao organization in the country of rain, so you should believe it?"


Xiao Nan stared at this Wu Ninja, and intuitively told him that the other party was definitely not kind.

However, for the sake of this, if the agreement is really signed, the Akatsuki organization will have no loss, and both parties will get what they need.

Nagato was right, once Hanzo was overthrown and ruled the Land of Rain, they would have enough leverage.

At that time, even if the two sides turned their faces, Akatsuki would have nothing to fear.

Because by that time, Nagato should have fully grown up!

Xiaonan and Nagato looked at each other, and the latter nodded slightly.

"I hope you didn't lie to me, otherwise you'll be dead."

Xiao Nan snorted coldly and put away Kuwu.

"That's right, even Wuyin Village can't deceive our Xiao organization, otherwise it will definitely make you pay a heavy price."

The rest of the Xiao organization ninja also threatened, but it also means that they have agreed to the agreement.

"Hehehe, Master Xiaonan and everyone, I'm just a small person. As long as I can reach an agreement on behalf of Master Shuiying and your organization, what if I kill you?"

Seeing the actions of a thousand people, a bright smile appeared on Kirin's face.

"This guy should have some status under Hanzo. I'll collect his information now."

A preliminary agreement was reached. Nagato opened his palm to the distance, and the leader of Yu Nin, who had been knocked unconscious before, was grabbed by a suction force into his hand.

Nagato's eyes were full of indifference, he grabbed his head, and the light of chakra appeared in the palm of his hand.


The unconscious Yuren let out an unconscious howl, his face was hideous, his soul was eroded by invisible energy, and all the information he had about Yuren and Hanzo fell into Nagato's hands.

"This is...?!" Kirin looked at Nagato with horror on his face.

"This is my method of gathering information. No one can hide information from my eyes." Nagato glanced at him lightly, and the threat was self-evident.

"It's really a powerful force. I believe that Nagato-sama will soon be able to surpass Sanshoyu Hanzo."

The corners of Mist Ninja's mouth also showed a meaningful smile...

With a sound of "Boom", a huge and sturdy palm slapped heavily on the sturdy tabletop. The strong man's huge strength and his incomparably domineering breath made the air tremble slightly.

Under his subordinates, a top-secret document with the engraving on behalf of the water shadow was directly turned into powder.

"Hahahaha! The fourth generation of water shadows, Yakura tachibana!"

The strong man has a tall body with ligated muscles, distinctive brown skin, and a huge "Thunder" character branded on his right arm, and his voice is like thunder!

This person is, impressively, one of the strongest people in the ninja world today, the third generation Meg Raikage.

"I didn't expect that Wuyin Village, which was dormant in the past, would be so active against Konoha this time. In order to get a piece of the pie on the road, he really spared no effort, this water shadow kid!"

Raikage grinned, revealing his deep white teeth.

At this time, Raikage's aura was like a deep prison, even compared to the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama, it was more yellow than the second generation Naruto, reaching the limit of a ninja.

That terrifying oppressive force gives people the illusion of facing the most powerful tailed beast!

In his eyes, Yakura, who has just become the fourth generation of Mizukage, is nothing more than a fledgling yellow-mouthed child.

"There is much help for the righteous, but little for the wronged. Konoha Shinobi Village, there is no doubt that you will lose!"

Beside him, an equally burly Yun Ren laughed and said, if you look closely, the faces of the two are seven-point similar.

This person is Raikage's son, Sabi Brazza.

"How is your practice better than that kid?" Raikage said lightly, leaning on the back of the huge chair.

" This kid has completely mastered the power of the eight tails, and now his power is not even lower than mine!"

Brazza said excitedly, "The two of us have cooperated for many years. Once we set foot on the battlefield, we will definitely be able to make Konoha ninjas scared and corpses everywhere!"

"very good!"

Raikage nodded with satisfaction, "I like that kid very much, among the people I know, he is the first to get along so well with the tailed beast.

Moreover, the eight tails in his body are also the most powerful among all tailed beasts. With the existence of Bi, the value of the eight tails in our hands is even more than the nine tails of the Konoha Shinobi Village!"

"That's right, Father, when Konoha showed off his power and distributed the tailed beasts to other villages, now it's time for them to reap the rewards." Brazza said eagerly.

"Lord Raikage, there is another good news!"

Another Yunrenhui reported, "Through our unremitting efforts, Erwei, who was re-sealed after being resurrected, has found the most suitable person for Zhuli!"

"Very good, which ninja is that?" Raikage excitedly asked.

"She's a good child, her name is two Yumu people!" Yun Renhui reported.

"Very good, we must strictly monitor it, and don't be careless, I will personally supervise the seal of the tailed beast!" Lei Ying said solemnly, "The incident of that year must not happen a second time!

Once the sealing ceremony is completed, I will contact the other shadows in person, I believe they have also properly dealt with the tailed beasts in the village. ' Raiying said solemnly.

"This time, I won't give you any chance to take advantage of it. Konoha, your days are numbered!"

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