Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 780: ,new progress

"How is his condition?"

"Everything is fine."

In the huge and bright laboratory, Ye Long stared intently at a young black-haired child lying in a culture tank, as if he was looking at a rare treasure.

The bloodline transformation research of Orochimaru has actually been completed, but it has been delayed for a while due to a certain problem, which seems to be related to further improving the power of kaleidoscope evolution.

Now that Ye Long is here, he will see the new research results of Orochimaru.

"According to my rigorous calculations, I can already ensure that after Uchiha Shisui's bloodline transformation, once he awakens the kaleidoscope, he can match your pupil power.

The preliminary preparations have been made, and all the indicators of Shishui have reached the standard. It is expected that in five to nine years, our stagnant eyes will be able to evolve. "

Orochimaru was operating a complicated instrument with a smile on his face, "Shishui will probably set the record for the Uchiha family to open the kaleidoscope first."

"It's really a good thing!" Ye Long complained.

This time still seems long, but it is the best way to get your own eyes, and it is nothing to the immortal.

"Then what are we waiting for?"

Ye Long's hand rubbed the transparent protective wall, and the young body of Zhishui was soaked in the green solution. There were countless tubes inserted into his body, and his body twitched unconsciously, as if he was enduring some kind of torture, or he was doing nightmare.

Shisui, who was only four years old, could not realize that in the cognition of the Uchiha family, he had "reasonably" disappeared.

At this moment, no one cares about his fate, and it has even been completely forgotten by Konoha.

Of course, this disappearance may not be permanent, perhaps it is just for a return at a certain moment.


A string of bubbles rose, and in the three months after being taken away by the seventh elder Uchiha Man, Shishui almost didn't wake up.

This is not just because of the medicine, Ye Long has implanted a powerful illusion in his young and fragile consciousness.

This kind of powerful illusion, even an adult Jōnin can't break free, and for Shisui, who is only four years old, it will become a nightmare that covers his life, making him live in spiritual imprisonment forever.

"Don't worry, this is just the effect of the inhibitor, to ensure that the next steps will not cause his fragile internal organs and brain to collapse directly."

"So what did you research, Orochimaru?" Ye Long wondered.

He also worried a lot about the evolution of his eyes, but to be honest, it was more like he was in a hurry.

As a traverser, Ye Long's vision is at a high starting point, but Orochimaru has also become more wise. He really can't think of a more exaggerated method than creating a "brother".

"Ye Longjun, you must know that even if Shishui's eyes can match yours, different kaleidoscopes have different strengths.

Over the past few months, I have still been thinking about the best solution. "

Orochimaru stood up from the instrument and also pressed his hand on the culture tank, "I was worried before that the transformation of blood vessels would cause unforeseen obstacles to Zhishui's future opening of the kaleidoscope, but I seemed to have overlooked a very important issue at the time. .

The evolution of pupil power and the awakening of bloodstains cannot all rely on the blood and genes of the ninja itself, and the transformation cannot be completed with all equipment and technology. "

"At least it's not the current equipment and technology." Orochimaru silently added.

"Besides the blood vessel itself, there is actually another aspect."

"What?" Ye Long was slightly taken aback.

"Other external forces, as the object of transformation, our pupil power and chakra!" Orochimaru smiled.

"The sons of Six Path Immortal Yuyi, how can they guarantee that their power will be reproduced on a certain blood descendant in the future?

Is it just the thinning blood in their bodies? "

" is constantly reincarnated, the Chakra engraved in the soul!"

"I see!"

Ye Long exclaimed, this time he also reacted, maybe there are some brilliant people in the descendants who have awakened some of their abilities, but to really achieve the pure power close to the ancestors, it is the reincarnated Indra and the Ashura's Chakra.

"So we can also seal our chakra and pupil power in Zhishui's eyes or soul in advance, so that even if the bloodline transformation causes some problems with the initial talent, the evolution of the eyes will not stagnate, and finally reach close to Our extent!"

Sasuke of the original time and space is not as bad as he is, and his talent is completely inferior to Uchiha Itachi.

But with the gifts of Indra's Chakra and the Six Paths Immortals, the final height can be on a par with Indra and even Uchiha Madara.

Talent determines the upper limit, while eyes determine the lower limit.

What Ye Long needs is a kaleidoscope of Zhi, not his transformed body.

He and Orochimaru can completely seal the pupil power in Zhishui's body at this time, and guide him to awaken a pair of extremely powerful eyes that really suit them.

The effect of these eyes on him is even more powerful than that of a real brother!

Having seen Rope Tree's awakening with his own eyes, Ye Long can completely imitate the awakening process of this reincarnated person by using the soul secret technique of the White Scaled Orochi clan.

And they don't need to be so troublesome, they only need to "reincarnate" once.

"I'm going to start."

Orochimaru finally entered a string of codes, pressed it with one finger, and a stream of scarlet liquid suddenly poured into a pipe in the culture tank, which was injected into the water stopper!

This is the solvent for bloodline transformation, which includes not only the trace of blood that Ye Long devoured and merged, but also the blood of Orochimaru.

"Wow wow wow!"

Shishui struggled violently, even forcibly opening his eyes, but he immediately stabilized and remained motionless.

Ye Long could sense that some subtle changes were taking place in the sleeping Zhishui, causing his body temperature to rise sharply.

"This process cannot be reversed or repeated, there is only one chance, don't make a mistake!"

Orochimaru and Ye Long had the same mind, they looked at each other, and Orochimaru directly lifted the lid of the culture tank.

The green solution flowed, and one eye of the two instantly turned into a kaleidoscope pattern.

"Ninja? Transcription seal!"

"Ninja? Transcription seal!"

The two quickly formed a seal, and even activated the power of the furnace of blood to squeeze out the kaleidoscope pupil power in their bodies, and pressed them on one of Zhishui's eyes.

"It's now!"

Orochimaru gritted his teeth and poured all the chakra he had refined into Zhishui's eyes, while Ye Long directly clasped Zhishui's head with his big hands, and the white light in his eyes flickered, leaving a mark on Zhishui's soul.

"Uh ah ah!"

Shishui, who was only four years old, widened his eyes angrily, and the aura on his body increased wildly, even reaching the astonishing level of Shangnin.

He roared unconsciously, huge power poured into his eyes, the originally dark eyes instantly turned into scarlet, and one or two hook jade appeared directly.

In the end, the three pitch-black gouyu slowly turned, Zhishui's body trembled, he passed out again, and his breath suddenly wilted.

"Drip drip-"

The alarm for monitoring vital signs sounded, Ye Long picked up Shishui and injected a burst of Yang Dun chakra to calm his fragile body.

Orochimaru leaned against the instrument weakly, panting violently, sweat dripping from his forehead.

Ye Long looked at Zhishui who was unconscious in his hand. Judging from his age, he didn't feel that he had an extra "brother" in his blood, but it seemed like... an extra son...

The son he shares with Orochimaru...

"When I get your pupil power in the future, you will be free, sorry Shishui..."

"Ye Long, let me see him!"


Ye Long's eyes were complicated and he forcibly suppressed the strange emotions in his heart.

"Hahaha~ It seems that we succeeded, your eternal eye has settled, and it is just around the corner to evolve into a reincarnation eye!

During this time, you can fully refine the tailed beast Chakra. "

After inputting Yin Escape Chakra and Tongli, Orochimaru was a little weak, but his spirit was still very excited, "In fact, even if we just imprison him in the laboratory, his eyes will slowly evolve.

The only thing you need to pay attention to is that his body cannot be allowed to die prematurely from bloodstains because of the load. It is too exaggerated to open the three hook jade at one time. Zhishui is only a four-year-old child now. "

"So, the previous illusions aren't that important anymore?" Ye Long asked suddenly.

"You don't like surprises, Ye Longjun." Orochimaru spread his hands.

"When the situation is stable, we can send Zhishui back."

"as you wish."


Another few months have passed. On the battlefield of Tang Zhiguo, since the Uchiha clan joined the war, although Kiriyin retreated temporarily, he quickly assembled a larger army, and launched a fierce and fearless attack on the two clans led by the Seven Ninja Swords. Dead attack.

The battle was tragic and frustrating, and Kirinto suffered countless casualties, while Uchiha and Hinata Ninja continued to downsize, so they had to continue to dispatch ninja support from Konoha.

The divisions of the Hyuga clan suffered heavy casualties. In order to maintain sufficient combat effectiveness, they had to secretly dispatch a few masters from the clan to support the battlefield and command the battle together with Nissaba Hinata.

As for the Uchiha family, the organization Uchiha Fuyue is famous in the ninja world for his powerful strength, and he has made great achievements in battle.

In order to make up for the war losses, Uchiha, the seventh elder of the Uchiha clan, was finally placed on the front line, and he also showed his impressive strength in the battle. Now he has become the three elders of Uchiha.

"Be careful, the mist ninjas are rushing up again!"

"Everyone stays in formation, the brothers of the Hinata clan block them, and Uchiha's ninjas attack with me!"

"Oops, those seven ninja knives have appeared, hurry up and inform the two adults, Hiyaka Hizaa and Uchiha Fugaku!"

The battlefield can best cultivate feelings. After fighting side by side for so long, these ninjas from Hyuga and Uchiha have cultivated enough tacit understanding, and they have forgotten their former hostility.

"Quack quack, Konoha's offal, today this uncle will definitely defeat your release line, and when your turtle shells break, I will kill you all!"

"Lightning escape? Thunder!"

"Ninja? Need a thousand books!"

"Water escape? The technique of water guns!"

Before the fog ninja formation, the four wrestling knives carrying knives took the lead to launch a surprise attack, and took the lead in reaping several lives before the strong Konoha ninjas attacked.

"Ringo Yu Yuli, the watermelon mountain puffer fish, the chestnut string pills, the loquat Shizang!"

Huge orange-red fireballs quietly appeared in mid-air with astonishing temperature, and the four misters snorted coldly and looked at a Uchiha ninja in the distance.

"Uchiha is full!"

The orange-red fireball fell like a meteor, and shot at the four Misty Ninjas. The latter had a look of fear in their eyes. Except for the watermelon mountain puffer ghost holding a big saber muscle, the other three snorted... and retreated one after another.

"Puchi", the fireball fell into the water, and a large area of ​​water boiled, scorched high, and burned into scalding steam; the fireball fell into the woods, and the trees were instantly scorched into a large piece of black coke by the high temperature; the fireball hit the rocky ground, and the ground cracked , the rock cracked and melted, and billowing blue smoke came out.

This is not an ordinary fire escape, this is a very rare boundary of blood, burning escape!

This is the power that Ye Long gave him, the ability he got from Sand Ninja Ye Cang back then.

Uchiha Man's talent is limited, while Burning Escape is more in line with the special abilities of the Uchiha family.

Uchiha Man claimed to be an accidental awakening after a serious illness, which once caused a sensation. It was with this power that he established his authority in the Uchiha family.

"Wow wow... Damn it, it's so hot!"

The watermelon mountain puffer ghost flicked the smoked shark muscle with a fierce face.

His abilities have been thoroughly understood by his opponents, so that every time he is greeted by either the overwhelming detonating charm, or some tricky ninjutsu that cannot be completely absorbed by the shark muscles!

"Fire Salamander? Uchiha Man, today is your doom!" Xiguashan Pufferfish said with a savage smile.

"Hmph, what a big breath!"

The indifferent voice sounded, Uchiha Fuyue, Hyuga Nisari, and a group of masters from the two clans appeared together, looking coldly at these four Mist Ninjas, the huge momentum of the shadow-level powerhouse suddenly made the latter unable to help but take a half step back.

To this day, hundreds of battles, big and small, have been fought between the two sides, but most of them are just small-scale testing, consumption, and harassment.

And every time the masters of both sides means a brutal battle!

"Swipe brushes—"

Behind the four seven ninja knives, the army of mist ninjas rushed up, and behind Uchiha Fuyue and others, the Konoha ninjas were also waiting in battle, and the war was about to break out...

"I didn't expect Uchiha to join forces with the Hinata clan. Although I saw it with my own eyes, it still made me feel the difference."

On the hillside in the distance, a short boy with green hair and an odd shape looked down at the battle and was amazed.

"The strongest of the Konoha troop is Uchiha Fuyake below. With his fire escape and Sharinyan, it is very difficult for us to deal with him.

Besides, Uchiha Mitsurugi and Hyuga Hikari are not bad, but our seven ninja swords are enough to deal with. "

Ghost Lantern Manyue knelt in front of this "juvenile", hesitated for a moment and said, "Actually, as long as we give us some more time, Konoha Ninja will fall under our continuous attack sooner or later.

In my opinion, it is a big fuss for you to come in person, Mistress Shuiying. Now that the war has not started, other shadows have not been shot..."

That's right, this young ninja is the fourth generation of Mizukage Gotachibana Yagura.

His emerald green eyes rolled over the ghost lamp full moon in front of him, and let out a dissatisfied hum, "Hehe, others are others, I know more about Konoha's background than those guys.

If you don't use all your strength to defeat it at one time, there will be endless troubles, and well...".

Tachibana Yakura sneered without saying a word. Behind him, a group of solemn and masked misters stood silently.

Among them, a ninja with a good figure and long orange-red hair is particularly attractive.

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