Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 787: , the jet black Susa

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Looking at the Uchiha flame formation soaring into the sky, an inexplicable look appeared on Yakura's face.

"Oops, this guy... so powerful!"

Across the barrier, Uchiha Fuyue looked at Yakura who had come back again, beheading the Konoha ninja like chopping melons and vegetables, and his eyes were full of anger.

He couldn't help but glanced at Hyuga Risari next to him, only to find that the latter was gnashing his teeth in anger and his body was shaking.


Seeing the Hinata ninja lying all over the place, Hinata Risari almost lost his mind, so he was about to rush out to fight Yakura, but was held down by Fuyue.

After performing Shenkong's blow, Hyuga Risaka did not recover at all. Now, at most, he only has the strength of Chunin, which used to be death.

Ordinary Junin is vulnerable in front of Yakura, and the only person who is likely to be against him now is Uchiha Fuyake, who is basically intact.

However, in the face of Yakura at the moment, Fuyue found that he had no confidence at all, and he did not take action personally.

"Kill me!"

"Follow Shuiying-sama!"

The fog ninjas shouted, although they were as tired as the Konoha ninjas, they seemed to have seen the victory of the battle, and they had advanced until the Uchiha flame formation.

"Damn, shrink your troops, retreat into the barrier to recover your stamina, and close the barrier completely!"

Seeing that the Konoha Ninja was about to collapse, Fuyue had to grit his teeth and give a big order.

Now that he is not sure how to deal with Yakura, whose strength has soared, he does not dare to open another gap, and chooses to use the enchantment to delay some recovery time.

To be honest, this kind of behavior is very demoralizing, but there is no better way.

At this moment, Yakura is putting too much pressure on the Uchiha Patriarch!

Soon the barrier was completely closed, and Konoha Ninja paid some more to keep the menacing Mist Ninja out.

"My blow, it's impossible to miss..."

Hyuga Risari has regained his sanity, and he is a little lost at the moment, "Yakura must have some unknown secret. If he directly showed such strength before, I would not have the opportunity to use that trick."

"Okay, Niizai-sama, now is not the time to talk about this, the most urgent thing is to hurry up and recover.

No matter how powerful Yakura is, it is impossible to break through this barrier, this is our Uchiha family back then..." Fuyue's face was heavy, and he slammed down a pill.

"The Uchiha Flame Formation, the powerful barrier developed by the Uchiha clan to defeat Qianshou, is used to deal with and drive the Nine-Tails, and it can even resist the full-scale attack of the Nine-Tails.

Only ninjas with Uchiha bloodline can cast this enchantment, which requires a lot of energy and materials. I didn't expect it to be used against me today, which is ironic. "

In front of the barrier, Yakura stood by the armrest, and behind him was the Mist Ninja army, constantly yelling at the Konoha ninja on the opposite side, constantly attacking the barrier, trying to break it.

"The years are really ruthless, and now the dignified Patriarch Uchiha wants to be a tortoise."

Yakura sneered and looked at Uchiha Fugaku in the barrier, with murderous intent in his eyes!

"I don't agree."

The majestic water roared at the foot of Yakura, forming a lake, holding him high, like a water phantom **** controlling the tide.

A more powerful water escape than before is rapidly brewing, no matter what the final result of today's battle is, Yakura's water escape will surely stir the entire ninja world, enough to be on par with any strong water escape in history!

"Oops! Get out of the way!"

The surrounding Kirin quickly discovered the horror of this ninjutsu and hurriedly retreated 100 meters.

"Not enough, stay away."

"Shuiying-sama wants to break the barrier!"

The mist ninjas exclaimed, after each battle, the Mizukage of Yakura will completely become the **** in the hearts of these bloodthirsty and warlike mist ninjas.

"My lord, I'm not good at water escape."

Yakura sighed jokingly, "This is also the water ninjutsu I developed in my spare time. Let's try the power of this enchantment today."


The fog ninjas were not only speechless, but in the next moment, a flood surged up, turning into a huge wave with a height of 100 meters, and slapped it on the barrier!

In front of the huge wave of 100 meters, the ninja looked like an ant, and Yakura stood proudly on the top of the wave, completing the knot in his hand.

"The water escape? Boiling turns the sky into the sky!"


The 100-meter-high wave was like a mountain, slamming into the barrier walls that connected the heavens and the earth. The huge roar was deafening, and all the ninjas who were good at it were upside down at this moment and lost their hearing at the same moment.

"Damn... what level of power is this?!"

Hyuga Nisaba felt Jinghai in his heart, and the Yakura in front of him was no longer a match for him. It was ridiculous that he thought he had defeated him with one palm.

Uchiha Fuyue's expression was also a little fuzzy.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, but he kept his composure, "It's useless, unless the barrier disappears naturally, Yakura can't help us at all!"

The Konoha Ninja exclaimed Yuanli from the enchantment range, the smoke and dust dissipated, and the color of the enchantment wall seemed to have faded a little, but it was still intact.

"Hmph, wasted effort!"

Fuyue finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, when the smoke cleared, he realized something was wrong.

The Uchiha Flame Array has a terrifyingly high temperature, and anything it touches will be burned by the high temperature, which is somewhat similar to the Four Purple Flame Array.

If an ordinary water escape hit the barrier, it would be evaporated into water vapor in an instant, and although the huge wave that Yakura cast smashed on the barrier, the large amount of water was not evaporated, and even Not even water vapor appeared on impact.


In the midst of a strange chirp, the huge liquid seemed to be alive and tightly "sticked" to the barrier wall, like a large pool of glue.

The terrifying high temperature of the barrier wall not only did not burn these water liquids, but in the parts that were visible to the naked eye, a little orange-red light spot precipitated from the barrier wall and was absorbed by the water liquid.

These orange-red light spots carry huge energy, and they converge inside the water and merge into a larger group of light spots.

"Oops, this water escape is absorbing the energy of the enchantment!"

Many Uchiha ninjas who cast the enchantment exclaimed, and they soon realized that something was wrong.

The high temperature of the enchantment did not burn the water to escape, but was swallowed and stored.

The inside of the mass of water has continued to have hot energy, but the surface temperature has hardly changed, and it still absorbs the energy of the enchantment.

"If this goes on like this, the energy of the enchantment will be absorbed sooner or later!"

The Uchiha Ninja exclaimed that the Uchiha Flame Array needs a huge amount of energy to maintain, and they can almost feel the slow weakening of the enchantment!

"Never let the enchantment be destroyed, everyone injects chakra together, I don't believe that this water escape can't be annihilated!"

The leader Uchiha Junin let out a low growl, and his five fingers burst into flames and slapped the ground heavily. The other ninjas also injected their own chakras into the formation.

"Hmph, it's useless, this water escape was developed to absorb the energy of fire escape, and the limit of its absorption will make you despair."

Looking at the Uchiha ninja who was desperately maintaining the barrier, Yakura's eyes showed a sneering look, "As long as the attainment of fire escape cannot exceed me, any fire attribute chakra will be absorbed by this water escape.

What you are doing now will only increase the energy contained in it, and you are simply asking for a dead end! "

Under the chakra injection of Uchiha Ninja, the Uchiha Flame Array briefly recovered its energy.

But the good times didn't last long, Yakura's water escape seemed to be open to all, and the energy of the fire was getting bigger and bigger, and a huge orange-red light group had been formed inside the water, causing the whole water to swell!


The water escape stuck on the barrier wall is as high as 100 meters. After swallowing the chakra injected by countless Uchiha ninjas, the fire escape energy contained in it is terrifying, like a large mass of magma wrapped in water, which makes people terrified!

At this moment, the enchantment has become increasingly dim, and even a shocking crack has appeared!

"No, stop! Everyone back away!"

Fuyue finally felt terrified. The water escape in front of them was not something they could break through brute force. Once the energy in it exploded, it would definitely destroy the world!

"Hahaha! It's too late!"

Yakura laughed wildly, stretched out his hand, and the huge water suddenly squirmed, and the already fragile barrier wall was finally overwhelmed and completely shattered.


The flames dissipated, and countless Uchiha ninjas who had lost their strength spat out blood and fell to the ground.

And this is not the most deadly, the terrifying water escape that devoured the entire enchantment and hundreds of ninjas swam directly towards them!

"Do not……!!"

Seeing this scene, Fuyue's eyes were splitting, and a large number of Uchiha ninjas who had lost their strength gathered at the barrier. These are all elites that the Uchiha family has worked hard to cultivate over the years!


The incomparably heavy water fell on the ground and swallowed countless Konoha ninjas.

The huge golden and red energy inside suddenly became extremely unstable under the huge impact. Under Fuyue's horrified gaze, the huge water jet burst burst!


The fire escape energy like magma released all the high temperature in an instant.

There was no flame explosion or huge firelight, all the heat instantly melted into the water wrapped around the exterior, turning them into rolling steam that devoured the battlefield, boiling back into the sky!


The steam enveloped the four fields, and the temperature contained was even above the fire escape.

The Konoha Ninja Gate let out a desperate scream of death, and was instantly swallowed by the high-temperature steam, annihilating its vitality...

The steam spreads, and the red ground is thousands of meters. No one can survive this pervasive high temperature.

The elites of the Uchiha clan escaped under the large water in Yakura, with more than half of their casualties and scorched corpses everywhere!

"Do not……"

Fuyue stood on the spot in despair, pain, despair, hatred!

The tragic death of the tribe, the dream of the rise of the family collapsed in an instant, and countless negative energies stimulated his brain, causing blood and tears to flow from his scarlet eyes, and he couldn't hear the shouts of the people beside him.


The high-temperature steam spreads throughout the battlefield, and the temperature is not as terrifying as it started. It can also burn the skin, engulfing Uchiha Fuyue and the Hinata Risari next to him...

"What an amazing water escape! Madara Uchiha is really a water escape ninja who was delayed by fire escape!"

Just looking at the ability to absorb the energy of other ninjutsu, the original time and space has only a few powerful ninjutsu, such as the original time and space ghost shark's water escape?

Ye Long and Orochimaru, who were watching the battle from a distance, exclaimed in amazement, discussing the subtlety of ninjutsu, but they were indifferent to the war itself.

Zhi Shui on the side looked at the picture refracted in front of him, his breathing became heavier, and the gouyu in his eyes turned faster and faster, as if some kind of transformation was about to take place.


After reaching a certain limit, Zhishui, who was imprisoned by the illusion, turned pale, fell to the ground and fell into a coma.

"Zhi Shui is still a child, so he shouldn't be allowed to endure so much~"

Orochimaru laughed and helped Zhishui, checked it, and took out an injection and stuck it on his arm.

"Ha ha."

Ye Long raised his eyebrows, just as he was about to say something, his face suddenly changed!

At that moment, a cold and special chakra was born.


On the battlefield where the mist was steaming, Yakura walked towards the Konoha trench alone before the high temperature completely subsided.

The ground was full of corpses, and the coke-like appearance and the scorching caused it was no less so.

Yakura overturned the body of a Uchiha ninja with one kick, and saw that he was beyond recognition, even his eyes were not spared.

"Hey, it's not this guy."

Yakura stepped on this Uchiha ninja indifferently, "Did you slip away, Uchiha Fugaku, Hyuga Risari?"

The steam blew, like the wind of death passing over the desolate earth, and the black sickle of slaughter cut through the obstacles in front of him.

Yakura's pupils shrank suddenly, and he instantly leaned over.

Silently, a black trail appeared in the air, and the mist was abruptly separated. Wan Ru turned the clouds to see the sun, and a pitch-black skeleton with a height of more than ten meters appeared in the steam.

"What...this is...!"

For the second time, surprise appeared in Yakura's eyes. The pitch-black skeleton giant was burning with dark flames. Not only did the flames have no temperature, but instead exuded a chilly, bone-biting aura.

In the hands of the skeleton giant, a black flying sickle with a strange shape appeared, with a dark chain dragging behind it. The attack just now was obviously issued by this weapon condensed by Susanohu's abilities.

The figure of a Uchiha ninja appeared in the giant skull, his eyes were scarlet, and two blood lines fell down his cheeks. It was Uchiha's patriarch, Uchiha Fuyue.

Behind him, Hyuga Risari was also protected by this huge and dark Chakra. Although he fell into a coma, Que escaped the invasion of steam.

"That's right, this is Susanoo, the jet-black Susanoo!"

Ye Long was shocked, and Orochimaru also showed an unexpected look, "I didn't expect Uchiha Fuyue to awaken the kaleidoscope at this time. It must be the death and injury of the tribe that forced him to open his eyes."

"What a Now it's interesting."

Orochimaru licked his lips excitedly.

Fuyue may not be Madara's opponent, but at the moment Yakura is just a puppet of the will, and he has done all the means, but Fuyue has awakened the kaleidoscope.

Uchiha Fuyue separated a chakra and placed the unconscious Hyuga Risari in the distance, but his eyes kept staring at Yakura in front of him from beginning to end.

Yakura recovered from the surprise at the beginning. He also didn't care about the difference between the sun and the sun, and his eyes were full of enthusiasm and excitement!

There was no one in the sea of ​​steam, Uchiha Fugaku of Yakura stood facing each other, and the air froze at this moment.

This is the current patriarch of Chiha and the former patriarch, a confrontation across time and space!

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