Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 797: , Night Phoenix

The Aoki Giant stands between the heavens and the earth, with a majestic look like a **** and a Buddha.

After all, Ye Long's kaleidoscope is flawed, but Mu Dun is a complete and powerful force.

The wooden dragon wrapped around the wooden man's shoulders, adding a third of power.

However, this was not over yet. The wooden man and the wooden dragon were summoned. The figure of Yelong appeared on the top of the wooden man's head, and the scarlet kaleidoscope in his eyes spun rapidly again!

"Waifu, Susanoo!"


The dark red flame ignited from the wooden man's body and turned into a mighty and ferocious armor attached to the whole body of it and the wooden dragon.

The huge Zochakra had an evil aura, and the original majestic wooden figurine added a hint of evil out of thin air, and its body skyrocketed by three points, making it even more terrifying.

"This guy... how can he be so powerful?"

"Is his power unlimited?!"

Ebisu and the others, who were watching the battle from a distance, were shocked to the point of numbness, but they still couldn't understand that Matt Demingming had powerfully defeated Ye Long's Susanoo, but it seemed to be completely useless.

Uchiha Ryu didn't get seriously injured and backfired, and his trump cards emerged one after another. That terrifying wooden man was even stronger than before!

With a sound of "swoosh", the Susaki man opened his palm, and the dark red chakra condensed in his palm, turning into a huge and sharp blade, which looked like a dragon sword.

Susaki people held the giant sword in both hands, and looked up at Maitdai, who fell from the sky. The cold and huge sword intent locked him firmly.

It's not Ye Long's character to only be beaten and not fight back. Although he only used the power of a ninja, his power has faintly surpassed the limit of human beings.

If this sword is swung, it will definitely shake the world and break the mountains!

However, Mattai will never dodge at this moment. The kick that condensed the strongest power of Yuxiang and his lifelong belief finally kicked out at this moment, facing the giant Susa who is like a **** and demon!


The huge white column of air burst down, like an elephant foot crushing the heavens and the earth, vowing to crush the giant Susa in front of him.

After kicking out this kick completely, Mattai's other leg was also shattered, and the cost of using the eight-door Dunjia formation with all his strength was even more tragic than he imagined.

However, he felt no pain at all, staring at the scarlet giant in front of him.

In between, the giant raised the dark red blade high, and the 40-meter chakra giant sword slammed into the air column, like a contest between gods!


The terrifying waves broke out, and the dense forest was like the grass trembling in the violent storm, and it was smashed into pieces in an instant.

"Wow wow..."

The three of them were blown into the air by the air without any resistance, and their hearts were full of fear.

However, at this time, several ninjas suddenly appeared in the air, caught the three, and fell steadily to the ground.

"You are…!"

The three of Matekai were shocked, but found that the other party was wearing Konoha's forehead guard, and their hearts were a little complicated when they were relaxed.

"Haven't Konoha's ninja retreated? Are you sent by Lord Shikaku?" Genma Shiranui asked.

"We are not under Lu Jiu's command. In fact, we are reinforcements from Muya. It's really hard for you to persist until now."

A Konoha ninja explained, but his eyes kept staring into the distance and he didn't move away for a moment, "There, in the end..."

"Great, please save my father quickly, he is fighting there!" Metkay shouted, his eyes full of pleading.

"What! Could it be that someone is fighting the Seven Ninja Swordsmen? Or your father?!" The Konoha Ninja was shocked.

"No, it's not the Seven Ninja Swordsmen..." Ebisu's sunglasses had already been blown away, and his slender eyes were full of terror.

"Clarify, what's going on!"

An energetic female voice rang out, and Tsunade, who was wearing a Konoha vest, had a heroic expression on his face, pacing over surrounded by countless Konoha ninjas.

"Master Tsunade..."


"This... this is definitely not a power that mortals can possess."

Looking at the picture in front of him, Shen Nong's expression was extremely complicated.

After seeing such mighty power, he suddenly felt that he was too insignificant, just like the Kong Ninja Village who was trying to invade the ninja world, he had always been a self-proclaimed frog at the bottom of the well.

"Is this... the world of the strong?"

The original little thought was completely extinguished, Shen Nong sighed, and couldn't help laughing at himself.

The other party has this kind of power to shake the ninja world, and he is willing to cooperate with him.

At this time, the center of the battle was about 10 meters deep, and the ground had already sunk in for no less than ten meters.

The majestic Susa giant still stands proudly between the sky and the earth, but the chakra sword has been shattered, the dark red chakra on his body has also dimmed, and the position of his chest is exposed. Slowly recover.

And his opponent, Matty, was lying in a deep pit in the distance, his body shaking violently.

The scarlet chakra was still burning on his body, releasing a powerful aura, but there were already crisscrossing cracks on Mattei's body, and he couldn't even stand up.

The bones of his legs were shattered, and one of his hands was twisted and deformed, supporting his body with only one right arm.

"Cough cough... I didn't expect that in this world, there really is such a strong person!"

Matdai stared at Ye Long in the distance, his eyes were full of fighting intent, even with an excited smile.

This pure collision of power is exactly the way of forbearance that he has pursued all his life.

However, feeling his weakened body, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

In fact, in the collision just now, in terms of strength, Matty did not lose.

You must know that Ye Long used the power of that sword to split Liu Tai's body and behead him with ease, but he couldn't overwhelm Matdai's kick.

The reason why Ye Long can stand here calmly, but Maitdai is seriously injured, is because Yelong's essence is a six-level powerhouse, and Maitdai's body is only a mortal after all.

The sharpness of glass is comparable to that of metal, but it is too fragile to break, which is why Matty sighed.

"I approve of you, Matty."

Ye Long's tone was serious and dignified, not because of Matdai's strength, but because of his unyielding fighting spirit, that kind of death-defying, fearless thought, which touched him too.

The belief is different, even he himself cannot have such courage.

Ye Long is not such a person, he can't do this, so I admire him!

"That's it, your Konoha's reinforcements seem to be here. I've had a great time fighting today, and I've seen the power of Bamen Dunjia. I won't do anything to anyone else, so it's over."

Ye Long looked into the distance, he sensed Tsunade coming with Konoha Ninja, but he didn't sense the rope tree, it must be the arrangement in the village.

"Hehe, that's fine."

Mattday breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Kay was fine, he was relieved.

"Uchiha Ryu, you are really powerful, so powerful that even a person with mediocre aptitude like me is hard to match even if you work hard."

Matday looked directly at Ye Long who was aloof, "However, true warriors can be defeated, but they will never be defeated.

Today, I opened the door to death, and I will definitely die. Let me use the last of my life to bloom my own way of forbearance! "

With a loud "Boom", Matt Dai, whose aura had begun to weaken, erupted again with a huge chakra. This chakra was so tragic that Dai's body was visibly shriveled, and the skin on his body peeled off, which was shocking!

"This is... the power of the Eight Gates of Dunjia, that guy actually opened the door to death, what a terrifying Chakra!"

Thousands of meters away, Tsunade stared dumbfounded at Maitdai. She already knew about the situation of the battle, but she couldn't imagine that an obscure Genin had such strength, which was undoubtedly extremely absurd.

Those present who had ridiculed Matty at the scene were about to lose their minds.

In the original time and space, only the three of Matekai witnessed the true strength of Mateday, and it didn't cause much sensation, and even many people didn't believe it.

And now they feel the chakra that surpasses the tailed beast in the distance, and they have completely changed their minds on a physique that is not valued!

"Why are you suffering?"

Ye Long's face was a little ugly. His original plan was to keep Mattai's life, but the opponent's last life was burned, and he would fall at any time.

"You only have one hand to move now, why don't you give up?" Ye Long pretended to be indifferent.

"Hehe, this is my last battle, even if I only have one hand, why not? Once the eight gates are opened, I will die in battle!!"

Matdai raised his head and laughed, the chakra on his body had been pushed to the extreme, Ye Long could see that all the acupuncture points in his body had dimmed, and only the flame of his heart was burning the last strength.


Matdai's last arm hit the ground with a punch, like a meteorite smashing into the lake, the ground burst into a bottomless ravine, and Matdai's broken body was already rushing towards Ye Long like a meteor!

"This is…!!"

With a punch, Mattai's last arm skeleton exploded, and the blood-red chakra burning all over his body showed a golden light, and a gorgeous tail flame came out.

With his last blow, Ye Long felt a tinge of threat once again!


Matekai exclaimed, tears rolled down his cheeks, but he didn't feel much sadness in his heart, he was more enlightened and moved.

As a ninja, at the peak moment, he can prove his lifelong pursuit of ninja in the most brilliant way, and die vigorously, isn't it a kind of luck?

The golden-red flames became more and more dazzling, and the speed of Maitdai seemed to be not as fast as the previous Xixiang, but the terrifying high temperature generated around him caused the passing air to be violently distorted, like a red meteor!

"Night Phoenix!!"

The Aoki Giant stands between the heavens and the earth, with a majestic look like a **** and a Buddha.

After all, Ye Long's kaleidoscope is flawed, but Mu Dun is a complete and powerful force.

The wooden dragon wrapped around the wooden man's shoulders, adding a third of power.

However, this was not over yet. The wooden man and the wooden dragon were summoned. The figure of Yelong appeared on the top of the wooden man's head, and the scarlet kaleidoscope in his eyes spun rapidly again!

"Waifu, Susanoo!"


The dark red flame ignited from the wooden man's body and turned into a mighty and ferocious armor attached to the whole body of it and the wooden dragon.

The huge Zochakra had an evil aura, and the original majestic wooden figurine added a hint of evil out of thin air, and its body skyrocketed by three points, making it even more terrifying.

"This guy... how could he be so powerful?"

"Is his power unlimited?!"

Ebisu and the others, who were watching the battle from a distance, were shocked to the point of numbness, but they still couldn't understand that Matt Demingming had powerfully defeated Ye Long's Susanoo, but it seemed to be completely useless.

Uchiha Ryu didn't get seriously injured and backfired, and his trump cards emerged one after another. That terrifying wooden man was even stronger than before!

With a sound of "swoosh", the Susaki man opened his palm, and the dark red chakra condensed in his palm, turning into a huge and sharp blade, which looked like a dragon sword.

Susaki people held the giant sword in both hands, and looked up at Maitdai, who fell from the sky. The cold and huge sword intent locked him firmly.

It's not Ye Long's character to only be beaten and not fight back. Although he only used the power of a ninja, his power has faintly surpassed the limit of human beings.

If this sword is swung, it will definitely shake the world and break the mountains!

However, Mattai will never dodge at this moment. The kick that condensed the strongest power of Yuxiang and his lifelong belief finally kicked out at this moment, facing the giant Susa who is like a **** and demon!


The huge white column of air burst down, like an elephant foot crushing the heavens and the earth, vowing to crush the giant Susa in front of him.

After kicking out this kick completely, Mattai's other leg was also shattered, and the cost of using the eight-door Dunjia formation with all his strength was even more tragic than he imagined.

However, he felt no pain at all, staring at the scarlet giant in front of him.

In between, the giant raised the dark red blade high, and the 40-meter chakra giant sword slammed into the air It was like a battle between gods!


A terrifying wave broke out, and the dense forest was like a grass trembling in a violent storm, and it was smashed into pieces in an instant.

"Wow wow..."

The three of them were blown into the air by the air without any resistance, and their hearts were full of fear.

However, at this time, several ninjas suddenly appeared in the air, caught the three, and fell steadily to the ground.

"You are…!"

The three of Matekai were shocked, but found that the other party was wearing Konoha's forehead guard, and their hearts were a little complicated when they were relaxed.

"Haven't the ninjas of Konoha already retreated? Are you sent by Lord Shikaku?" Genma Shiranui asked.

"We are not under Lu Jiu's command. In fact, we are reinforcements from Muya. It's really hard for you to persist until now."

A Konoha ninja explained, but his eyes kept staring into the distance, and he didn't move away for a moment, "Where, in the end..."

"Great, please save my father quickly, he is fighting there!" Metkay shouted, his eyes full of pleading.

"What! Could it be that someone is fighting the Seven Ninja Swordsmen? Or your father?!" The Konoha Ninja was shocked.

"No, it's not the Seven Ninja Swordsmen..." Ebisu's sunglasses had already been blown away, and his slender eyes were full of terror. .

"Clarify, what's going on!"

An energetic female voice rang out, and Tsunade, who was wearing a Konoha vest, had a heroic expression on his face, pacing over surrounded by countless Konoha ninjas.

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