Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 831: , the path of evolution


On the first floor of the huge golden altar, Beluhu curled up in a corner, his body trembling, and black stains dripped down on the ground.

"It's so dangerous... so dangerous, it's really a close call!"

Ten minutes later, Beluhu raised his head and tore off the torn bandage that bound his chest, revealing his pale skin.

The rune paper in his hand has spontaneously ignited and disappeared. The so-called "Flying Thunder God's Linkage Technique" is similar in principle to the psychic technique. It can allow people who could not use the Flying Thunder God to use an ability similar to the "Flying Thunder God 2nd Stage". , that talisman paper is the necessary medium.

This technique was developed by Ye Longxian, because it needs a seal, it seems to be useless in battle, but it can also play a miraculous effect under certain conditions, which just saved Beiliuhu's life.

"If I was one step later, I might have been completely melted by that radiation, my flesh and blood collapsed, and I would have lost consciousness..."

Bei Liuhu looked at the area around the altar with lingering fears. The space shrouded in the power of the rich stars is definitely a purgatory on earth!

Beluhu tore off the bandages on his arm and back again, and he could see the ugly, bright red sarcomas that appeared on them at some point in time.

This is the aberration of the body cells caused by the excessive exposure to the power of the stars at one time, and the Guiyaluo cells in the body cannot fully absorb it.

If Kiyuhu can't suppress the damage caused by this radiation, his body will be completely deformed and become an ugly flesh and blood that has lost consciousness!

Bei Liuhu gritted his teeth and looked up at the golden altar higher up. The topmost position, the place where the power of the stars in the entire Demon Heaven Array is most concentrated, the colorful light group is so charming!

That is the light of evolution.

Bei Liuhu understood in his heart.

Every living thing has its origin, and the origin is strong or weak.

Among ninjas, even if they are of the same bloodline, even if they are brothers, the talents of two people are sometimes very different.

Some people are born geniuses, and some people are the tail of a crane. Even among the Senju and Uchiha clan, who are so talented, there are more than half of them who don't even have the qualifications to become ninjas.

Those who can become ninjas, regardless of their family, have a stronger origin than ordinary people.

Physique, spirit, longevity...

In the same race, individuals are strong or weak, and talents are high or low. This is the most simple truth.

The source is the same as talent and understanding, which is innate, and it is difficult to make up for it with acquired methods.

This seems to be the authority of the Creator, which has divided the dignity of life from the very beginning.

It's a pity that Beiluhu is the kind of waste wood born with weak origins.

It was only because of his own efforts that he could closely follow in the footsteps of those contemporary geniuses in the early years...

"Hey! Beiliuhu, come back quickly!"

"You've done your best, your Guiya Luo technique should have reached its limit, right?"

Outside of the formation, the three of Ye Long waved frantically towards Beluhu, who was sitting on the altar.

"Beiliuhu, just stay there and don't move. The power of the stars above will kill you instantly. I'll come in and take you away."

Ye Longyao looked at Peiliuhu, who was a thousand meters away, and shouted loudly, and at the same time signaled Yaotian to fuse with him and be immune to the damage of that radiation.

To be honest, Ye Long was also very afraid of the horror of the radiation of this formation. When the man of the God of Ninja entered the core position, the cells would collapse and die instantly.

"Gui Yaluo's technique is indeed magical. It can actually use this energy as nourishment to promote the improvement of strength."

Ye Long secretly said in his heart, "It's a pity that although he is stronger, there is no so-called 'qualitative change' after all.

Ji Beiliuhu's own aptitude, after undergoing this transformation, has reached its limit, completely exhausted its potential, and even left dark wounds and burdens on the body.

The strongest among the shadow-level peaks, in this life, he will stop at the second.

Of course, this is what he sacrificed his life for, and it's already amazing..."

Ye Long, wearing the star power coat transformed from the demon heaven, passed through the barrier and slowly approached the altar.

"Haha, am I... a failure?"

Beluhu looked at the military food pills and blood nourishing pills with the characteristics of the palm, because the previous burning, they all melted.

"Actually, I know, my power, I never expected it..."

White hair covered his eyes, and a tragic smile appeared on the corner of Bei Liuhu's mouth, "From the beginning, you valued my ability, not my strength.

In the beginning, I relied on the ability of Guiya Luo's technique to devour the blood and the limit. Although my strength is not as good as you, I can play a role.

But your strength has grown too fast! Leave me behind! "

With a "kara" sound, Bei Liuhu shattered the pill in his hand, "By now, even if I have five blood-level boundaries, and achieve a strength that I didn't even dare to dream of, it's a necessity for you, right?

After all, with your bloodline medicine, the rare bloodline limit is within easy reach, and you can create a group of obedient puppets at will. "

Dying, or an unknown new life?

Beluhu looked at the light group above his head like a dream, because she contained all possibilities.

The limit of the individual, in addition to its own powerful origin, plus the cultivation of the future, to reach the peak of the biological race.

If you want to break through, you can only "transcend".

Destroy the original gene chain, break the shackles of one's own blood, and transcend life itself, which is bound by death.

No breaking, no standing, the slightest possibility that only exists at the verge of death...

Break the original limitations of life and evolve into... a new life form!

"I'm sorry, Ye Longjun, Orochimaru, please allow me to trust me this time!"

Beiliuhu suddenly stood up and said loudly to Ye Long who was approaching, "Thank you for your help and companionship along the way, I got almost everything I wanted.

However, all the efforts and research I have made, all my goals are just to deduce the technique of Guiya Luo to the extreme and become the ultimate life form! "

Beluhu swallowed the broken pill in his hand, and a huge chakra erupted from his body again.

Ye Long could sense that the opponent's vitality was constantly being depleted, and the special pill allowed him to temporarily restore his strength and cut off all escape routes.

However, Beiluhu's spiritual strength has been condensed to the extreme, and there are faint signs of transformation.

This is a return to death, and Beluhu obviously doesn't want to end here. He wants to continue climbing to fully stimulate Gui Yaluo's potential!

"You guy!"

Ye Long's figure stopped in the air, with a look of surprise on his face.

To be honest, he still underestimated Beiluhu's determination, the other party's dedication to the technique of Guiya Luo in his heart and becoming a strong man.

Beiliuhu is an extremely strong person. He became a team member with Sannin with his inferior aptitude, but graduated from the ninja school at a younger age.

He saw through the essence of the Naruto world, which is to respect strength, so all his efforts are to make up for the innate deficiencies and enhance his potential.

It's just that with Ye Long's help and company for so many years, the extreme and harshness of the original time and space has disappeared, and this extreme character has been suppressed by "fetters" and friendship.

And now, it can be said that it is the only chance for Bei Liuhu. He can feel that his cells are about to move, and he has an opportunity to evolve, but he is close to the door.

The most crucial step.

And that step is the real near-death.

Only by giving up everything can one achieve "transcendence".

If he misses this time, his Guiya Luo technique will come to an end, and it will be reduced to a common secret technique to enhance strength and a means of merging the boundaries of blood.

That's all.

So... how could Beluhu give up?

How can you bear that your dream ends at the last moment? !


Beluhu roared up to the sky, and his white hair blew upwards under the impact of the huge chakra, revealing the scarlet and flickering Guiya Luo curse mark on his forehead.

With a sound of "Boom", Beiliuhu's thin body suddenly burst open, and granulation spreads and swells wildly from his body, like a beast that ripped apart the human body!


An astonishing shock wave erupted from the first floor of the altar. A giant beast with a height of more than 50 meters and a length of hundreds of meters appeared in the formation, and its claws were pulled on the platform of the first floor of the altar, almost a third of the altar. The height of Yi, the huge body and the terrifying Chakra on the body are comparable to the tailed beast!

"This is…?!"

Ye Long looked at Beiluhu with surprise, and he knew that this was the beast that Beiluhu had released from his body, reaching the strongest form.

The giant beast in front of him had a mighty lion-like head and a thick mane, with huge curved horns growing on its forehead.

It stood on all fours and looked strong and powerful. It was covered with thick dragon armor, each one meter in diameter, like a shield.

The hard bones are exposed on the joints, chest and back of the body, like an indestructible armor, with two pairs of wings like dragon wings on the back, fanning the scorching air, and two hideous snake heads on the back, spitting snakes. letter, seems to have independent consciousness.

This fusion beast softened the abilities of countless fierce beasts. It was the strongest fusion beast cultivated by Beiliuhu.

"Ye Longjun, and Orochimaru, you don't need to say anything, this time I won't give up!"

The fierce beast roared up to the sky, and the diamond-shaped curse mark of the Guiya Luo technique shone on its forehead, like blood-red eyes, and Beluhu showed the upper half of his body from that position, just like the person who performed the hypnosis technique.

With a sound of "Boom", the giant beast stomped on the ground with all four limbs, and flapped its four wings behind its back.

"Idiot! Do you think you can resist with a big body? There is no danger on the first floor, but the concentration of the power of stars on the second floor is directly ten times that of the outside world!"

The voice of Yaotian's anger resounded in Ye Long's mind, causing the latter's complexion to change. Before he said anything, the beast in the air had already let out an earth-shattering cry, as if it had hit an invisible barrier, and its figure was stagnant. in the air.

Just listening to the sound of "hum", a rich colorful light erupted from the top of the altar, as if the contempt of the giant beast angered the entire array, and the countless ice crystal prisms in the space were all focused on the giant beast incarnated by Beiliuhu. The light of the stars containing the destructive radiation directly hit its body, instantly causing the huge beast to be riddled with holes!


Thick black smoke rose from the sky, and even the sky was obscured.

The majestic stench of black blood rained down, mixed with collapsed flesh and charred bones, and it looked extremely terrifying and tragic.

With a loud "Boom", the giant beast was burning with blue-purple flames, and fell directly from the air. Its body was stained with blood. In order to resist the deadly beam just now, the wings on its back were burned directly, and only half of it remained. Bare skeleton!

"Hahaha! I feel the cells in my body are changing, is this the light of evolution?

Soon, soon! I have seen hope, I must get her! "

Bei Liuhu, who only showed half of his body, laughed wildly, coughing up blood, but he frantically urged the beast under him to get up again and climb the altar in front of him.

The relationship between the two is not the relationship between Human Zhuli and the Tailed Beast. It can be said that this giant beast is the body of Beiluhu fused with countless cell genes. The pain of the giant beast is completely fed back to Beiluhu.

To completely release all the cells that are suppressed in the body is actually fatal to Beiluhu. It is like the original time and space overly motivated the Tuanzang of the Mudun cells. In the end, they will only be assimilated by these terrifying cells and completely lose their consciousness!

But Beluhu has no choice now. With his own body, the terrifying power of the stars on the second floor will kill him immediately, and there is no possibility of moving forward.

And although he has not yet reached the top, Bei Liuhu was pleasantly surprised to find that under the stimulation of the power of the stars, the countless blood cells that were swallowed by the Gui Ya Luo technique and fused with his own body, after countless deaths, UU read a book. has a faint sign of deep integration!

This is a rather abstract feeling, but Beluhu understands that he seems to be able to control every piece of his flesh, every cell, and every gene to a certain extent? !

"Stand up for me...!"

The giant beast roared up to the sky, its wings disappeared, and this time it could only climb honestly.

On the side of the altar is a pyramid-like slope, the sharp claws of the beast pierced the stone wall, and slowly moved upwards under the burning of the light of the stars.

Every time it advanced one meter, large chunks of flesh and blood cells collapsed and fell off, disappearing directly from the body, revealing a charred skeleton.

"No, I can't stand it like this!"

The giant beast roared humbly on the forehead, and he began to actively control the cells of the giant beast. The genes in the body were rearranged, and a layer of brown **** covered the original body.

"This is…"

Ye Long looked at the giant beast that had shrunk by a large circle in surprise, and felt that it had transformed from a beast with powerful fighting power into an insect specially designed to fight radiation damage.

"it works!"

Feeling that the damage to his body was gradually weakening, Beiliuhu was overjoyed and used his incredible power to continue to adjust his genes.

A viscous liquid covered its surface, as if it had "evolved" from an insect to a mollusk.

Disgusting, but effective. .

Beluhu was still climbing slowly and firmly, and the speed of his collapse was within an acceptable range.

A short climb of a few hundred meters, what appeared in front of Ye Long seemed to be an evolutionary path accelerated by hundreds of millions of times, which was shocking.

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