Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 843: , mysticism

"It's here, it's here."

After the small elevator-like space was integrated into the huge cave space below, Ye Long and his party were "spit" out.

The strong gravity of the ground suddenly fell on Ye Long and Beiliuhu, and Beiliuhu stumbled and felt a little uncomfortable.

"What the **** is going on, why do you have to wake me up at this time?"

The voice of the huge slug sounded like Ru Junuo Nuo, like a gentle woman, her tentacle-like eyes looked around, and then she looked at the Yelong sitting on the head of the giant crab in the distance.

"Slug Daxian, I beg you to drive away these two invading guys. Their strength is too terrifying, and the seals outside can't resist them, and they hurt a lot of us all at once!" A whirlpool ninja directly half-kneeled The slug said in front of him.

"Oh, you can't even stop the formation outside, and it seems very tricky to beat you all."

The slug's cute eyes glanced at the surrounding ground that was smashed by Beiluhu and these whirlpool ninjas. Those Taki Shinobi who fell to the ground and wailed, looked at Beiluhu and Ye Ye who were standing in the distance. The dragon seemed to let out a sigh, but did not respond for a long time.

"Slug Daxian, you...?"

The whirlpool ninja said anxiously, but Ye Long beckoned to the slug, "Hey, slug, do you still know us?"


Ye Long's words made the slug, who looked very cute, stunned. The two tentacles swayed slightly as if they were looking for memories, and the surrounding vortex ninjas were shocked.

"You Konoha's ninja...?" Slug said uncertainly.

If it was Orochimaru, the slug might still be able to find information from the memory of a certain clone, but the intersection between Beiluhu and Yelong and Tsunade is relatively small, and the slug only has a general impression.

"Well, that's right, in fact, I didn't come as a ninja, I came here as a cultivator on behalf of Longdidong," Ye Long said seriously.

"The messenger of Longdi Cave?"

The slug silently looked at Ye Long sitting on the huge crab, his body seemed to be frozen, while the vortex ninjas were surprised, and only then did they realize that their previous actions might be a bit reckless.

But they still don't quite believe that the great slug fairy will meet these two humans, even if they have lived here for countless years and have been in contact with the wet bone forest for a long time, they are not qualified.

These two people are not from the Qianshou family, even if their strength is amazing, they are not qualified to enter the underground!

"Huh? Why don't you move?"

Ye Long doesn't care about the ninjas of the Uzumaki clan at all, just looking at the slugs of Muna, the other party doesn't seem to be very smart? Or is the consciousness not fully awake?

Just when Ye Long was a little impatient, the tentacles on the head of the slug in front of him suddenly flickered, and then he said to Ye Long, "Sorry, I was a little snubbed just now, let No. 7 receive you now!

If you are the messengers of Longdi Cave, the main body should be willing to meet you, but now is not a formal time, so you better not mess around! "

After he finished speaking, before Ye Long could react, his body split into countless small slugs and burrowed into the ground. At the same time, another slug emerged from the ground and appeared in front of them.

"What does it mean?"

Bei Liuhu said inexplicably, "Aren't these slugs part of the body, why..."

"Are you the slug that Tsunade used to channel?"

Ye Long asked the newly-appeared slug. Although the two looked exactly the same, Ye Long seemed to be able to distinguish the two from some subtle differences.

The first Kuoyu felt very rigid to him, and his consciousness seemed to be ignorant, but this one was different. It gave Ye Long a familiar feeling as soon as it appeared, as if this was a complete and independent control of consciousness. The previous one was just broken.

"Sorry for making you wait so long. The number 59 just now is a newly split body from the main body. If there are two people who have neglected her, I will apologize for her, Lord Yelong, Lord Beiluhu!"

Has it finally been recognized?

The same voice, the same tone, Ye Long can now be sure that this is Tsunade's usual psychic slug.

But what does the number 59 mean? And the number 7 in front of you.

If the number 59 was just split by the slug fairy, doesn't that mean...the slug fairy split at least 59 clones of the level of the Tsunade psychic beast? !

"I don't know if we can enter the Wet Bone Forest first for a view? I have brought an oral edict from the White Snake Immortal this time, and there are important things that I might trouble the Slug Immortal."

Ye Long patted the giant crab that looked like an island under his feet. The latter slowly sank into the water, and the huge waves that were raised still splashed the whirlpool ninjas.

Ye Long jumped onto the ground and stared directly at the slug, and the surrounding whirlpool ninjas moved away rather apprehensively.

"Okay, please come with me, the slug fairy welcomes you!"

Slug No. 7 nodded and walked ahead, but his tone seemed hesitant.

"I really don't understand, is there really something important, doesn't it say that the slug fairy usually sleeps in the cave?"

Ye Long remembered the Three Snake Girl's evaluation of the Slug Immortal, shook his head, and followed with Bei Liuhu.


The surrounding Uzumaki Ninjas were startled and looked at the two of them in disbelief.

Ji Xuan, who was previously controlled by Bei Liuhu, has woken up, as if thinking of something, she gestured to the other people with her eyes, and a group of people quietly retreated...

"It's a wonderful formation. The slug fairy's immortal skills are amazing."

Ye Long and Bei Liuhu came to the place where the slug appeared before, only to realize that this was actually a huge hidden space.

The previous island, the scene of those whirlpool ninjas praying, is just the tip of the iceberg in this space, and the entire island is just the portal here.

Ye Long and Bei Liuhu stepped in one step, and there was just another piece of land in front of them. There are beautiful grasslands, mountains, fields, huge villages and countless civilians everywhere.

Needless to say, these are the people of the vortex family, there are probably tens of thousands of people.

They live here, enjoying the shelter of the Shibone Forest, and living a life completely isolated from the Ninja world, like a paradise, but it is very comfortable.

The only thing that surprised Ye Long was that most of the commoners were farming in the fields, and the huge field stretched out as far as the eye could see, and there were some huge plants that Ye Long did not know.

The scale of the fields and crops is really amazing. Ye Long estimates that most of these people are busy in the fields, and a large part of the harvested food may also have to be paid to the slugs.

Even if they entered here, the space seemed to be blocked by the formation, and it was quite strange that those civilians could not see Ye Long and others passing by.

Ye Long estimated that such a formation was somewhat similar to the subspace of the previous sprite space. It not only concealed the space, but also expanded and folded.

The sprite space seems to be a powerful formation space constructed when sprite and the witch were still one body. This formation should not have been arranged by the ancestor Bai Hao, so the powerful strength of the slug fairy has already been hammered.

"Such an amazing sight, as the person who signed the contract with the slug, Tsunade should know?

Did she really never enter here, or was she unwilling to expose this position and cause unnecessary disputes? "

Ye Long thought to himself, judging from the exclusiveness of these whirlpool ninjas, he guessed it was the latter.

"Hey, No. 7, you actually came out at this time, have you really given up control of your body?

Hahaha, yes, with your weak personality, you are only suitable for receiving ninjas from the outside world, and you can't earn with those guys! "

Just when Ye Long and Beluhu were amazed at the surrounding scene, another slug suddenly emerged from a rock in front of him, startling Ye Long.

"Damn, this space has too much influence on my perception...!" Ye Long secretly said in his heart.

However, the slug that appeared suddenly seemed to have noticed Ye Long and Ye Long just now, and even exclaimed, "Ah! Where are these human beings, you actually let them in at this time?!"

This slug seems to have some injuries on its body, as if it was corroded. Although it healed quickly, it was hit by Ye Long.

"Huh? No, this boy who looks like a human seems to contain an unimaginable amount of natural power in his body, which is not something that ordinary humans can possess, and... I seem to be familiar with this breath...?" Staring at Ye Long indefinitely.

"Number 9, they are..."

"I am the messenger of Longdi Cave, and I want to see the Slug Immortal." Ye Long said bluntly.

"The messenger of Longdi Cave? No wonder..."

The slug was slightly startled, but then said in surprise, "No, I know all the three snake girls in Longdi Cave, you are not one of them, but you have amazing energy, and you claim to be the messenger of Longdi Cave. The spies who entered here?!"

"Okay, No. 9, don't embarrass them." No. 7 persuaded, but the soft tone was still not convincing.

"Okay, let the two of them come over, soon this fusion will end." At this moment, another huge slug emerged, and the voice was more like an old man.


Ye Long only felt that his head was getting bigger. The slugs in front of him looked almost identical, but they obviously had independent personalities and could communicate with "self".

If there are at least fifty or sixty identical slugs that get together and quarrel every day...

I really don't know what the body of the slug fairy looks like, Ye Long is very "looking forward"? !

"Okay, Lord No. 6." No. 7 Tsunade Slug politely said.

"What, is the result coming so soon? Even you gave up on No. 6..."

Slug No. 7 was very surprised, "Then go in, you two will follow."

Zhijian greeted them with a misty light on the tentacles of the No. 6 old man's slug. Ye Long suddenly sensed the change in space. The next moment, a circular space tunnel suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Directly...opened the space barrier?!" With a low voice, the No. 6 Kuoyu in front of him seemed to have similar energy to the other two slugs in his perception. How could he be able to do such a thing?

"This is nothing unusual, for outsiders, the space here is very special, even like a cage.

But for us who are part of the slug fairy who built this space, we have the same cells and blood vessels in our bodies, and there is no problem in simply manipulating this space. ' Slug No. 7 explained a little bit.

The next moment, Ye Long and Beluhu, together with three huge slugs, squeezed into the space passage and performed a wonderful shuttle.

"It's actually such a structure...?!"

Entering the space passage, it is not another space that Ye Long imagined, but they are all in a spherical space like an air bag, and they are really descending rapidly.

Of course, there is no sense of direction in pure space, they are weightless at this moment.

However, after Ye Long pushed his pupil power to the extreme, his sight finally passed through the space wall of this small space, and he could roughly see the entire space, or the appearance of the Wet Bone Forest.

The whole space is mainly divided into two areas, one large and one small, and several small spaces like bubbles.

The living space of the vortex clan above, including the portal to the outside world, is actually just a smaller space.

Ye Long could roughly see that the larger space below was connected to an underground world that was not known how deep in reality. There were stalagmites, karst caves and underground water sources everywhere, which contained huge natural forces.

Natural forces exist in the air, land and toads in Miaomu Mountain absorb more of the natural energy in the air, so the environment of Miaomu Mountain seems to be "straight to the point", and you can see it as soon as you enter Many giant toads who "meditate" peacefully in the open air and absorb natural energy to cultivate.

The Longdi Cave lineage seems to be more inclined to absorb natural energy from the earth. The most typical one is the immortal method, the inorganic reincarnation, and the caves of the giant snakes are also underground.

As for the slug fairy, not only likes dark and damp underground caves, but also likes a lot of water.

The water veins at the bottom flowed through the huge cave space, and the majestic natural energy almost condensed into substance under the formation of the wet bone forest, and even crystalline spar appeared, some like Ye Longjian once. Arrive at the Gerel Mine!

Slug Immortal's body and many clones are in the bottom large space, and Ye Long is temporarily difficult to see.

And the small subspace airbag they are in at the moment is like an elevator, which directly takes everyone to a space that is several kilometers underground.

There seem to be quite a few such small spaces around, floating irregularly in the entire space network. In addition to the two largest spaces, there are other spaces, which seem to be planted with special plants, absorbing the huge energy gathered by the entire space, showing vitality.

As for the slug fairy, not only likes dark and damp underground caves, but also likes a lot of water.

The water veins at the bottom flowed through the huge cave space, and the majestic natural energy almost condensed into substance under the formation of the wet bone forest, and even crystalline spar appeared, some like Ye Longjian once. Arrive at the Gerel Mine!

Slug Immortal's body and many clones are in the bottom large space, and Ye Long is temporarily difficult to see.

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