Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 911: , big day

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The land of wind, the hidden sand village.

Three days ago, everything here was lazy and peaceful.

In the third ninja war, although Shayin Village still seemed to be mediocre, it did not gain any substantial benefits under the extremely conservative strategy of the three generations of Kazekage, and was secretly criticized by many ninjas.

But it is this conservative strategy that makes Sand Ninja Village's combat power compared to other countries, especially in front of the besieged Konoha and the devastated Kiriyin Village, the original gap has narrowed a little.

So after the war, Sandyin Village still seemed very calm, silently developing the only resources, and working hard to train the younger generation of ninjas. Even if the whole country seemed a little chaotic due to the change of the moon, it was still under the control of the ninjas.

However, this peace was suddenly shattered. According to the account of several Anbu responsible for the village, three days ago, the three generations of Kazekage seemed to have obtained some important information, and hurriedly left the village with a few Anbu ninjas, the purpose is unknown, Then check for no audio.

After that, the puppet master of Sandyin Village, the grandson of the chief elder of Sandyin Village, Chiyo, and the genius ninja scorpion with the title of "Red Sand Scorpion" also suddenly disappeared.

When investigating the residence of the ninja, he was surprised to find a large number of taboo puppets - human puppets and a large number of production materials.

The manufacturing technology of those puppets completely subverted the cognition of the sand ninja puppet masters. The technology used can be said that even the puppet masters like Chiyo and Eizang sighed to themselves, even those works that were abandoned by the scorpion can be called A masterpiece among puppets.

Of course, Scorpion became an S-level wanted criminal in Sand Ninja Village, and countless Sand Ninjas pursued him, but there was no clue.

Originally, the two things didn't have much to do with each other, and Sand Ninja was still frantically looking for the three generations of Kazekage who had suddenly disappeared.

Until three days later, in a remote canyon, the sand ninjas found several dilapidated human puppets, as well as a large number of traces of fighting, including residual iron sand.

In particular, after being identified by the Sand Ninjas, they were surprised to find that these severely damaged human puppets were actually made from the "material" of the Sand Ninja Anbu. Anbu ninja leaving the village!

As a result, the rumor that the scorpion of the red sand had assassinated the three generations of Kazekage began to spread wildly in the sandy hidden village. Coupled with the disappearance of the three generations of Kazekage and the scorpion, the panic spread rapidly, and it was impossible to control it.

Although Sand Ninja Village still did not give up the hope of finding the "strongest Kazekage in history", as time passed, everyone knew that the probability of the three generations of Kazekage surviving was slim.

Especially after it was reported that someone who was suspected of being the Red Sand Scorpion had appeared in the Ninja World, and the news gradually spread to the entire Ninja World and the ears of the high-level officials of other villages...

“Bah… bah…”

In the border area of ​​the Land of Wind, on a secluded forest path, a handsome young man with short red hair was walking slowly.

He has a perfect face that makes all girls enigmatic and men jealous. His delicate facial features do not seem to be possessed by real people, but are more like perfect works of art, without flaws.

I don't know if it's an illusion or not, this young man's eyes don't seem to have the slightest emotion, and even his somewhat rigid body does not have the slightest warmth.

If Sand Ninja finds out, this seemingly teenage boy is the S-level wanted criminal who has been debated in secret, the Scorpion of Red Sand himself!

At this moment, his direction seems to be to leave the country of wind, and he has no nostalgia for the country where he lives.

"Three generations of Fengying, he really deserves to be called the strongest Fengying guy, even if I used a few puppets to secretly poison him and lead him to a remote place, in order to get his body, I lost a lot of materials. , I almost destroyed my carefully crafted body."

Feeling the somewhat uncoordinated body, Scorpion Xiu frowned slightly, and he stretched out his arm, but there were several deep cracks in the originally smooth left hand, which looked shocking.

"Actually, that conceited guy should have noticed my work, but he is too conceited, and he is confident that he can deal with my layout, so he will be defeated by me." Scorpion sighed.

"In order to avoid the entanglement of the two old guys, I had to give up a lot of works when I left, and now it is estimated that they have fallen into the hands of those so-called puppet masters, so it is my last gift to you.

A group of ignorant and mediocre guys, the real puppet, as the sustenance of the eternal soul, should be a living work of art.

Unfortunately, they will probably never understand this. "

With a "click", Scorpion abruptly removed his broken right arm, apparently his body had been transformed into a puppet.

As a little bit of black iron filings fell from the broken puppet arm to the ground, Scorpion took out a new arm and installed it like a replacement part.

After a while, there was a deep dissatisfaction in the eyes of the scorpion.

"Hey, that's all for now. The new work has not been completely completed, and we must find a safe place to repair it. At that time, the entire ninja world will not have much to threaten my existence."

Scorpion looked at the forest in front of him, with a reluctant smile on his indifferent face, "That rotten sandy hidden village has few materials worth transforming. I don't like the ability of that woman in Yecang. I won't go back anywhere.

But the ninja world is so big that there is always a goal that suits me, especially Konoha Ninja Village. I heard that even other Ninja villages can't defeat it together. There must be a guy who is suitable to be transformed into a work of art!

When I stray from the entire ninja world and completely complete that technique, I can truly surpass all the puppet masters in history and create the art of Eternal Mark. "


There were bursts of roars from the sky, and the moon shone with a hint of golden light, seemingly responding to the "artist"'s declaration, causing Scorpion's brows to slightly wrinkle.

"It's really inexplicable, although I don't know what's going on, but... it seems to destroy this **** moon..."

Without warning, Scorpion suddenly raised the arm that had just been assembled, and in the sound of the loudspeaker, the arm turned into a small cannon-like device, aiming at the silent jungle ahead.

"Secret Skill, Thousand Books of Prosthetic Hands!"

In the intensive sound of shooting, hundreds of steel needles coated with highly poisonous were splashed in all directions like rain, and in a sound of "Xixi Suo Suo", several figures rushed out of the bushes and launched an attack on the scorpion.

"The sneaky guy has been following me for a long time, and I won't let it go."

Scorpion snorted coldly, stretched out his right hand, and countless organs burst out from his sleeve, turning into a huge whip full of sharp blades, and swept in front of him fiercely.

With a "pop" sound, the two sides suddenly separated.

The scorpion landed steadily on the ground. On the opposite side, six ninjas with different appearances fell to the ground. There were more or less small wounds on their bodies. It seemed that they wanted to stand up and attack again, but they all cried out in agony. Mo, and then unconscious.

"Who are these people?"

Scorpion did not relax because he easily defeated the enemy. Several people who were poisoned had different identities. It seemed that they were not Sand Ninja.

After careful observation, Scorpion's brows were even more wrinkled, because he found some small black rod-like strange substances on these people.

As a puppet master's intuition, Scorpion suddenly realized that these dead guys were actually "human puppets" controlled by others!

"These are spies who mixed into our organization, or some traitors who are not firm-willed. They betrayed the organization's companions for their own interests, so they were punished by God and became like this."

Under Scorpion's gaze, two figures appeared above the treetops in front of him, looking down at him condescendingly, making Scorpion's face quite ugly.

"Scorpion of Red Sand, according to the agreement, we helped you assassinate the three generations of Me Kazekage and fulfilled your personal preference.

Now that you are out of the pursuit of Sand Shinobi, should you fulfill your previous promise? "

Above the treetops, a blue-haired woman stared at the scorpion indifferently, the tall black collar covered her beautiful appearance, but the sound of that day still made the scorpion's dead heart tremble slightly!

"Make your decision, Scorpion of Red Sand, our organization has spent so much effort to help you get this done. If you refuse, your fate will not be much better than these guys."

The other man said in a cold voice, his green eyes even more terrifying, "You don't look like those short-lived guys, but your bounty has been rising very fast recently!"

These two people are Xiaonan and Jiaodu. Although there are some differences with the original time and space, Jiaodu is the first to join Xiao for some reason.

"Hehe, I don't know what it means!"

Scorpion said angrily, "A woman, and a guy who is not a person or a ghost, your so-called rebel organization looks a bit disappointing, doesn't it?"

Scorpion retracted his puppet arm, pointed at the two and said, "Before you guys kept sending people to contact me, saying that if you join your organization, you can accomplish any ideal and boast about your strength, but I never knew your true identities from beginning to end. I can't believe you!"

"Our organization does not have too many mandatory orders for powerful people, and as the cadres of the organization, our identities and abilities must be kept secret, and any disclosure can lead to death."

Jiao Du said coldly, "How about a newcomer, or you still want to be broken down by me and exchanged for a bounty!"

After all, Jiaodu's sleeves bulged suddenly, and he must be the first to do it!

"Wait, let me discuss it with him."

Xiao Nan stretched out his hand and pointed directly at Jiao Du. On the other side, Scorpion also gave Jiao Du a cold look, and then stared at Xiao Nan who was slowly falling from the treetops.

"Scorpion, you seem to be underestimating us."

Xiaonan said softly, "I know that as a genius in Sand Ninja Village, you don't take the dull guys in the village seriously, but this Ninja world is very big, and a person's power is limited after all.

Without our help, you may not be able to do anything on your own, and your art will quickly wither in isolation. "

"Are you threatening me, or are you teaching me to do things?!"

Scorpion said angrily, he had to admit that he was able to successfully assassinate the three generations of Kazekage, and it was true that the woman in front of her and the help provided by the mysterious organization behind her were not very disgusted to join them.

But in the face of Xiao Nan's unique, soft and indifferent voice, Scorpion always feels like being instructed by an elder!

"Go ahead, if you want me to join you, you have to show your strength, otherwise I'm not interested in a short-lived organization!" Scorpion looked at Xiao Nan and said seriously.

"Hey, I really want to kill him."

The angle on the top of the tree clenched his fist secretly. As the most senior bounty hunter in the black market of the ninja world, he was naturally invited by Akatsuki after the Akatsuki organization notified the Kingdom of Rain and took over the black market general meeting.

After receiving Xiaonan's promise to fully manage the organization's funds, the corners readily agreed. At this time, he didn't want his direct boss to be killed accidentally.

Of course, Jiaodu actually vaguely knew about Xiaonan's strength, and even the strength of the leader of the organization secretly called "God", so he wasn't very worried, just thought that Scorpion, the default newcomer, didn't know what to do!

"bring it on."

Xiao Nan smiled slightly, and a light breeze hung all over her body, holding her gentle posture instead of retreating, she actually rushed towards Scorpion.

"Be careful!"

Scorpion didn't understand Xiao Nan's abilities, so he was very cautious and used hidden weapons to launch a large-scale attack again.

"Ninja Paper Shield!"

Under the intensive attack of the scorpions, Xiao Nan showed her unique ninjutsu.

I just heard a chaotic sound of "ding ding ding dong", and the hidden weapons in the sky were shot on the defense formed by the paper, making the sound of rain hitting the bananas, but the seemingly thin white paper could not be pierced, and it was rigid. Resisted the break's attack.

"Ninja-style paper dance!"

With a sound of "swipe", Xiao Nan's figure rose into the sky. Under the stunned gaze of the scorpion, a pair of white paper wings spread out from behind her, like a holy angel descending into the world, completely ignoring the attack of the scorpion.

As the pieces of paper were flying, Scorpion finally saw Xiaonan's angelic This...this is...? ! "

Scorpion's original stiff expression showed complex emotions such as surprise, admiration, and longing, as if looking at some incredible and perfect artwork again.

The poison on his hidden weapon is difficult to achieve against Xiao Nan in the paper state. Originally, he had already held the scroll behind him with one hand, but this time he silently took it back...

"What's the matter, why didn't you attack?"

Xiao Nan looked down at the scorpion once again, and the thousands of pieces of paper around her turned into sharp "blades" under her chakra, which could be chopped down at any time.

"That's it, if it's your invitation, I think I'm willing to try to join this organization."

Scorpion lowered his head, ignoring the whispered mockery from the corners, and started to restrain his own expansion.

"Oh, that's really nice."

The expression on Xiao Nan's face also softened.

She knew that Scorpion's strength was not simple, especially after he obtained the body of the third generation of Kazekage, so she deliberately chose this time to find Scorpion.

"From now on, your code name will be Jade Girl."

Xiao Nan threw a ring towards Scorpion, who took it and put it on his hand silently...

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