Xiao Yao and his entourage, led by Qimu Shuomao, soon arrived at the Quicksand Town located on the border of the Land of Wind, because this town is located on the border between the Land of Wind and the Land of Fire, so this town is very prosperous, and it is not as barren and dilapidated as other towns in the Country of Wind.

The streets are full of traffic and shouting, and because there are many merchants from both countries, ninjas who act as guards can also be seen everywhere.

However, most of these ninjas are from small ninja villages, after all, ninjas of large countries have a good reputation and strength but also have a lot of value, the same task, in a small country may only need 10,000 to issue, but in Konoha it needs a hundred thousand honorarium, this is the gap between large countries and small countries.

Xiao Yao and his party found a hotel, and after dinner, they went back to their respective rooms to rest.

Xiao Yao directly separated six golden doppelgangers after washing and entered the state of cultivation.

Xiao Yao’s five doppelgangers have a clear division of labor, of which the body is responsible for refining Chakra, No. 1 is responsible for practicing the speed of sealing, No. 2 is responsible for developing ninjutsu, and No. 3 is responsible for continuously transforming Chakra in the body into soil attributes to improve the level of soil attribute properties; Number Four is responsible for constantly transforming the chakra in the body into a fire attribute nature, which is used to improve the fire attribute nature level; Number Five is responsible for converting Chakra into a water attribute property grade; by increasing the fire attribute property level; No. 6 is responsible for converting the carat into a thunder attribute, which is used to increase the thunder attribute property level.

No way, who let this be an inn, there is no place that can be used to practice ninjutsu, otherwise Xiao Yao will definitely not stay in the house honestly.

Dangdang! ~

Just as Xiao Yao was cultivating, a knock on the door suddenly sounded, and although Xiao Yao was a little strange who would find himself at this time, he still said lightly: “Please come in!” ”

As Xiao Yao’s voice fell, the room book was gently opened, and then Qimu Shuomao strode in, and Qimu Shuomao was slightly startled when he saw the six golden doppelgangers in Xiao Yao’s room, and his eyes couldn’t help but show a touch of appreciation.

Xiao Yao quickly stood up from the tatami mat after seeing the person coming, he walked to Qimu Shuomao’s side, and said with a respectful expression: “Hello Qimu teacher, why are you here so late!?” ”

Qi Mu Shuomao smiled slightly, motioned for Xiao Yao to sit down and said softly: “It’s nothing, it’s just that when I just passed here, I saw that your light was still on, but I didn’t expect that you were still cultivating at this time, and you also divided six doppelgangers at the same time to cultivate, your strength is already the best of the same generation, why do you have to work so hard?” ”

Xiao Yao said with a firm expression: “Because I want to fulfill my grandmother’s and sister’s wishes, revitalize the Senju clan, and make Senju once again become the number one tycoon in Konoha and even the ninja world.” ”

“So that’s the case, then you have to keep it up.” Qimu Shuomao abruptly, he touched Xiao Yao’s head, his eyes showed a look of distress, it seemed that he suddenly thought of something, he asked with some concern: “By the way, Xiao Yao, today is the first mission, how is it, are you still used to it?” ”

“Well, it’s okay, because of the care of Teacher Qimu, it looks pretty good now.”

“It’s okay, cultivation is not in a hurry, go to bed early, tomorrow will officially enter the country of wind, there is different from our country of fire, most of the land of the country of wind is covered by desert, the heat is unbearable during the day, and the night is freezing cold, even if you want to rest, you can’t rest well.”

“Well, I see, thank you Teacher Shuomao for caring.” Xiao Yao showed a bright smile on his face, he was an orphan in his previous life and experienced the warmth of time, so in this life, he cherished everyone around him who really cared about him.

Although Xiao Yao and Qimu Shuomao have not known each other for a long time, he can feel that his concern for himself is heartfelt, which makes Xiao Yao particularly satisfied.

From today onwards, there is one more person in the world who cares about himself, and one more person who needs to protect himself, so… I want to get stronger.

Xiao Yao clenched his fists and looked firm.

“Okay, I’ll go first, let’s rest early if it’s okay!”

“Teacher Shuomao go slowly.” Xiao Yao sent Qimu Shuomao out, and after cultivating for a while, he rested early, just like Qimu Shuomao said, the environment of the country of wind is harsh, and he really needs to rest well when he can rest.

The next day, Xiao Yao and his party set off early when the sun had not yet fully risen, and when they reached noon, they finally had a clear idea of the environment of the country of winds, the distance between towns and towns here was almost all covered with yellow sand, the sand under the feet was like a hot iron under the sunlight, the soles of their feet hurt, and the wind and sand continued to scrape on their faces like knives, I really don’t know how the residents of the country of wind survived in such a harsh environment.

Two days later, Xiao Yao and his party successfully delivered Haneda and the goods safely to their destination and began to return the same way.

At this time, the place where they were located was a remote village in the Land of Winds, which looked much more dilapidated than Quicksand Town, and the entire village was only about Bai Do’s family, they lived in shabby sand houses, wore shabby clothes, and their complexion was sallow and skinny, as if they were skin and bones.

They have no eyes, one by one, like a walking dead, in their eyes Xiao Yao does not see hope, just like he used to be, there is no goal, no dream, simply just to live and live.

Villages like this are everywhere in the Land of the Wind, they are poor and backward, eager to get out of this cursed desert, but unfortunately, because of the gap between countries, no other country will take them in except the Wind Country.

Xiao Yao and his party restarted their journey after a simple rest meeting in this village, because there was no cargo, so he soon had already walked out of the desert of the country of wind, and when Xiao Yao returned to the country of fire, looking at the green trees, breathing fresh air, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of being separated from the world.

After seeing the harsh environment of the Land of Wind, Xiao Yao was full of sympathy for Sha Yin, and also understood their warlike from the heart.

The country of wind is like the nomads in ancient China, it is not that they are warlike, but if they do not start a war, only death awaits them, and in order to survive, they can only hit stones with pebbles and fight to the death.

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