The No. 1 gold doppelganger knows the muscles very well, knowing that he can absorb the chakra through the knife body in contact with human skin and the embodied Chakra, so the golden doppelganger uses the bullet behind the watermelon mountain puffer ghost to teleport behind the watermelon mountain puffer ghost, and then directly uses a knife flow Yan anti.

With the Oni Toru pseudo-piercing into the body of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost.

The elder who did not eat Chakra’s deep tongue let out a dissatisfied cry in his mouth, but when he saw his master’s hand, he still wrapped the arm of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost with the handle of the knife, and then restored Chakra for him.

However, Xiao Yao let go of the ghost in his hand at this time, and a long blade grew out of his left hand and directly cut towards the arm of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, and as bright red blood rushed out from the arm of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, the mackerel muscles were cut off by No. 1 together with the mackerel muscles in the hands of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost.

“My Chakra isn’t that delicious.”

A sneer appeared on No. 1’s immature face, and he picked up the handle of the mackerel that moved towards the watermelon mountain puffer ghost like a caterpillar from the ground.

The mackerel can only absorb Chakra with the blade body, so this handle can be said to be his only weakness, at this time the mackerel muscle is constantly struggling, although it wants to stab the arm of the gold doppelganger with the spike at the hilt, but unfortunately, because the golden doppelganger is now in a metalized form, the barb at the hilt of the mackerel muscle is simply helpless.

“Damn it!” The faces of the full moon and Lin Yongyu, who were watching the lively ghost lantern full moon and Lin Yongyu, changed suddenly, originally they thought that the five ninja swords could easily solve the five golden doppelgangers, but now the result was a big disappointment for them.

“I have accepted your sword, and you, give me repentance in hell!”

No. 1’s right hand held the struggling mackerel muscle, while his left hand suddenly grew a sharp blade, and then quickly stabbed towards the watermelon mountain puffer ghost.

Because the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost was already dying at this time, he couldn’t dodge it at all in the face of Xiao Yao’s attack.

Kim instantaneous!

Seeing that the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost was about to die under his hand knife, the golden doppelganger suddenly felt a dangerous aura, and he did not hesitate and left directly using the teleportation technique.

That’s right, instantaneous, not a stand-in!

After this period of research, Xiao Yao can fully master the two techniques. Therefore, it can be used for its own use before the instantaneous and substitute, and the difference between the two is that the instantaneous body moves to the target position, similar to the short-distance flying thunder god.

And the stand-in replaces the medium to his own position, but he can also use the medium to run, which is extremely convenient, which is also Xiao Yao’s golden double and ordinary substitute technique, ordinary substitute technique needs to consume the technique above the substitute medium.

But Xiao Yao’s golden instantaneous body was only launched based on the connection between Xiao Yao and his own Chakra.

The rain of bullets before Jin Doppelgänger is not just to grab the heads of those rain ninjas, robbing people’s heads is only by the way, their real purpose is to spill their bullets around and create a geographical advantage for themselves.

And at the moment when No. 1 disappeared, a huge energy mass struck towards the location where the gold branch disappeared, looking at the chasm on the ground that was more than half a meter deep, No. 1 couldn’t help but be a little lucky, fortunately, he reacted quickly, if he was hit by this skill, he could go back to chat with the body directly.

However, although No. 1 escaped a catastrophe, the watermelon mountain puffer ghost was not so lucky, and was directly hit by that energy, and he couldn’t die anymore.

“My Mist Ninja, only I Mist Ninja can kill, and you will die under my double sword.” The ghost lamp full moon looked cold, and a childish face exuded a terrifying murderous aura.

The mackerel muscles constantly struggled in No. 1’s hands, and angry cries came out of his mouth, and he was obviously still relatively loyal to the owner of the watermelon mountain puffer ghost.

Unlike the other six knives, it is not a real knife, but a creature, he was originally a small fish with three tails, usually attached to Iso’s stomach, responsible for cleaning up the remnants, and sucking food from Iso’s stomach, refining a large amount of Chakra, and then sending Chakra back to Iso’s body.

The power of the mackerel muscle is that it can extract 5 times the normal extractable chakra from food, and the chakra stored in the mackerel body will continue to flow into the iso body when it fights, and after turning into a ninja knife, it also retains this setting, and the chakra that can devour the enemy will restore the chakra by its own master.

However, it is precisely because the mackerel muscle is not a real knife, so it has caused certain troubles for the golden doppelganger, if he is a real knife, Xiao Yao, as the controller of the metal, can easily control it, and even directly integrate it into his own body.

Unfortunately, because the mackerel is a creature that has barb protection comparable to metal, it is not a real metal, so the golden avatar can only take out a scroll and prepare to seal it into the scroll and give it to the body.


Speaking of the problem of the full moon of the ghost lantern, I don’t think he has the ability to channel the ninja knife, otherwise he would not give up his most familiar flat plaby and the strongest mackerel muscle.

So I think that the scroll that Full Moon took out in the original book is just a scroll that seals ninja tools, and there is actually no difference from the scroll of Tiantian, if it can really be psychic, there will be no more rebellion with a ninja knife like no more slashing, ghost mackerel, even if people judge, the knife will be recycled. _

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