After buying clothes, they went to many places. They didn't return home until the evening. They were both very happy today. They haven't been so happy for a long time. Although they can go out with other friends normally, the feeling is always different.

After Ye Fei returned home, he put the clothes beside him, and then lay on the bed and carefully thought about what happened today.

When he thought of this, a smile appeared on his face. He also liked this feeling very much, and he also hoped that it could last forever.

Such days are very important to him. After all, he doesn't have so many memories.

"I am so happy today. I don't know what to do tomorrow."

"I always feel that time is passing very quickly now. If I continue like this, I might grow up soon."

"Then we have to work hard to face everything."

Ye Fei was lying on the bed, thinking about the future. What he feared most was what was going to happen in the future, no matter which one it was, it would be very serious.

Especially the Uchiha family, and the Nine-Tails invading Konoha.

He couldn't even think about these, although he had always been looking forward to becoming a ninja.

But at that time he didn't know anything about this place. It was not until he appeared in this world that he realized how dark it was.

And if you want to survive in this place, you must work harder.

Only in this way can you get the corresponding rewards. Strength can explain everything, and you can think of a lot of things.

Ye Fei was not idle at all in the following days. When he had no tasks, he would go to training.

Although he already has the help of the system, he always feels that there are fewer and fewer choices now.

If you want to improve your strength as soon as possible, you still need to rely on yourself. He has been training hard, and also helped Mu Mu and Yamamoto Kamikawa.

These two With the help of Ye Fei, Naruto's strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and he has also achieved very good results in school. It is precisely because of this that the two of them were able to graduate early.

They both felt that the credit for graduating early was all due to Ye Fei.

Since the day of buying clothes, many things have happened that Ye Fei did not want to encounter.

But in the end, they all have to face them, and many of them are different from what they thought before.

The Nine-Tails invaded Konoha, the four-generation couple did not die, and the Nine-Tails was eventually sealed in Naruto's body.

Although the Uchiha family was destroyed and Uchiha Itachi disappeared without a trace.

But in the days that followed, Ye Fei still found his trace and successfully brought him back.

He didn't want to lose such a friend.

Although he encountered opposition from many people, he finally figured out the reason for the matter.

Mu Mu, Yamamoto Kamikawa, and Uchiha Itachi all joined the Anbu.

Ye Fei also became their captain.

There are a total of four of them in this team.

Five years passed quickly.

"I have been in this world for such a long time without realizing it."

"And I can clearly feel the changes in myself. I am getting stronger little by little."

"Now I have become the captain of the team. I never thought about it before."

Ye Fei sat in his yard, looking at the sky and said with a smile.

I feel like I have been playing for these years. I have faced many important things, but I have muddled through them.

And my strength is growing day by day, much stronger than before.

"Naruto and his friends are almost grown up! Their time will eventually come."

"Looks like I have something else to do."

Ye Fei looked at the forehead protector in his hand, and then said helplessly.

Knock, knock!

A series of knocks on the door reached his ears.

He sighed, then slowly opened the door.

Looking at the three people who appeared in front of him, Ye Fei smiled.

"Why are you three here?"

"It's really too sudden!"

Ye Fei looked at Mu Mu, Yamamoto Kamikawa, and Uchiha Itachi and said

"Of course we came to see you. It's been such a long time since we last met."

"We are here to have dinner with you. We haven't been together for a long time."

"Just the four of us."

Each of the three of them said something.

Ye Fei looked at them when they grew up and couldn't help laughing.

"I have nurtured you three bit by bit. I have watched you three grow up."

"This feeling is really amazing."

Ye Fei looked at the three of them and thought silently in his heart.

After a moment, he nodded and followed them down the street.

Many places are in ruins now, after all, they just went through a battle not long ago.

They are all being rebuilt.

"I feel very lucky to be friends with the three of you in this life."

Ye Fei looked at the three people next to him and said with a smile.

"Why are you suddenly saying such sentimental words? You should hurry up and eat."

"There will be plenty of time to talk about this later, it's too early to talk about it now."

Mu Mu patted his shoulder and said with a smile.

Ye Fei nodded, then stopped talking, keeping his smile and walked forward.

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