"Oh... All right!

"I wanted to retire for a long time... It's just that Star Shinobi Village has never had anyone who has entrusted me with the heavy responsibility of the village! "

Summer Star and Hotaru are actually good, but they were still too young before... So impulsive! The

third generation of Mehoshikage looked stunned for a moment, and his body shook slightly, as if he was also surprised by Haruno's bold statement. However, his next words made Summer Star feel very surprised, and he couldn't imagine that the three generations of Meixing Shadow in front of him really agreed to Haruno Xiao's nonsense!

Could it be that Haruno Xiao really became a new star shadow so easily with a few words?

Four generations of starry shadows!

This is also one of the dreams she and Hotaru have pursued before! The other party actually did just that!

Are they really as young and vigorous as the three generations said?

"Haha... Thank you for agreeing. I will definitely not live up to your expectations!

"Star Shinobi Village will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes under my leadership..."

"This is my promise to Summer Star!"

"If she can't do it, she'll definitely get me in trouble in the future, won't she?"


Haruno smiled and expressed his gratitude to the three generations of Mekage, while looking playfully at the summer star beside him. Immediately attracted the other party's white eyes, and at the same time a little worried about the future of Star Shinobi Village.

Next, Haruno Xiao asked the three generations of Mehoshikage in the village chief's office about the specific situation of Star Shinobi Village, and the other party answered them one by one.

Let him have a more detailed understanding of this village!

After Haruno Xiao discussed with the three generations of Mekage, the Hoshinin who was hiding near the village chief's office was also released from the illusion control by Haruno Laugh.

Then the other ninjas from the Star Shinobi Village were gathered and began to discuss Haruno Laugh's appointment as the fourth generation of Mekage.

"What!? Sandaime, you're not kidding us, are you?

"You actually want this outsider to be the fourth generation of our Star Ninja Village!"

"By what?"

Waiting for the ninjas of the Star Shinobi Village to gather in front of the village chief's office building, they couldn't help but be shocked after hearing the words of the three generations of Mekage, and for a moment it was unbelievable that their next four generations of Mekage would let someone they didn't know before.

Especially Akahoshi, who is a star ninja Murakami Shinobu, originally wanted to become a fourth-generation Mekage, and he directly questioned the third-generation Mekage in front of everyone.

With purple hair and blue eyes, he is quite handsome, and he is also quite popular in Star Ninja Village, and he immediately got the recognition of many ninjas.

After all, it would be ridiculous to suddenly let an outsider be their leader!

"yes! Brother Akahoshi is right!

"Who is this Haruno laughing?" We didn't know him before! Why make him our new star shadow?

"Even if the third generation is going to abdicate, the new Star Shadow will be selected from these ninjas in our Star Ninja Village, okay?"

"I think Brother Akahoshi is most suitable to be the new fourth-generation Mekoshi Shadow!"

As Akahoshi's younger brother, Nighthawk, whose strength is quite good, quickly echoed, and at the same time, he also signaled with his eyes that other familiar younger brothers should agree.

"yes! Oh, yes!

"I think Akahoshi is not bad either!"


"I believe in myself more than an outsider! As for who will be the fourth generation of Meijing, I think everyone can vote..."

To a referendum! Let's hear our opinions!

"I think it's better to fight! Only those with strong strength can become the new fourth-generation Mekage..."

"Not bad! Have a fight! Only the strongest can become the shadow of our Star Ninja Village! "


Haruno Xiao's desire to be the fourth generation of Mei Xingying really led out all the demons and monsters in Star Ninja Village at this time.

After all, it's not just Akahoshi, there are other people who want to become the highest and most powerful leader of the village.

"Everyone, please be quiet!"

"You didn't know me before, but now remember my name... My name is Haruno Laugh! Also the leader of a ninja village!

"And now I will also become the leader of your Star Ninja Village and become the new fourth generation of Mei Xingying!"

"I know you're not convinced! Maybe think that the three generations have lost their minds and gone crazy! Or is it controlled by me! That's why there was such a decision..."

"But... What I want to tell you is... Honor your strength in the ninja world!

Haruno Xiao saw the chaos below, and knew that these ninjas of Star Ninja Village were not convinced of their identity, so they simply stepped forward to speak for themselves.

As Haruno laughed, these people also found that the momentum on the other party became heavier and heavier, and soon the exaggerated and violent Chakra fluctuations emanated from the other party's body, encompassing everyone nearby with overwhelming momentum.

"What an exaggerated Chakra fluctuation!"

"Who the hell is this guy?"

"Haruno laughing? I seem to have heard about him from somewhere ... I just can't remember it for a while!

"This! This seems to be much more powerful than the three generations of Mekage! And the rest of the Star Shinobi Village can't compare with him..."

"His strength is definitely very strong!" I wonder how it compares to those shadows of the Great Shinobi Village? "


After feeling this huge Chakra fluctuation, everyone on the scene deeply felt the strength of this foreign man in front of them at this moment. It's a desperate gap, and they simply don't have a chance to catch up with each other!

"Hmph! Even if you are powerful! But if you want to become the star shadow of Star Ninja Village, it is also delusional..."

"We people will not admit that a person who does not know the peacock magic method will become our fourth generation of star shadow!"

Seeing the vacillation in the eyes of some people, Akahoshi quickly resisted the other party's terrifying momentum and stood up and loudly objected.

"That's right! How could the Star Shadow of Star Shinobi Village be an outsider? You can't peacock magic method, can you still become our fourth generation?

"That's just panic!"

Seeing this, Nighthawk quickly echoed and loudly encouraged others to object.

"Peacock magic? So will I!

Haruno Xiao did not panic at all when he heard these objections, and came to these people in a flash. Then, under their vigilant gazes, the kaleidoscopic chakra eye in his eyes quietly launched, and the next moment a god-like Chakra giant was condensed by him.

The huge body of more than forty meters tall stood in the field like this, and Haruno Xiao was looking down at the earth in the head of the Chakra giant at this time, looking mighty and imposing!


These ninjas in Star Ninja Village have been isolated from the world for many years, and few of them can pass through the poisonous fog to the outside world to feel it. Not to mention knowing the divine power of the Uchiha clan - Susanoo!

Therefore, they will inevitably mistake this exaggerated Chakra giant for a special peacock magic method, after all, the principles of the two sides are too similar!

After seeing this Chakra giant, many Star Shinobi Murakami Shinobi, who thought that his strength was not weak, couldn't help but retract his careful thoughts...

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