Through these specially configured mixed serum reagents and then diluted to obtain different concentrations of new reagents, Chunyexiao's physique was further improved again after conservative fusion experiments, and the effect became more and more obvious with time.

As a result, his Chakra doubled several times again, and finally he even managed to awaken his Sharingan!

This may be his own potential, or the effect of Fujimoto's genes, which needs to be studied more deeply.

Because whenever he sees his pair of unexpectedly awakened chakra eyes, he can't help but guess that he may also be a Uchiha!

In fact, his mother's secret has not been found out until now....

Haruno Xiao doesn't know who his father is!

And after the development of illusion, Haruno Xiao's chakra eye has evolved from one hook jade to three hook jade!

This is not too difficult for Haruno Xiao, who understands the evolution principle of the Sharingan, isn't it just a violent mental fluctuation?

The illusion is arranged! Let's have a dream within a dream...

The kaleidoscope can't be opened, and the three-hook jade is still hand-to-hand!

However, could it be that his mother also secretly fell in love with a Uchiha back then?

Haruno Ying, Haruno Sakura, is this considered inheritance?

It can only be said that fate is so wonderful!

Haruno Xiao is also standing on the shoulders of giants to easily achieve such a successful harvest...

Everything went so smoothly!

But this is all thanks to Fujimoto's family....

Therefore, Haruno Xiao has spared no effort to help them.

Not only spend money to let the other party's family move next door to his house, so that he can often take care of their health.

For example, he often conducts physical examinations on Fujimoto Kai's mutilated body and channels Fujimoto Hazuki's gradually lonely heart, and he tries his best to teach the little loli Fujimoto Izumi under him.

For this family, Haruno Xiao also paid a lot!

However, despite having him, this butterfly flaps its wings and changes the outcome of Fujimotokai's death in the Nine-Tails Rebellion.

But a year ago, when the other party was out to work, he was accidentally killed in the village by a spy from Caoyin Village, who fled.

Although he still has a huge Chakra, he was killed because of his physical disability...

Death is not blind!

After learning the news of this thunderbolt from the dark department, Fujimoto Izumi, who was only eight years old at the time, was heartbroken, and his eyes directly awakened a jade chakra eye.

Fortunately, Haruno Xiao held the other party in his arms in time, and then an illusion stunned her, otherwise the identity of her Uchiha bloodline would have been exposed.

The dark part that transmitted the message only thought that the little loli in front of her fainted because of her father's death, so she didn't care too much.

Otherwise, Haruno Xiao may kill people and kill people, after all, his little apprentice is not a good time to expose his true identity...

Mrs. Fujimoto, who lost her husband, was also very sad, and she hid in the room alone and wept silently.

The flower-like years are actually widowed!

Although she is also a widow after her husband loses her ability in that aspect because of the Nine-Tails Rebellion, at least there is a spiritual sustenance, isn't it?

Now that the other party is gone, she is about to die!

If it weren't for the fact that Izumi was there, Fujimoto Hazuki would want to leave with him!

Haruno Xiao, who is only fourteen years old but is already tall, also notices Mrs. Fujimoto's psychological changes and is worried that the other party will not be able to think about it.

So after settling the little loli Fujimoto Izumi, he took the initiative to break into Fujimoto Hazuki's room next door. After working tirelessly in the middle of the night to comfort him, Fujimoto Hazuki finally opened up to him, and after finishing the incident, he went to sleep satisfied and tired.

O woman! Sometimes it's just too much to think about....

Often after she loses the ability to think, the other party will become obedient and obedient! It takes a man to pry open the other's atrium with perseverance....

Since then, Haruno Xiao has lived with Fujimoto's mother and daughter like a family, and there is no need to care whether it is next door...


Excuse me, is Haruno Xiao-sama at home?"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door outside, and then a familiar female voice came into Haruno's ears.

He knew it was a guest coming to the door!

"Please wait!"

In the face of these customers who rushed to send money to themselves, Haruno Xiao's attitude has always been very good.

"Oh! Hello, it's Mrs. Akimichi..." After

opening the door, Haruno smiled into the eyes of a plump and mature young woman, her slightly chubby body was very explosive, and her body was full of deadly charm.

If one of the three ninjas, Jiraiya, also saw her, she would definitely fly down three thousand feet, and her saliva would flow to the ground!

From the appearance, it seems that the other party is only in her thirties at most, and she is a mature, but in fact, this Mrs. Akimichi is already forty years old.

This is one of his acquaintances, belonging to the Akimichi clan.

Don't look at the fact that the Hyuga clan in Konoha Village has more intermarriages, but in fact, the Akimichi clan also intermarries frequently.

The former is very strict family rules, the latter is realistic helplessness!

The marriage problem of the Akimichi clan has always been a headache for their patriarch!

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