"Take the lead, take the lead!"

"The roots exist to protect

Konoha..." "I, the Shimura clan, do not hesitate to fight every drop of their blood for the safety of Konoha, everything is for Konoha!"

Shimura Danzo is also righteous and awe-inspiring at this time, after all, who will not say what to do at that time, how to do it at that time is another matter.

"Tuan Zang, you have to know that the Uchiha clan is not so easy to deal with!"

"If there really is a coup d'état, even if we can suppress Uchiha's rebellion, Konoha will definitely lose a lot! At that time, other villages that are eyeing the tiger will definitely take the opportunity to enter..." After

hearing Shimura Danzo's words, Sarutobi Richo couldn't help but turn cold, so he warned in a serious tone.

"Of course I know!"

"The strength of the Uchiha clan is indeed strong, but we will not lose to them! As long as you are prepared, Xiao Yu Zhibo can suppress it with a backhand..."

"And our status in Konoha is not easily shaken by the absence of a ninja clan!"

Shimura Danzo heard Sarutobi Hinata's words, and immediately reflexively reflexively refuted. He is not willing to be slashed down by the ape flying sun, and he also has an ambition, hoping to take this opportunity to solve the Uchiha clan.

"I hope so, too..."

"But facts are facts, Uchiha is Konoha's Uchiha, we can't force them back."

Sarutobi Hinata heard Shimura Danzo's answer, and couldn't help but take a deep breath of smoke. He knew that this guy Tuanzo was a person with strong individualism, and he would not easily compromise things he decided.

The other party is determined to destroy Uchiha!

"Go back and rest! Tuanzo... Uchiha can't move! Looking

at the white cloud dog outside the window, Ape Fei Richo did not want to entangle with the other party on this issue.

"Ape Fei, this is a good opportunity!"

Shimura Danzo still wants to hold on.

"I am the Hokage!"

"You'll regret it..."

With the familiar closing dialogue, Shimura Danzo walked away again, and the already precarious gate was finally overwhelmed and cracks appeared.

"Find someone to repair this door..." Seeing this

, Ape Flying Sun Chopper was also tired and ordered.


The dark part hidden in the Hokage's office quickly answered, and then immediately looked for someone to repair the tried and tested door.

"Uchiha... I will never let this group of guys go! Sarutobi, I am the successor of the teacher's will..." At

this time, Shimura Danzo had no memory of being controlled by Haruno Laughing Illusion, and even his arm was a new white arm. It looks similar to the previous intercolumnar cell arm, but is actually more flexible.

After all, the monkey version of the guy, although the ability is a little weaker, is easier to control. This is a special arm specially prepared for him by Haruno Xiao, in order to enhance Shimura Danzo's strength.

Without Shimura Danzo's constant threats, the Uchiha clan would certainly not have obediently left Konoha Village according to Haruno Laugh's plan.

And Shimura Danzo, who was completely unaware that his memory had been rewritten, was still trying to think about how to find trouble with the Uchiha clan at this time, and he diligently wanted to eliminate the cancer of Konoha Village in his heart.

It's like the two generations of water shadows in Wuyin Village, which are controlled by Madara and Obito Illusion respectively without knowing it, and bring the entire Wuyin Village into the ditch.

Haruno Xiao was just doing similar things at this time, but his means were more clever and secretive.

Perhaps only a kaleidoscope chakra eye with rewritten memories can be so seamless without being noticed by the Hyuga clan of the village.


Just as Shimura Danzo left Hokage's office with a gloomy face, Uchiha Itachi, who left first, encountered a nightmare in his heart at this time.

"Itachi, long time no see!"

"It seems that this period has also grown a lot..."

Uchiha flashed out from behind the tree with soil, and said in a faint tone to the boy in front of him.

"It's you! Uchiha... Spot? "

For this hateful fellow, Uchiha will never forget that his original squad members and teachers were killed by this guy. If it weren't for him, he wouldn't have opened the three-hook jade writing wheel eye angrily at a young age!

At first, this guy also tried to seduce himself. It is said that the Uchiha clan is a cursed family, and it is said that it is because of their own talents....

Perhaps it was for this reason that this guy who called himself Uchiha did not kill himself.

But now is different, he also has a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, even if the other party is really Uchiha spot, it is not without the power of a battle.

"What do you want to do?"

Seeing this guy walking towards him completely unguarded, Uchiha Weasel quickly opened his three-hook jade chakra eyes and stared at each other vigilantly.

"Weasel! The Uchiha family seems to have been a bit stormy lately..."

Do you have the courage to want to stage a coup?

"It's a pity! Uchiha who was originally concerned about Konoha stopped the water, and this junior who opened the kaleidoscope chakra eye was actually gouged out an eye!

"Still a genius!? It's really a pathetic stupid thing..."

Obito this guy really has a lot of eyeliner in the Uchiha clan, and he actually knows the information of stopping the water and opening the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye. It is not clear whether he understands the current situation of Shisui and the departure of some of the Uchiha people.

Bai Jue is actually not omnipotent, and not everything will be inquired, at this time, they can often only hear some superficial information.

And with Haruno Xiao's examination, those white spores that were originally attached to Shuishui's body were also secretly solved.

Perhaps he noticed the abnormal information on Uchiha Shuishui, so Uchiha Obito appeared again, wanting to find out some information here in Uchiha Itachi.

"What the hell do you want?"

The weasel looked grim, took out the bitter unguarded, and the expression of the three nothings made it impossible to see his mood swings.

"Gee! It's kind of interesting..."

"Itachi, you actually dare to be presumptuous with me!"

Obito also noticed the child's difficulty at this time, and seemed to be no longer a rookie who could play with applause casually.

"Come on! Let me see your strength..." Sensing

Uchiha's self-confidence in facing him, Obito couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, and he decided to let the Uchiha young genius feel his horror again.

Bully genius or something, he likes it the most!

Saying that, Obito rushed directly towards the Uchiha ferret not far away, and the iron chain in his hand was clear, and it seemed that he would wave out at any time.

"Fire Escape Hao Fireball Technique!"

Seeing that he shot in the opposite direction, Uchiha jumped back to open the distance, and then quickly froze, and the next moment a huge fireball spewed out from his mouth.

However, this attack was not a matter at all for Obito, who had the Kaleidoscope effect of Kamui, and his body passed directly through the Hao Fireball unscathed, swinging the iron chain towards Uchiha Itachi.

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