"Abominable! Die! Seeing

Orochimaru staying in the rear to watch the battle before, the Red Sand Scorpion couldn't help but be angry. So he manipulated the remaining puppets to rush towards the big snake pill...

"Huh... Your Excellency's strength is like this, it seems that it is impossible to kill me..."

"What a pity!"

"Psychic Triple Rashomon!"

After successfully delaying for a while, Orochimaru felt that the personnel inside the secret base should also be evacuated, so he didn't want to entangle with the other party anymore.

"Third Uncle to Repair the Gate" is the strongest defensive ninjutsu of the Great Snake Pill, and when encountering a strong opponent or an unsolvable attack, the Great Snake Pill will channel out three Rashomon gates for defense.

And the passage environment at this time is also very suitable for making the triple Rashomon block the road, once it is used, it is really a husband and a husband!

"Sonorous... Boom boom...

"The puppets hit Rashomon with various weapons, but the attacks of these puppets of the Red Sand Scorpion are nothing to the powerful Rashomon Army. The best attack is only to leave a few white spots on it, just with these puppets with ordinary strength, how easy is it to break through such a Rashomon?

What's more, this is a triple Rashomon. After destroying this door, there are two more!

"Abominable! The

Red Sand Scorpion also saw that these puppets of themselves had no choice but to deal with this strange giant gate, so they could only angrily use the fire scroll to spew out flames with powerful melting power and temperature from the palm pipe, constantly burning this giant gate.

It's just that this has the effect....

Can only say so-so!

The Red Sand Scorpion, which is good at dark weapons and toxins, only has this flame attack. If there is another water escape at this time, under the thermal expansion and contraction, this Rashomon may really be quickly broken by him.

After a while, he finally used various means to successfully destroy a Rashomon, but he didn't want to see that there was still behind!

The red sand scorpion is so angry in his heart!

However, he also knew that he was delayed like this, and the big snake pill guy must have run away. So he could only leave those senseless dignity behind and leave the passage in ashes.

That's right! The Red Sand Scorpion chose to give up chasing the guy who was chasing the big snake pill, the other party was too slippery, and he couldn't grasp it for a while.

It seems that the puppets and organs still need to continue to improve, and it is necessary to design some puppets that specifically target slippery opponents like Orochimaru.

"What's wrong?"

"Have you seen Orochimaru?"

After seeing the appearance of the Red Sand Scorpion and the appearance of a person outside the cave, Xiao Nan immediately stepped forward to inquire about the situation.


"That guy does have some means..."

"You ask if that guy can still find his location, let's surround and kill that guy together!"

When Scorpion heard Xiaonan's inquiry, he could only admit the failure of his mission with a cold face. However, at this time, he was a little angry, thinking of dealing with the cunning big snake pill with the other party.


"Hmm! Those who can escape in your hands are already qualified in terms of strength.

"Don't worry! Absolute intelligence ability, even if the big snake pill runs this time, next time we will definitely be able to block him again..."

"Besides, his village is here!"

"The so-called monk who can run, he can't run the temple. I guess he was in Oto-Ninja Village at this time..."

Xiao Nan looked at the red sand scorpion's beautiful appearance at this time with a little curiosity, and did not blame too much after hearing that the big snake pill fled, but chose to calmly calm the other party.

"Then we'll go to Oto-Ninja Village!"

"I don't believe that the guy from the big snake pill chose to leave the Oto-Ninja Village and run away at this time..." After

hearing Xiao Nan's words, the scorpion also thought of where the guy from the big snake pill went, so he immediately wanted to go to the Oto-Ninja Village to continue to find trouble with the other party.

"Don't be impatient!"


all, the two of us alone want to deal with the entire Oto-Ninja Village of the Great Snake Pill is also a little reluctant, too risky..."

Xiao Nan continued to calm the Red Sand Scorpion. At this time, although she also mastered the paper dun, she was only an elite ninja in terms of strength. In addition, the state of the Red Sand Scorpion did not seem to be very good at this time, so it was obviously impossible for the two of them to want to brush a single Oto-Ninja Village.

Of course, she can fly and manipulate the detonator charm with the paper escape, and her survivability and lethality are also very impressive.

It's hard for ordinary people to keep her!

"Hmph! Then let him live a little longer..." After

thinking of his badly damaged puppets, the scorpion also followed the steps Xiao Nan gave him to stop his impulsive thoughts.

"Oh! Xiao Organization actually started the idea of hitting the big snake pill! What a hassle!

At this moment, Haruno Xiao also received a message from Orochimaru, and at the same time he learned that his Oto-Ninja Village must also be exposed to the other party's field of vision. It is quite prosperous now, but it can't be ruined by the people of the organization.

"What should I do about this?"

"Or... Let Orochimaru continue to join the Xiao Organization..."

"It's just that Oto-Ninja Village has been exposed!" It's still a big trouble... What if it is confiscated by those who do not have face? "

Due to Haruno Laughao's intervention, Oto-ninja Village was developing very well at this time, both economically and popularly, and even many nobles and big businessmen of Tanokuni chose to settle there!

In fact, what he was most worried about was that the people of the Xiao Organization would not only look at the big snake pill, but also the entire Oto-Ninja Village.

The identity of Orochimaru as the leader of Oto-ninja Village can deceive ordinary people, but it is not easy to deceive that guy.

If this thousand-year-old agarwood specifically wants to understand something, it is really difficult to get rid of it all probing. If you don't want to be known by the other party, the best way is not to have any intersection with the other party.

"Forget it! Let the big snake pill probe the details of the other party first... If they go too far, they are not vegetarian themselves... Fight them then! Haruno

Xiao didn't want to give up Oto-Shinobu Village, so he secretly thought about letting Orochimaru go to the Xiao Organization to be an undercover agent. If the other party is still greedy and insufficient, then teach the other party some lessons.

At this time, with his monkey version of Otsuki strength that gathered the bloodlines of Senju, Uchiha, Hinata, Kaguya, and Uzumaki, and even had mastered the Blood Succession Limits of Ice and Burning, even against Payne Six Dao, who had the eye of reincarnation, it was not without a chance of victory.

"Teacher, what are you thinking?"

Suddenly, a girl's voice pulled Haruno laughing thoughts back to reality.

"Hey! Yakumo, I'm sorry! Teacher, I was a little distracted just now... What did you just ask? Looking

at the big girl standing in front of him, Haruno Xiao had to put aside the affairs of the big snake pill and Xiao's organization.

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