"Isn't that guy afraid that Oto-Ninja Village will be attacked by us? Or is there some strong man guarding the town here?

After hearing Hei Jue's words, the scorpion looked a little strangely at the lively Oto-ninja Village in the distance. He didn't mind sweeping around there to supplement the materials for making the puppet.

After all, such a prosperous village, there must be a lot of resources inside! If you encounter a strong person, you may be able to kill the other party, and then make a powerful human puppet like the three generations of Mekazekage....

With Xiao Nan, who can fly, he is confident that even the two of them will be able to enter and exit a few times here, making the entire Oto-Ninja Village flow into rivers.

"Scorpion, don't be so impulsive!"

"Let's plan and then move..."

"Crouching tiger, hidden dragon in the ninja world, maybe there are some masters hidden in the ninja village!"

"Let's continue to investigate the specific situation of this village, and then let's go to another experimental base to find the big snake pill!"

"I had a premonition that that guy would definitely be waiting for us there..."

At this time, Xiao Nan was actually more concerned about the bustling and lively Yin Ninja Village in front of him, because the Rain Ninja Village seemed to be completely incomparable compared to it.

This made her, the actual helmsman of the Yunin Village, feel very defeated and curious at the same time, curious to know the development here.

If she could, she also wanted to learn from the experience here to see if it could help her govern the Yu Ninja Village.

"Hmph! Then let's go!

"We've wasted a lot of time..." Since

Xiao Nan said so, the scorpion couldn't say anything. After all, he alone did not have the confidence to single out the entire Oto-Ninja Village.

The more prosperous the village, of course, it also has its cards, otherwise it would certainly not be possible to develop so prosperously in this chaotic world.

Do what you want, and after confirming the location of the big snake pill from Hei Jue at this time, the two immediately rushed over.

This time, they decided to strike together. If this can't help the other party, then you can only let the more powerful Payne make a move.

"Oto-ninja Village... Is it really the village of the big snake pill?

"It's just... Why is it so clean here?

After Xiao Nan and the Red Sand Scorpion left, Black and White eyes returned to the bustling Oto-Ninja Village in the distance.

Even it, a thousand-year-old monster, has rarely seen such a lively village!

Not only is the building new and tall, but the business is very developed, and the ninjas actually accept tasks directly in the ninja guild and choose relevant tasks according to level.

Whether to do the mission or not is completely the choice of the ninjas, even the stationed ninjas here are sent according to the tasks of the ninja guild, not a fixed ninja team....

Such a free ninja village is a long time to see even if it is Kuro! It seems that the high-level restrictions of the village here only need to set the general direction, and only need to handle the task distribution of the ninja guild, then the whole village will be in order!

However, it also has to lament that the advanced thinking of this system can indeed greatly increase the enthusiasm of the ninjas here in Oto-ninja Village.

I just don't know how cohesive they are....

Here it found many rebels from other ninja villages, and these people actually became one of the Shinobi!

It's really taboo!

"What an interesting village... I hope this won't be an obstacle to my plan..." Hei

Jue looked at the bright and unusually high moon in the night sky, and muttered something in his mouth, as if expecting something. Then it sneaked into the ground with Bai Jue's combined body and headed in the direction of Oto-Ninja Village.

"What people?"

The night was hazy, and Mitarashi Azuki who had wanted to fall asleep had just finished taking a shower when he suddenly noticed a stranger appear in his room. Wearing only a scarf, she immediately became vigilant, rushed to the side and picked up a handful of kunai to shout at the other party.

"Mitarashi azuki beans... Gee, it's in good shape!

"Do you still recognize me?"

"We've met before!"

Haruno smiled and looked at the figure of the red bean in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart that he was really a stunner.

He had just put Kurama Yakumo to sleep, and he couldn't have any fun, so he could only treat the other party and continue to find some stuffiness in Konoha Village to vent his energy that had nowhere to rest.

After all, that little nizi was still the first time, and after some manipulation, she surrendered. What can he do if he doesn't get up and down?

It's uncomfortable!

This doesn't... Remembering the excuse he had just fooled Yakumo, he did it if he wanted to, and went directly to the door.

And the first person he was looking for was Mitarai Azuki who had a bit of a flawed personality!

At this time, Red Bean is in the most beautiful girly period of her life, which can be described as young and beautiful, with a convex front and a back. Coupled with the usual bold net outfit, there are many people who have a crush on her. If it weren't for her perverse personality and complicated background, there would definitely be many people who actively pursued her.

But this guy is already so old, he still doesn't want to fall in love, and he has few friends, that is, Xi Rihong is better with her....

It is enough to see that this nizi has something in mind!

It is said that she is still obsessed with the big snake pill...

Say what to kill this betrayer of Konoha!

Hehe...... Just listen....

After all, even if she had this heart, she would not have this ability!

Haruno laughed and guessed that if Orochimaru had left Konoha Village with her when he defected, it would have been a different matter now!

So this Mitarashi red bean is probably blaming the big snake pill for not taking her away and letting her suffer a blow, so she hates because of love....

"Who are you?"

"Who let you enter my house at will? Is there any courtesy?

"Please leave as soon as possible!"

"I wouldn't like a guy like you..." At

this time, Mitarai Azuki really didn't recognize Haruno smiled, after all, it had been five or six years since the last time the two met.

Time can make people forget many things, especially those that are not interesting to them!

The former Haruno smile belongs to such a type of person for her, so even if the two face each other at this time, Mitarai Red Bean will not recognize who the handsome man at this time is.

Is it your own suitor?

But his act of breaking into his home without permission is too daring, right?

"Hey... This one...... It seems that you really don't recognize me..."

Haruno Xiao couldn't think that Mitarashi Azuki really forgot himself, and couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly, then stood up and walked to the window, as if he wanted to climb the window to leave.

"That... Who are you? Seeing

that France wanted to leave, Hongdou was also relieved. Her biggest fear is those fanatical suitors!

It's just that she remembered that she didn't know the other party's name yet, so she couldn't help but ask when she saw that this man was still a little handsome.

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