"Boom..." "

We can't just give up!"

"Thunder Saber Technique, Falling Thunder!"

The black hoe thunder tooth gritted his teeth, fused his chakra into the thunder knife into the form of lightning, and then wielded the thunder knife to release two large thunder bolts that swung continuously, turning into thunder slashes and cutting off the trees that kept coming.

He knew that the more urgent the time, the more they had to persevere. Only by uniting can we find a glimmer of life for these people....

I don't want to die here yet!

"That's right, we can't be defeated by him just like that!"

"Even the god of the ninja world is already a thing of the past, and my art must not be deterred here..."

said the scorpion in a firm tone. He is constantly manipulating the puppet attacks, trying to fight for a way for these people.

"Then let's go all out!"

"If you keep it for a long time, you will lose, since you can't escape, then kill the Thousand Hand Pillar!" I'm in charge of tackling tough problems... Ninpo Thunder Armor! "

Black hoe thunder tooth merges the two knives, summons thunder and lightning to attach to the body, resists the attack, and attacks with defense. The next moment, he brandished the thunder knife in his hand and rushed towards the position between the thousand hand pillars.


At this time, the Humiliu Hu, who possessed the art of ghost buds, was still tenacious, and he immediately summoned a giant bird psychic beast again after recovering some physical strength.

Then he instructed his two-headed dog psychic beast to put himself on the back of the giant bird, and then let the two-headed dog launch an attack charge towards the thousand-handed pillar.

"Haha... What an interesting group of guys..." Seeing

this scene, the Thousand Hand Pillars also smiled slightly, and continued to manipulate the trees induced by the arrival of the Mudu Tree Realm to surround them, and then quietly watched their performance.

And at this time, a group of bark-like things flew from all around very abruptly, secretly enveloping the Thousand Hand Pillar in it.

"This is..."

The Thousand Hand Pillar was stunned, he didn't expect such an attack. Just what can these weird barks do?

"Boom, boom... Boom, boom..."

Just when the thousand hand pillars were strange, these "barks" actually glowed light, and then exploded at the same time!

The violent explosion instantly blew up the Thousand Hand Pillar to pieces, and it seemed that there were no bones left...

However, the surrounding tree realm was still active, and countless branches and vines continued to rush towards them rapidly.

"That's a doppelganger!"

"The body between the thousand hand pillars must still be among the trees here... Where is it? Hurry up and find out his body, or we will all die here..." Seeing

the Thousand Hand Pillar being blown to pieces was also a joy in the hearts of everyone in the Xiao Organization, just looking at the performance of the surrounding trees, it was obvious that the person they killed just now must be just a doppelganger!

Xiao Nan, who had just succeeded in disguising the paper, continued to manipulate his paper escape assistance while asking everyone to find out the other party's true body as soon as possible.

If she can't do anything in the end, she can only choose to escape. After all, Nagato still needs herself, and she definitely can't die here....

Just when Beiliuhu wanted to control the psychic beast giant bird to escape with him, a member of the Xiao Organization, who was also wearing a red cloud costume on a black background, came into contact with him, which immediately made his originally restless heart return to normal, and at the same time, he also resisted the intention of escaping.

"It's Payne!"

Xiao Nan obviously also discovered the partner who suddenly fell from the sky, it was none other than Heavenly Dao Payne among the six paths of Payne manipulated by Nagato.

This made her overjoyed!

Nagato he came to save himself....

"You all get out of here as soon as possible... Otherwise, don't blame me if you get hurt later..." Heavenly

Dao Payne descended from the sky, came to Xiao Nan's side, and then said with an indifferent expression. Just as Black Hoe's Thunder Tooth was about to say something, he saw several strange missiles fall into the nearby trees.


The missile exploded, shattering the nearby trees with immense destructive force. Then a laser struck, cutting off all the nearby trees.

Obviously, the six ways of Payne are not only the Heavenly Dao Payne, but also other Payne Six Dao, and the attack just now is the masterpiece of the Asura Dao Payne. The attack is extremely powerful, even the wooden dun between the thousand hand pillars can hardly block the opponent's laser attack.

"Let's go! Xiao Nan, I'll break it for you..." Seeing

that the trees behind had been cleared by the Asura Dao, Tiandao Payne quickly asked Xiao Nan beside him to leave here first. As for the others, if he can't leave after he breaks, then it should be fate.

"Hmm... You have to be careful! The other party is Senjukuma, the legendary god of the ninja world... There are also big snake pills and Senju over there!

"If nothing can be done, then retreat first!"


Payne..." Xiao Nan was also decisive when he heard this, and after briefly telling the information to Heavenly Dao Payne beside him, he immediately flew away without looking back.

She knew that her stay here could only become a drag on Heavenly Dao Payne, and it was better to leave as soon as possible, lest the other party shrink because of some scruples.

"You guys go too!"

At this time, the Asura Dao had already rushed from the rear to converge, and then the other four figures followed closely behind. All of the six Payne appeared, and it seems that Nagato attaches great importance to the god of the ninja world between the Senju Pillars.

"Black hoe thunder tooth, come up!"

When he heard this, he immediately beckoned his squad mates to go to the giant bird, and then ignored the red sand scorpion, and quickly commanded the psychic giant bird to leave the scene.

Without the obstruction of the surrounding trees, the psychic giant bird flew up with a shake of its wings and easily left the place.


Seeing this, the scorpion snorted coldly, and then jumped on the back of his third-generation Wind Shadow puppet, and then let the other party launch the Iron Sand Wings and fly away quickly with him.

Who can't fly this year?

(Black hoe Thundertooth: Amazing to fly?)

"Junior, your eyes are funny! Wouldn't they be the legendary eyes of reincarnation! "

This is ... How do I feel that you guys seem a little weird? The face is expressionless, like a dead man..." After

Xiao Nan and them left, the Thousand Hand Pillar indirectly emerged from the trunk of a large tree, and then looked at Payne Six with a curious expression.

"The ninja world does not allow two gods... Between the Thousand Hand Pillars... I'm going to defeat you here today and drop you from the altar!"

"There is only one true God! That's me..." Payne

Liudao stepped forward and looked indifferently at the equally strange Senju Pillar.

The other party's state seems to be very wrong, and there are actually cracks on his face, which is obviously not what a normal person should look like.

When Payne finished speaking, and did not wait for the other party's reply, the Asura Dao Payne on the side immediately struck, opening his mouth and firing a mouth cannon at the Thousand Hand Pillar.

The speed of Asura Dao Payne's attack was dizzying, and the laser hit the thousand-hand pillar in the blink of an eye, piercing the opponent back and forth. However, this Thousand Hand Pillar is just a wooden doppelganger, and the true body is still hidden in the surrounding trees.

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