After the transformation technique he improved by using Yin and Yang Duan, the effect has been very good, as long as he does not deliberately stare at it carefully, even the white eyes cannot easily detect it.

Haruno was very confident because he had already done several experiments near the Hyuga family. He once used the Transfiguration Technique to hide in the test target's house for a whole day, and the female members of Hinata did not notice...

Hey! Why did the trial target women in the Hyuga family, you ask?

Of course, because girls are more careful, the verification of the test is more effective! And it's not like a boy's home is sloppy, a strange smell, otherwise hiding in the other party's house is a crime!


"Oh! There are others!

"Are those dark or roots?"

Sure enough, after the entire Hyuga family had returned to calm again because the banquet was over, a figure quietly sneaked into the Hyuga mansion.

At the same time, there are two auras hidden in the outerly areas. Obviously, this intruder has been secretly observed all this time, but apparently the other party has no intention of stopping him.

Perhaps most people would not have thought that someone would dare to impatiently want to hit the idea of the Hyuga family after the banquet of the Hyuga family!

Under the reflection of the moonlight, Haruno Xiao also saw the black leather of the other party, it was Yun Ren who was right! Of course, special transformation techniques are not excluded, such as the White Peerless Stream...

After all, the other party has not yet shot, so of course there is no "criminal evidence" in hand.

If he went out and caught the other party now, at most it would be just a charge of trespassing into a house or suspected spying.

With that Yun Ninja and the negotiator, this charge may not help the other party.

Therefore, Haruno Xiao had to continue to press and endure himself without impulse, anyway, he had left a back hand on Hinata.

Maybe...... Should...... Probably fine!

After all, this fate is not so easy to change, so Haruno laughs that he can only try to save Hinata's misfortune!

Not long after, Yun Shinobu, who was dressed in black, soon appeared in Haruno Xiao's field of vision with a little girl in his arms. That little girl is none other than our little birthday star today, Hinata Hinata!

"Who! Leave it to me! At

this time, there was a roar from the Hyuga mansion, it seemed that Hinata's disappearance was discovered, and for Hinata Hinata, who had white eyes, it must be the first time to open his eyes to find the murderer.

Soon Hinata Hiashi's figure appeared, as the head of the clan, his strength was still okay.

I saw Hinata Hinata Instantaneous Technique launched, and her figure flashed sharply, quickly chasing towards the man in black who kidnapped her daughter.

And the strength of this kidnapper does not seem to be very good, and he was caught up by the other party in a blink of an eye.

"Give me death!"

After intercepting the opponent, Hiashi immediately launched a soft punch attack.


a brief exchange of punches and feet, he easily recaptured his daughter Hinata from Yun Shinobu's hands.

The process is very silky, but it makes Haruno Xiao, who is secretly observing, feel too smooth, as if he is acting!

What about threats?

What about escape?

Why are you standing stupid?

Moreover, after this Yunnin kidnapper missed his hand, he did not choose to flee at the first time, but launched a charge against Hinata Hiashi.

Boy! I didn't see you at such speed just now!

This is a rush to die!

At this moment, Haruno laughed and confirmed that this person was a dead man, and he was completely going to commit suicide...

All this is a conspiracy!

"Find death!"

The angry Hinata Hinata was afraid that the other party would hurt the daughter in his arms, so he struck the other party's heart with an empty palm with one hand. The air seemed to be squeezed into deformation, forming a transparent column of air that shot straight at each other at a very fast speed.


The next moment, the figure flew away, and the black-skinned kidnapper was shot several meters away by Hinata Hinata in an instant, and the mask on his face was also stained with blood from his mouth, and it fell off slightly.

"It's not easy! My Hyuga Patriarch..."

"The other party, dressed in black skin, is probably a member of this Yunyin Mission!"

At this time, Haruno Xiao suddenly burst out of the night, and in an instant, he came to the kidnapper, lifted the mask on the other party's face, and found that the other party was indeed a black skin Yunnin!

When Hinata Hiashi solved this cloud ninja, he also solved the two stalkers, and did not kill them, but used illusion to make the other party ignore this place for the time being.

"Laugh! Why are you here?

"He is! Yun Shinobu?

Hinata Hiashi was also surprised when she saw Haruno smile with one hand printed, but when she saw the dark face of the person he killed on the ground, the surprise on her face immediately turned into shock!

He couldn't have imagined that this Yunnin dared to hit his daughter in Konoha, could it be that the other party was not afraid of death?

"I just lost an accessory at your house, and I just wanted to turn around to see if I was found by you!"

"But I don't want to see such a scene!"

"However! We need to deal with this person in advance, otherwise you will definitely suffer! As

Haruno smiled, a large amount of thick fog rose around. I saw that he made a mark with one hand to make the surrounding fog become a lot thicker, and he looked around before explaining to Hinata Hinata.

Then he also took out a small scroll and followed up on the corpses on the ground.



The next moment, the body was included in the sealing scroll by him, and there was a big seal on it!

"Tu Shu! The art of land preparation!

After Mari finished the work of collecting the corpse, Haruno quickly sealed the seal on his hand, and then a simple earth ninjutsu turned the blood stains on the ground deeper into the ground, and at the same time made the ground quickly flatten, looking similar to the surrounding ground.

"Wind escape! The Art of Wind Breath!

"Don't go home yet! Maybe someone behind the scenes is waiting for you! Let's get out of here with me first! Someone is coming..."

Haruno used a simple wind ninjutsu to blow away the air around him, and after further eliminating the evidence, he motioned for the other party to follow under Hinata's strange gaze, and then used the teleportation technique to leave the place.

Hinata Hiashi heard this and looked at her daughter who was still sleeping in her arms, and there was some hesitation on her face, but she finally followed the figure of the other party and disappeared into the dark night.

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