After putting away the money and ninjutsu notes, Haruno went to the bedroom where the next place sealed the dark compartment.

The special dark compartment here is under the tatami, and if it weren't for Haruno Xiao's powerful perception technique, he really wouldn't have been able to find the abnormality below.

However, the so-called Chengye Xiao is also Xiao He, the sealing enchantment not only protects the dark grid, but it is extremely bright in Haruno Xiao's perception technique.

"It's complicated! What is this seal?

"Could it be the secret legend of the Vortex clan?"

The seal in the dark compartment of the bedroom was very complicated, so Haruno Xiao didn't know how to successfully unlock it without alarming others. However, thinking of the current situation, he was not afraid of alarming others, so he chose brute force.

"Water Tooth Blade!"

This ninjutsu is actually an extension of the water ball technique, which can condense the water flow on the hand to form a rotating water knife strike, which is very powerful and reaches the lethality of A-strike ninjutsu.

Haruno Xiao's development of this ninjutsu is just an accident, but the consumption is really small, and it is a Muji ninjutsu, but it requires a very high level of Chakra control.


With the stabbing of the ninjutsu in his hand, after a burst of explosive roar, the sealing technique under the tatami was still violently broken by him, revealing the contents inside.

A large scroll with a vertical collection with this special rune also inscribed on it, a bit like the Flying Thunder God Mark of Watergate.

"Oops! I must have alarmed the other party this time..."

"Can't delay!"

Although he knew that the Shidaimei couple definitely didn't have time to trouble themselves now, Haruno quickly slipped the large scroll and broke into the study. This time the dark compartment is on the wall, so he continues to choose brute force cracking.

"Water Tooth Blade!"


This time, with the destruction of this sealing enchantment, there was an immediate strong explosion, and Haruno Xiao, who had already been prepared, immediately launched a substitute technique to escape.

When the smoke cleared, he walked back and found that the contents of the dark compartment were all shattered. Seeing this result, Haruno Xiao immediately picked up the large scroll and turned to leave, of course, he did not forget to destroy the house before leaving.

"Fire Escape Hao Fireball Technique!"


"Fire Escape Phoenix Immortal Fire Art!"

"Boom, boom..." "

Fire Escape Dragon Fire Art!"


Although Haruno Xiao's original Chakra attributes were only four attributes, water, earth, yin and yang, he had already developed the two attributes of thunder and fire over the years, so now he was almost able to become an all-round ninja.

Now Haruno Xiao has mastered various low-level ninjutsu by consulting various patients in ordinary times, and of course Huo Dun is not a problem.

Therefore, under his series of C-class fire attacks, the house of the fourth generation of Hokage soon burst into flames, and it is believed that it will burn to ruins soon.

"Anyway, Sarutobi Hinata will not let Vortex Naruto live here, so let this house leave this world with you!"

After muttering these words, Haruno's smiling figure slowly sneaked into the soil, leaving only the dilapidated house that was burning wildly.

"The house burned, and the smell on my body was dealt with in advance, I believe that no one in Konoha Village will find out that I did this..." After

hiding this harvest in a safe place, Haruno Xiao, who had carefully dealt with himself, reappeared in Konoha Village and began to continuously rescue the wounded lying in the ruins.

As for the trapped people in the ruins, they still need to wait for follow-up rescue, and what he can do now is to try to rescue some injured people who can be dealt with immediately, and simply stabilize the wounded so that the other party does not die of serious injuries.

"Thank you! Ninja-sama

..." "If you hadn't appeared, I wouldn't have known what to do..."

Hurry up and thank this lord!

"He saved your father!"

"Thank you very much!"

This is just a scene of Haruno laughing to rescue the wounded during the Nine-Tails Rebellion, and often he does not have much time to deal with the gratitude of those family members. Because after dealing with this place, he needs to rush to the next place.

The damage caused by the Nine Tails to Konoha Hidden Village was too great, and many places were still in ruins, and there were many wounded, so Haruno couldn't slow down for a moment.

"Hey! It's another day..." Despite

working overtime all night at Konoha Hospital, Haruno still needs to get up on time today. Because his home is on the outskirts of Konoha Hidden Village, he is very lucky not to be affected by the Nine Tails Rebellion.

He had already mastered the technique of using illusion to put himself into a deep sleep, so in less than two hours, he could quickly restore his spirit and eliminate fatigue.

"Haruno come soon! Manpower is needed here..."

Just come! Just come! As

soon as Haruno returned to Konoha Hospital, he was found that his other medical ninjas had stopped him, and then silently threw himself into the rescue of the injured.

At this time, the Hokage Building, a group of Konoha high-ranking officials, clan chiefs, and a part of the upper Shinobi gathered here to discuss the follow-up to the Nine Tails Rebellion.

"Sarutobi, the fourth generation Meimami Feng Shui Gate has been sacrificed, and we in Konoha can't do without Hokage, so I recommend Orochimaru to become the fifth generation..."

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