"Hmm! It's still Mitomon who is old! This method is very good..." Ape

Fei Ri thought about it and felt that maybe there was only this way, so he didn't care if others believed it or not, in short, there was a step.

"But how do we explain it to Haruno after he comes back laughing?"

"If you don't get it right..."

Konoha was in charge of the management of Konoha's medical department, so she was more aware of the other party's special status in Konoha Hospital, so at this time, she also had to worry that Konoha might lose an excellent medical ninja in the future.

You must know that in the face of Tsunade's departure, Konoha Hospital is already a little green and yellow, and finally a good seedling with outstanding ability like Haruno Xiao appeared, but he was harmed by Danzo!

It is said that the mother and daughter who have a very good relationship with Haruno Xiao have not seen anyone yet?!

"Let Tianzang build two more houses at the original address!"

"The news is kept secret for the time being, everything will be said when the other party returns from the task!"

"Also, I will send people to contact the other party first, Tuan Zang, you give me a break!"

Sarutobi actually knew that the matter could not be covered up for long, and he was worried that Haruno Xiao would directly defect after knowing the news, so he had to make a second preparation.

"Ape fly! The opponent's strength is very strong, and the general Shangnin is definitely not his opponent!

"If you don't pay enough attention to it, then your set won't work!"

Just as Ape Flying Sun Chopper knows Shimura Danzo, Shimura Danzo also understands Ape Flying Sun Chopper, so he has to remind the other party.

"Oh! Is it that strong? How much attention is taken seriously by you? How does it compare to Kakashi?

Sarutobi Richo couldn't have imagined that Danzo had such a high opinion of Haruno Xiao, and if that was the case, then he had to pay attention to it as well.

"Kakashi?! That guy is waste, I think it is still Haruno laughing is stronger! "

For Kakashi, the guy who jumped left and right against the water who disobeyed discipline, Shimura Danzo didn't have a good face.

"Huh? How is this possible?

Xiaochun was also shocked when he heard such information, and couldn't help but exclaim.

You must know that Kakashi Kiki is a famous genius in Konoha, and he became famous as a teenager, and he is the bearer of the next generation of Konoha.

At this time, in the mouth of Danzo, there was no Haruno laughing that this medical ninja was strong? Are you sure it's not better than medical ninjutsu?

"Hey! You have all been deceived by him!

"Haruno laughed that guy is not only outstanding in medical ninjutsu, but also in physical skills, knife arts, illusion arts, and instantaneous body techniques, I believe that his ninjutsu should also be good!"

"He has such an ability, but he has only exposed medical ninjutsu before! What was his mind?

"Such a person must not stay any longer! Let my roots dispose of him secretly! Speaking

of Haruno laughing this guy, Shimura Danzo also had to sigh that this guy who hid so deeply had been ignored by them for a long time, so he didn't want to give up secretly taking the other party under his command just like that.

"Hissing... Ahem..."

Mito Menyan and Koharu, who accidentally smoked a lot of secondhand smoke, couldn't help but cough, and then glared at the culprit again.

"Ahem... It's just your side of the story!

"We can't characterize others as having bad intentions just because they hide their strength, this can't be justified!"

"So be it! Let me send someone to contact him first! Find out what the other party thinks..."

Sarutobi didn't want Shimura to do this even more when he heard this, after all, such an outstanding talent can't just give up like this.

In Konoha Village, who with outstanding strength does not hide one or two stunts?

The so-called ninja is a person who cannot be tolerated by ninjas, how can he expose all secrets!

It's just that Haruno Xiao's strength is indeed a big problem, and the average ninja may really not be his opponent.

"I will let Tenzo and Kakashi lead the team to contact each other, if the other party does not cooperate

..." "That can only be..."

Sarutobi didn't finish his words, but the people present were all old fritters, where could they not understand the meaning of this?

Shimura Danzo had a bright face, thinking that the other party would never compromise, so he had decided to send a member of the root department to follow up on this matter, and when the time came, a praying mantis would catch a cicada, and the yellow finch would be behind.

Mito Menyan was calm and did not speak, after all, a small medical ninja could not shake his heart. Even if the other party is the treatment director of Konoha Hospital, he is not in charge of himself anyway...

Konoha Hospital's affairs turned Xiaochun looked gloomy at this time, obviously a little dissatisfied with this approach. However, for the stability of Konoha, perhaps only the other party can be sacrificed. After all, it is difficult to compare the gains and losses of individual honors with the interests of the whole, and she can still distinguish this.

It's just a pity that such an excellent medical seedling, if you give the other party time, maybe it will not be much worse than Tsunade in the future....

Just when Konoha F4 decided to treat Haruno Laugho in the Hokage's office, the real Haruno Laugh also received a "courier" transmitted by his shadow doppelganger.

"Laughing brother!"

"Izumi, don't be afraid! Isn't it just leaving Konoha? It's no big deal..." "

Sister Ye Yue, you help get a few scrolls, we need to get out of here as soon as possible!"

Seeing the sudden appearance of Fujimoto's mother and daughter and the scroll they received next, Haruno Xiao also understood what was going on, and when he received the information that the shadow doppelganger dissipated, he understood the detailed process of all this.

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