And with the addition of Chunyexiao's resources and manpower, Fuzi Village has become more and more prosperous, and its overall strength has undergone earth-shaking changes from two years ago!

Both female villagers and female ninjas can get married, at the cost of both husband and wife going to work in the industry outside Haruno Laugh.

Of course, they can also choose to live here, but they must have a skill, because Fuzi Village does not raise idlers, except for women.

As for the rescued male compatriots, most of them were arranged to go to the outside industry. After all, Haruno Xiao's current industry has already spread all over the ninja world, and it is also in urgent need of manpower.

Although the number of people here in Fuzi Village is still small, and the ninjas are all female ninjas, because Haruno Xiao provides a large number of ninjutsu open learning, as well as a special supply of serum, the female ninjas in Fuzi Village are not weak, and they are getting stronger and stronger.

Maintaining such a single-woman ninja village is actually for good management. Because men have more desires than women, it is easy to think cranky when they get power.

The idea of Xiagram has been around for a long time!

I have to guard against it when starting a business in the early stage....

Haruno Xiao didn't want the peach orchard he had built to be stolen by others, and finally had to work hard to suppress the rebellion like a villain.

In the early stage of development, having a stable territory is better than anything else!

When the strength he has accumulated is enough, he can consider expanding his territory and conquering the four sides....

Recently, Fuzi Village has also attracted a lot of homeless female ninja to join, and they have also brought a lot of special ninjutsu to add bricks to the ninjutsu library here, so that the heritage of Fuzi Village has been further enhanced.

For example, the summer star of the Star Shinobi Village, the other party's peacock magic method is very interesting, ordinary people can't learn it at all, but it also gave Haruno a lot of inspiration.

Under normal circumstances, Haruno laughs every once in a while. If there is a special situation that the twelve guardian ninja can't solve, they can also use special ninjutsu props to transmit a message to Haruno Xiao and let him solve it.

So even though Haruno Xiao has always been managed by remote control, Fuzi Village is still developing quite well.

It is precisely because of the mechanism of twelve guardian forbearance!

This is actually equivalent to Haruno Xiao's secretary group managing Fuzi Village, not only each has their own areas of expertise, but they are also responsible for managing the affairs of the village. When encountering major decisions, they will focus on discussion and analysis, and decide the solution in the form of the minority obeying the majority.

"Tokiha, where is Ye Cang? Is she in Fuzi Village?

Haruno Xiao suddenly asked Tokiha on the side as he led everyone around Fuzi Village and announced his return by the way.

"Ye Cang went to the Wind Country a while ago to deal with some affairs, do you need us to send a message to notify her to return?"

Tokiha is still very young, and the lines on his face are not as tough as they were eight or nine years later, so his appearance is quite okay.

Because the village has the variable of Haruno Laughter, her strength is even stronger than when she first appeared in the original book.

When she heard Haruno Xiao's inquiry, she immediately informed Ye Cang's whereabouts.

"Oh! Land of the wind? It seems that Ye Cang still can't put it down?

"Well... Let her go! It's okay to protect herself with her strength..."

"I hope she doesn't make things too big!"

For Ye Cang's handling of the Wind Country, Haruno Xiao had many guesses in his heart, but he also knew that it was the other party's heart.

Now Ye Cang has also used the serum specially made for her, and her strength has been further strengthened, so even if she faces the fourth generation of Mekaze Shadow Luosa, she will not suffer a loss.

"The chief... Well, and the summer star who recently joined, the frequency of the other party entering and leaving the village is very frequent, will this be..." Changye

seemed to have thought of something, so after hesitating for a while, he still truthfully said the worries in his heart.

"Summer Star... It's up to her too! are all poor people..."

For Summer Star, Haruno Xiao still appreciates it very much, but the other party is still clinging to the little with Star Shinobi Village at this time, so he has no intention of putting it here in Fuzi Village.

In the past, I didn't have so much free time to manage two villages, so I didn't care about Star Shinobi Village. But now that he has run out, then it is not impossible to secretly occupy a village again.

After all, that strange meteorite in Star Shinobi Village is still worth studying...

Just as Haruno was thinking about whether to go to Hoshinin Village to solve Natsuhi's concerns, the F4 of Konoha Hidden Village had gathered in Hokage's office again.

"Are you sure? Those missing people were all done by the big snake pill? Ape

Flying Sunchop's face was as heavy as water at this time, and even his tone was extremely deep. It was not that he did not realize that his disciple had gone further and further away from him, and at the same time secretly carried out various forbidden experiments, but he did not expect that the other party would actually take action against the people in his village.

If he hadn't been discovered, it would have been fine, but now that he has been exposed, then he can only choose to destroy his relatives at this time!

This is his responsibility as Hokage...

Big snake pill! You finally took this step!

"Already confirmed! Now all the evidence is pointing to the big snake pill... Do you need me to send someone to hunt him down immediately? "

Shimura Danzo's stabbing technique can be described as top-notch, and he who has successfully transplanted the intercolumn cell arm does not mind pulling the Great Snake Pill, a disciple of the Hokage, into the mire, while making the reputation of the ape flying sun slash fall to the bottom.

After all, only when the other party stepped down, he had the opportunity to claim the position of Hokage that he had in mind.

"Hinata, you make your decision!"

"Maybe shut it up for a while and let Orochimaru calm down... This is also a kind of protection for him..."

Mito Menyan also knew that it was a bit cruel to let his friend deal with his disciple, but it was the case. This matter has been spread to the public, the villagers are also angry, and many bad things that the big snake pill has done are already circulating in the village.

The arrow has to be sent on the string!

Koharu didn't say anything, she had already seen through that this was Shimura Danzo's attack on the ape flying sun. With the intention that neither side can be guilty, she chose silence.

"Hey! The Great Snake Pill is my disciple, so it's up to me to solve this matter!" "

I won't let him continue to make mistakes..." Although

he was very annoyed by Shimura Danzo's practice of secretly publicizing the crimes of the Great Snake Pill in the village, Sarutobi had to deal with it calmly at this time.

At this time, he couldn't manage Haruno Xiao's trip for the time being! Now it is necessary to solve the matter of the big snake pill first...

After speaking, Ape Fei Ri tore off the coat on his body, revealing the combat suit inside, and made a conclusion for this matter.

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