
A member of the Dark Division was immediately ordered to leave.

At this time, Ape Flying Sun Chopper took the remaining dark part into the research room inside and began to search carefully.

"This is red beans!?"

"Why is she here?"

Not long after, they found the unconscious Mitarai red beans inside, and the spell mark on the other party's neck was very conspicuous!

Soon, the news of Orochimaru's defection spread among the upper class of the village, shocking everyone who learned the news.

As a hero of Konoha, a candidate for Hokage, Orochimaru, one of the three Shinobi, has actually defected!

So who else in Konoha Village is impossible to defect?

Maybe Haruno Xiao, who is still out of the village to do a mission, will too! After all, the home has been bombed, and the mother and daughter flowers inside are gone!

You say this is the work of outlying spies!?

What international joke?

Why don't anyone blow up there?

Is it fun, thinking of the big snake pill, Konoha has really been in a lot of disasters recently!

Although they had heard a lot of negative information about the Great Snake Pill before, in fact, all the high-level ninja clans would not think that the Third Generation Ape Flying Sun Slash would punish their disciples heavily.

They all think that the ape flying sun slash is at most to punish the big snake pill a little, and then suppress it a little, what life should be lived in the future.

After all, isn't that guy Shimura Danzo, who is an old teammate of Hokage, always had such treatment?

Why did he defect when he got to the Great Snake Pill who was a disciple?!

Hearing this news, all the ninja patriarchs in Konoha Village couldn't help but show shocked and incredulous expressions on their faces.

What "impossible!" Absolutely impossible..." said a lot of nonsense, but finally had to admit this fact under the repeated confirmation of his subordinates.

Oh, my God!

For the current Konoha Village, the defection of Orochimaru is definitely a huge loss. Whether it is strength or prestige, it is a heavy blow that will cause turmoil in the village.

Many people deeply regret this!

After all, in World War II and World War III, many people were blessed by the Great Snake Pill.

Of course! This is undoubtedly a huge good news for the Uchiha family, who does not deal with the Hokage!

It is thought that the three generations of ape flying sun slashing are self-slaughtering, and their opportunity for the Uchiha clan to compete for the position of Hokage may be coming!

After all, in the past, Orochimaru was a strong contender for the position of Hokage, but now that the other party has defected, he must not be able to stand up and compete for Hokage anymore!

But is Uchiha Fugaku the material that serves as Hokage?

A day later, the news of the defection of Orochimaru, one of Konoha's three Shinobi, completely spread throughout Konoha Hidden Village, and it was even known to the world by the spies of the outer village hidden inside!

This news immediately caused an uproar in the ninja world!

After all, since the death of the fourth generation of Hokage Wave Feng Shuimen, the three Shinobi have been the highest combat power below the third generation of Hokage, and they are one of the most popular candidates for Hokage.

In Konoha, Orochimaru is not only a symbol of the highest combat power, but also the object of countless young ninjas' once embraced and worshipped, guiding their direction.

Just such a big man actually defected, and the shock to Konoha Hidden Village can be imagined, and the impact is huge!

It is clear that one moment he was still a hero of Konoha who won the war, and the object of everyone's worship, the next moment he became a cruel rebel who secretly kidnapped villagers for live experiments to study forbidden arts.

There are also many ninjas implicated in this incident, and Mitarai Red Bean, who is a disciple of Orochimaru, is the first to bear the brunt!

How arrogant she was when she laughed at Chunye before, how embarrassed she is now, it can be described as feng shui taking turns!

At the same time, she was found in the Great Snake Pill Laboratory and could not avoid the fate of being imprisoned and tortured, if it were not for the attention of the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun, perhaps tens of thousands of words could not describe the process.

To this end, the third generation of Naruto Sarutobi soon organized a large team of ninjas and began to search for the defected Orochimaru on all sides.

Among them, there were major ninja clans and police forces involved, and when he heard this shocking information, he also rushed back quickly as soon as possible, and then participated in the hunt for his old fellow.

He also wants to bring this best friend back to Konoha!

How did such a ridiculous thing happen?

The big snake pill actually defected!

Zi Lai also felt that the sky seemed to be falling, and at this time, he was full of doubts, and he needed to find the other party to have a good talk, and then convince the other party....

His idea is good! But it's very impractical....

The big snake pill is not a person who can be changed so at all, not even if it is a former best friend!

This is a difference in the philosophy of life....

Compared to Zilai, who also believes in the so-called Great Toad Immortal prophecy, the entire ninja world is looking for what children of destiny are around. The big snake pill is more inclined to rely on his own strength to control his own destiny...

Leaving Konoha is for him, even if the sky is high and the birds fly, the sea is wide and the fish are jumping!

So they with different philosophies can't go back to the past after all!

In Naruto's office, the three generations of Naruto Sarutobi behind his desk were holding an intelligence scroll in his hand and looking carefully, and a dark ninja was respectfully kneeling on one knee in front of his desk.

The intelligence scroll held by the third generation was just presented by the dark ninja, and it was a detailed investigation report on the defection of Orochimaru.

Looking at all the information recorded on the scroll, Ape Fei Richo's face was solemn, as if he was enduring something. A moment later, the three generations finished reading the contents of the scroll, and the whole person fell into deep thought.

"This is the end of the matter!"

"Command, the contents of the scroll must not be passed on! Anyone who has a rumor will be dealt with as treason to the village!

"Go down..."

It took a long time for the third-generation Hokage to slowly put down the scroll in his hand, and then turned his head and said to the dark part below. There was a faint sadness and suppressed anger in his words, as if he knew what an old fellow had done.

It's just that now that he has lost his most beloved disciple, can he lose this man who bears all the dark side behind his back?


When this dark person heard this, he quickly bowed his head, and then bowed and left under the other party's signal.

The high-level game is not something that his own small dark part can intervene in, and he will be vigilant about whether he will be extinguished in the future!

A few days later, the team that went out to search for the rebel Great Snake Pill also returned to the village one after another. Some of them were seriously injured and urgently needed treatment! Even Jirai, one of the three ninjas, was not shallowly injured...

Hehe...... The big snake pill will not be captured!

It was also at this time that they remembered Haruno laughing at the good of this excellent medical ninja. However, at this time, they never had the opportunity to get each other's treatment again!

"What?! Haruno laughing not there? "

He's on a mission again?"

"That rich woman again?"

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