At the instigation of some people, the villagers began to believe some "truth", so the Uchiha family also felt stressed for a while, and had to compromise and move away from their original address.

At this moment, Uchiha was considered to have left the political center of Konoha Hidden Village and was assigned to the outskirts of the village.

The dilapidated houses have also begun to be rebuilt. Of course, everyone also found that the residence of the fourth generation Hokage was burned to ruins, but it was difficult to investigate the cause of the destruction of the house for a while.

In the end, he could only push this pot onto the Nine Tails, so that Naruto Uzumaki would have to be harshly implicated for the destruction of his home in the future.

"Where Konoha flies, fire also grows. The fire will continue to illuminate the village and make new leaves sprout..."

But their sacrifices were great, because they protected the village and protected our seedlings!

"We will continue to follow the will of fire of our ancestors and continue to give our lives to protect the great family of Konoha..."

Bless us..." In

the Konoha Village Cemetery, in front of the memorial monument, the third-generation ape Hibiki, who has regained the position of Hokage, is delivering his set of fire will at a solemn memorial service to brainwash everyone.

In this situation, the scene of the sad atmosphere in place, many people really eat his set!

Haruno Xiao, who hid in a corner and appeared extremely inconspicuous, saw that many people at the scene were tearful by this old guy's words, tears unconsciously flowed from their eyes, and their mouths were still whimpering, and their expressions were very sad.

"Whew..." "

This is youth!"

Tut! Although the guy who didn't have a family member to die in this disaster, he cried the hardest, maybe it was touching the scene...

(Matt Kay: My tears don't dry... The

Nine-Tails Rebellion has left a lot of Konoha villagers buried in Konoha's cemetery!

"Big brother, is that you?"

"The ninja-sama who helped our family that night!"

Just as Haruno Xiao wanted to leave in a hurry after the memorial service, suddenly a cute little loli blocked his way.

"You are?"

Looking at the cute little girl who stood in front of her and bowed in thanks, Haruno smiled a little hesitantly stepped forward and touched the other party's head, and couldn't remember who the other party was for a while.

Well, pretty smooth hair....

At a young age, he has a good black long straight hair, and he may be able to become a big beauty in the future!

"My name is Izumi Fujimoto..."

"Thank you for saving my father three days ago!"

"If it weren't for you, my mother and I would probably have lost our loved ones like everyone else..."

Looking at the long-haired little loli in front of him, Haruno smiled at this time and remembered who the other party was.

I remember the night of the Nine-Tails Rebellion, and she also saved her badly injured father.

But even with his initial treatment and control of the injury, the man's lower limb may need to be amputated! After all, the other party's legs were smashed at that time, and Haruno Xiao, who still needed to hide for the time being, couldn't act too out of line!

Remember that the mother of the little loli in front of me is also a black and straight beauty, and this mother and daughter really look alike! It's like it's carved out of a mold....

This beauty gene is really too powerful!

"It's okay! This is my job..."

"Because big brother me! It's a medical ninja..." Leaning

over and stroking the silky hair of the little loli before, Haruno smiled and revealed his identity to the other party with a shallow smile, and then he said goodbye in the other party's repeated thanks and continued to leave the cemetery....

His time is precious, and he can't waste it at this boring memorial service....

The deceased is gone, cherish the present!

"Fujimoto Izumi?"

"It always feels a little familiar..." On

the way out of the Konoha cemetery, Haruno Xiao also encountered many familiar faces, no matter what the relationship was, he would take the initiative to nod to the other party to maintain his friendly personality.

During this period, he always remembered the cute little loli named Fujimoto Izumi just now, and the other party's pretty face always felt familiar....

"Izumi? Memorial service..." "


"Is it her?"

After Haruno Xiao recalled the beautiful appearance of Little Lori's mother, the black and straight young woman, he finally remembered something.

"The other party seems to be only five or six years old..."

"Well, is it the same age as that weasel?"

Looking at the Uchiha Itachi walking in the distance, and then thinking of Fujimoto Spring just now, Haruno laughed and finally remembered that this spring was the other spring.

Fujimoto Spring is Uchiha Spring!

"I can't think of it!"

"I actually unintentionally flapped my butterfly wings..." "I

hope the other party can have a different result this time!"

"I don't know if the other party met Itachi just now..."

Haruno Xiao also regretted the ending in this original Izumi's book, so he also carefully checked her information. When the other party was twelve years old, he opened the three-hook jade writing wheel eye, but such an outstanding girl died tragically at the hands of Obito, a psychopath.

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