At this time, Haruno Xiao's disguised appearance appeared much softer and a little feminine, plus his hair was also dyed the standard brown of the Kurama clan, so it was not surprising that he was mistaken by Kohakumo for a clan member of the Kurama clan.

In fact, this is also Haruno Xiao's deliberate disguise, after all, it's okay to be careful, isn't it?

You must know that in these three days, Konoha Village is very lively, and it should be said that it is not an exaggeration to jump chickens and dogs.

"Still haven't found Haruno Xiao?"

"Lord Sandaime, our dark department has been carefully searching for three days in Konoha Village, and we have not found any trace of each other for the time being!"

"Hmph! Continue to arrange for the dark part to be investigated... Just find some out-of-village spies!

"Miyome-sama, I ask for instructions to arrest Uncle Haruno and his family and torture them!" That would probably give you some information..."

"Your idea is good! Just what intelligence can a few ordinary Konoha civilians have? And those ninjas are watching our jokes! So what we have to do now is to find Haruno Xiao as soon as possible, and we can't go to arrest the other party's ordinary relatives..."

Sarutobi Hinata is meeting his dark captain at Konoha's Hokage's office to inquire about the investigation of Haruno Laugh. Unfortunately, the result disappointed him, and in the end he had to wave his hand to let the other party retreat.

Since Kakashi still reported the information of Haruno Laugh's appearance in Konoha Village to the Third Generation Hokage after the treatment, Sarutobi Hinata turned the entire village over in order to find Haruno Laugho.

Unfortunately, after searching for three days, even Haruno couldn't see the shadow of Xiao. However, many spies from other villages suffered as a result, and were very unlucky to be used as additional achievements.

Even if you can't find Haruno Laugh's goal, you can't get nothing for nothing, right? Otherwise, wouldn't it seem that the dark part of their Konoha village was very incompetent?

Therefore, in the past few days, more than a dozen conflicts have occurred in Konoha Village, making the entire villagers of Konoha Village panic.

However, the pedantry of the three generations of Hokage really allowed Haruno Zhao's family to escape, otherwise they would probably be forced to leave Konoha!

This is also the reason why Haruno Zhao's family are civilians, but if there is a ninja in his family, he will not be treated so generously.

This is also the reason why the residents of Konoha Village are so supportive of Sandaime, it is precisely because Sarutobi has always been very tolerant and approachable to civilians, so many civilians believe his strongest Hokage's nonsense.

Of course, there is also Gu Ji Shimura Tuanzo, a guy who is good at spreading rumors, you must know that the other party has a previous conviction....

If he really let people arrest Haruno Zhao's family, maybe the next day there would be rumors that the three generations persecuted civilians and let the innocent be wronged!

Shimura Danzo really did it!

"Old man, what's going on with Haruno laughing?"

"Why did the Dark Department search for him in the village?"

Because of the search in the dark department in the past few days, the whole village was jumping, and at the same time, it also alarmed Jirai. After finding someone to understand the situation a little, he also had to climb in the window to ask his teacher what he thought.

What a medical ninja!

Why can't Konoha Village tolerate each other?

Unexpectedly, he blew up the other party's home while he was out on a mission, no wonder he couldn't recognize the other party's home.

I heard that the mother and daughter flowers disappeared because of this....

That's excessive!


"Jiraiya, am I a failure?"

Ape Flying Sun Chopper did not respond to his apprentice head-on, but came to the window with a lonely expression.

Orochimaru is like this, Haruno Xiao is also like this, looking at the huge damage that kid caused to Kakashi, it should be a deep grudge against Konoha!

However, in the end, people still did not kill people, and they should still have expectations for Konoha...

If he could, he really wanted to turn back time to stop Tuan Zang's series of moves.

Ay! It's all his Hokage's fault that Konoha has become the bad he is now...

"Uh... Teacher! This shouldn't be what you want to happen... It's all... It's all the demagogy of somebody! "

Zi Lai also wanted to say at this time: It's all your fault!

But regardless of the affection of the teacher and student, he did not want to make this obviously decadent old man sad again, so he had to put it mildly, and at the same time pointed out a certain scourge.

For this guy Shimura Danzo, he has always had no good impression, that is, his own teacher can tolerate each other. If he were a Hokage, he would definitely not let the other party be so lawless!

"Hey... It's too late now!

"Haruno Xiao returned to the village three days ago, and then injured Kakashi near the Konoha cemetery, and then the news disappeared..."

"The other party should know what happened in Konoha Village, so he came back to take revenge!"

"Zilaiye, do you say we can still save this child?"

For Haruno's impression, Ape Flying Sun has changed again and again. He couldn't have imagined that this original medical pillar of Konoha would suddenly become a traitor!

And all this seems to be forced by these Konoha high-ranking people to do this....

Tuan Zang! Tuanzo... How do you want me to trust you in the future?

But the root is not big enough, even if he wants to eradicate it, or it is difficult!

In this regard, the ape flying sun chop also looked very helpless. For the first time he felt that he was really old, or that he should let go of his rights....

Orochimaru said that Konoha in his hands was like a windmill that was constantly decaying, and he couldn't turn around!

It seems that his disciples are still bystanders, and they are fans of the authorities....

"Hmm! If I can, I would also like to have a chat with Haruno to change their minds.

"After all, that kid seems to me to be quite good..." Thinking

of the other party's common hobbies with himself, he didn't want to lose such a year-end friend, so he also wanted to fight for it.

"Then don't send a notice of betrayal for the time being, you see if you can find the other party, and then try to save it."

"We can ignore all his previous actions, and only hope that he can return to Konoha Village to be his medical director..." In

fact, Sarutobi had already received repeated urging from the Daimyo Mansion at this time, and the connection between those high-ranking officials and rich women waiting for Haruno Xiao's service was also a force to be reckoned with!

If Haruno Xiao really becomes Konoha's rebel, then the funds scheduled by the Fire Country Daimyo House for the next year may be affected!

Moreover, those ninjas who had a friendship with Haruno Xiao actually began to target the Sarutobi family, which was something that had never dared to imagine before!

Moving a Haruno laugh seems to be like moving a hornet's nest hidden in Konoha Village!

So until now, he has not officially designated Haruno Laugh as Konoha's rebellion! I just don't want this to expand....

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