"Ah! Laughing brother, you're really back! I miss you!

Just as Haruno was teaching Yakumo new knowledge, a female voice attracted the attention of the two.

"Hey! Izumi, I'm back! And he also brought back a junior sister for you..."The

person who came is Fujimoto Izumi!"

The other party received the message soon after Haruno Xiao appeared in Fuzi Village, so he rushed here. After seeing the other party, she pounced without hesitation.

"Huh?! Sister? Taking

a sharp breath from Haruno's arms, she looked suspiciously at Kurama Yakumo on the side, narrowed her eyes and hugged the man in her arms tighter.

"yes! She is still young, and she needs you to take good care of her in the future!

Haruno smiled and felt the change in the other party's strength, and couldn't help but gently touch his eldest apprentice's head.

"Hmm... I will..." Feeling

the warmth coming from his head, Izumi continued to bury his head in his master's arms, and then agreed with a sullen voice.

For this new junior sister, she was actually a little resistant, but since it was Xiao Brother's order, then she had to agree.

"Come on! Introduce each other..."

"This is Fujimoto Izumi, my big apprentice... This is Kurama Yakumo, my newly acquired little apprentice.

Haruno smiled and pulled out the izumi in his arms, and then asked the other party and Xiao Yakumo to formally get to know each other.

"Hello, junior sister!"

"Hello, Senior Sister!"

The two girls, one big and one small, looked at each other, and both eyes stared at each other, as if they wanted to see the flowers.

"Uh... In order to celebrate the acquaintance of the two of you, today I have a treat..." Seeing

that the atmosphere between his two apprentices was a little wrong, Haruno Xiao quickly changed the topic, trying to distract the two of them.

"Okay! All right...... Brother Xiao, let's go eat sushi!

"Teacher! Teacher...... I want to eat ramen! The

invisible smoke between the two girls continued to burn, and the sight of both sides seemed to be able to burst into sparks.

"Good, good... We packed all the sushi and ramen and ate them together!

"You can get along!" In the future, those junior sisters will let you take care of it!"

Haruno smiled and pulled the two to their respective sides, and then easily coped with it.

"Ah! And junior sister? Izumi

couldn't help but be wary when he heard this. Unexpectedly, after his laughing brother went back to Konoha Village, he seemed to be going to accept his apprentice and take it in!

If you know this, you might as well not go back!

The days passed like water, and another month passed in the blink of an eye. Haruno Xiao kept shuttling back and forth between Konoha and Fuko Village, and life was still good.

He also had a new identity at this time, called Kurama Oneness. This is Haruno Sho's new identity disguised within the Kurama clan, originally a Naka Shinobi, very inconspicuous, and now replaced by him.

Originally, he thought that Konoha would make a move on his uncle's family, so he has been staying in Konoha Village a lot recently, afraid of some irreparable accidents.

It's just that Haruno Xiao can't think that Konoha Village really doesn't seem to want to move his uncle's family, which makes him a little jealous.

There was no way, he had to disguise a new identity in Konoha Village, a Naka Shinobi of the Kurama clan who was good at illusion.

As a physically weak Kurama clan Shinobi, the original Kurama Harmony is very unpopular, coupled with his withdrawn personality, so he does not have many friends, which is very suitable for Haruno Xiao disguise.

Coupled with the cooperation of the Kurama patriarch, everyone did not know that Haruno Xiao had changed his face in Konoha Village and stayed. He also went in and out freely, running freely between Konoha Village and Fuzi Village.

"Thank you so much!"

"Otherwise my Yakumo wouldn't have become so lively... The effect of that injection is really great! "

Haruno Xiao accepted Kurama Yakumo as an apprentice, of course, he would also solve the problem of physical weakness for the other party, and it was not much difficult for him at all.

In a month, Xiao Yakumo's physical fitness has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the Kurama patriarch sees this, so he is really grateful to Haruno at this time.

"You should know that my previous words did not lie to you! And Konoha is really not very suitable for the Kurama clan to stay..."

"Think about how many people your Kurama clan had when they built a village in Konoha?" And how many are there now?

"The current village has been made a mess by this year's Konoha high-level! They don't care if you families live or die..."

"In their eyes, you are just tools, consumables, dead and dead... It's not from their family anyway!

Haruno laughed while drinking tea and watching the little Yakumo not far away exercise his physical skills, while chatting about the future of the Kurama clan.

"Hey! Truly...... Our Kurama clan is getting harder and harder to stay in Konoha Village!

"I thought that our Kurama clan was also a great ninja clan with thousands of people, and I never imagined that the number of people in the past few decades would be reduced to this point!"

"Dozens of people, only a small half are ninjas! The highest is just particularly tolerant... Even I... Ay! I'm afraid I won't have the face to see my ancestors after death..."

"And the income of our Kurama family is not enough to maintain our current daily expenses, and many times we have to eat old books... Don't talk about second-rate ninjas in this way! I'm afraid it will soon become a third-rate ... And then nameless..."

"Fortunately! Fortunately, you appeared..." The

Kurama patriarch was also disturbed by Haruno's laughter and muddied the bitter water in his heart, and couldn't help but tell the tragic experience of the Kurama clan over the years.

"Everything will be fine..."

"We just need to slowly do the ideological work of the Kurama clan, and then secretly transfer some of the clansmen away." At that time, the Kurama family will have another root outside, and it can be said that there is no worries!

Haruno smiled and explained his plan to the Kurama patriarch in front of him.

He just wants to dig the roots of Konoha!

Anyway, the other party is not rare, it is better to cheapen yourself!

What is the most needed thing in today's society?


Most of the adults of the Kurama clan actually know magic, and some clansmen are getting weaker and weaker, so they have to retire at home, which makes the already small number of ninjas in the Kurama clan even smaller!

And these retired ninjas with serious bias are very good talents for Haruno Xiao!

Because they are all ninjas who have received formal education, they are a very good group of talents after receiving physical strengthening to improve their physique.

This can add bricks to Haruno Xiao's future site expansion plans and shine!

After all, the hundreds of ninjas in Fuzi Village are enough to manage one village, and there is simply no more people to manage the next village.

So Haruno Xiao had to continue to gather his subordinates for himself and pave the way for his great cause.

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