"Hmph! I will definitely be able to learn all your skills in the future, and then be as powerful as Sister Izumi..."

Sakura couldn't care about the cliff below when she heard this, and directly announced that she would definitely learn all of her cousin's skills in the future. It's just that with her current knowledge, she just thinks that after learning Haruno's ability to laugh, she will be as tall as Fujimoto Izumi.

I can only say that she is still a child!

"Haha... Brother Xiao's skills are not so easy to learn, you have to be prepared to endure hardships! Izumi

couldn't help but shake her head and chuckle when she heard Sakura use herself as a standard to characterize her brother's strength, but she didn't explain much, but kindly reminded the other party that the hard life in the future was not good.

"Sister Quan is not afraid, so I am not afraid!"

Sakura, the little niko, is also unwilling to admit defeat, so she holds her little head high to express her determination, and also looks forward to the scene after she learns her cousin's skills in the future.

At that time, she can also jump very high, run fast, go wherever she wants, eat whatever she wants, and her parents can no longer control her!

"Hahahaha..." Everyone

couldn't help but laugh when they saw Sakura's cute appearance, and their voices echoed in the empty mountains for a long time.


Haruno laughed at their movements but attracted the attention of Fuzi Village, so a group of beautiful female ninjas quickly rushed to this side. The orange-haired long-haired female ninja led by Haruno immediately knelt down on one knee to salute after seeing Haruno laughing, and a group of female ninjas behind her also saluted in unison when they saw this.

"Everyone, hurry up!"

"Xia, it's you who led the team today!"

"What about Tokiha? Isn't it usually her team? "

Xia in front of her is young and beautiful, with a graceful figure, a very delicate face, and long orange hair that is very attractive and very attractive.

Her strength is not weak, so she quickly gained everyone's recognition as soon as she joined in, and she also became Tsuneha's subordinate.

But I don't want the other party to lead the team directly today!

It seems that the status has improved rapidly!

Haruno Xiao met her who was being hunted down and killed on a trip, when the other party was seriously injured and was about to die.

For Kasumi's sake, Haruno smiled and saved her.

After driving away the ninjas who besieged Kasumi, he also helped her deal with her large and small injuries.

Finally, seeing that Xia was homeless, he sent an invitation to the other party to join Fuzi Village.

Perhaps in return for saving her life, Kasumi agreed. However, like the summer star guy, she seems to have her own affairs to deal with, so she often takes time off work to go out.

"Tsuneba, she was recently on vacation, so I was asked to take my place on patrol."

The life of the female ninja in Fuzi Village is quite leisurely, after all, the entire Fuzi Village is actually not big, and it is like a secluded paradise deep in the mountains, so there is no external trouble to watch out for.

In particular, the entire village is dominated by women, so there are usually no disputes, so the daily patrols of female ninja are only routine.

"Oh! Tsuneba's workaholic actually takes vacation..."

"It won't be a partner, will it?"

Hearing Kasumi's explanation, Haruno couldn't help but joke funny. However, it attracted a group of female ninjas, who pursed their lips and snickered, looking like they wanted to say it but did not dare to say it.

"Ah! Could it be that Changye is really looking for a partner?

"Who is the other party?" Just tell me if you know..." Looking

at the performance of this group of female ninjas, Haruno's gossip heart was also provoked.

"It's a misty rebel! It's called Black Hoe, Thunder Tooth... It seems to be one of the former Mist Shinobi Seven! "

Some time ago, Black Hoe Thunder Tooth suddenly broke into the jurisdiction of our Fuzi Village, and then openly took control of the civilian villages near us."

"The twelve guardian Shinobi of the village finally decided to send Tsuneha to lead the team to deal with him!"

"After a fierce battle, we expelled each other, but Black Hoeing Thunder Tooth also escaped in the end!"

"Sister Changye may not be angry, so she took a vacation to hunt down the other party..." After

hearing Haruno's question, the female ninja who knew the situation below said the reason for the matter one by one.

It is also ashamed to say that although Haruno Xiao is the mission leader of Fuzi Village, almost all of the affairs of the village are handled by the twelve guardian Shinobi under him.

Under normal circumstances, he does not pay much attention to these daily affairs, so he seems extremely free and has enough time to deal with his own affairs.

"Oh! It's a black hoe and thunder tooth! The other party is also a guy with good strength... And he looks good..."

"But I remember that he seemed to have started a family before he defected to Mist Yin!" And there is a daughter..."

Haruno Xiao also knew what was going on after learning that Tsuneha had taken a special leave to hunt down Black Hoe's Thunder Tooth.

Since he became the leader of Fuzi Village, other villagers and female ninja can now actively pursue their own happiness.

However, they all spontaneously follow the tradition of choosing a husband by the former leader of Fuzi Village, and they need to take the initiative to pursue anyone they like. And the strength of the other party must not be too weak, at least it must be comparable to yourself, and it is better to defeat yourself!

At the beginning, he would ask the other party to join his son-in-law, but he found that these requirements were too difficult for the man, so now he has become a lot more enlightened and does not have so many rules.

However, there are still high requirements in terms of strength, and if the strength is too low, the female ninja of Fuzi Village generally can't look at it.

But since Haruno Xiao brought enough cultivation resources to Fuzi Village, the strength of the female ninja has also risen, and it has become more and more difficult for the female ninja who live in seclusion in Fuzi Village to find a partner that meets their hearts.

Of course! If Haruno Xiao is willing to sacrifice himself, he may also be able to solve the physiological needs of more than three hundred female ninja in Fuzi Village.

However, he obviously did not have the idea of making a stallion at will, after all, there are so many female ninja in the entire Fuzi Village, plus the successive female ninja eggs that are being trained, Haruno laughs alone really can't eat it!

Tsuneha used to be a fanatic fan of Haruno Laughter, but slowly she could see that the other party did not mean to develop further, so she gave up this delusion.

This time, Changye obviously took a fancy to the black hoe thunder tooth whose strength was similar to hers! Of course, there are also reasons why the black hoe thunder tooth does grow well, if you change to a dried persimmon ghost mackerel that looks like a shark, I don't know if Changye can see it.

I just don't know if Changye can finally chase down this former Mist Yin Seven?

You must know that the black hoe thunder tooth has a family....

His wife doesn't know who it is, but his daughter seems to be called Hei Hoewen Tan....

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