"Our house was affected by the attack of the Nine Tails, and a fire broke out nearby and spread to our house, plus my husband is still lying in a hospital bed and needs to be recuperated, so we may not be able to take much money at once..."

Haruno Xiao suddenly remembered that the location of the other party's house seemed to be quite close to the house of the fourth generation Hokage, and that area would not have been burned down...

Well, it was just an accident! It's all the fault of the Six Dao Immortals, who told him not to keep your home safe?

(Six Dao Immortals: You Yaga!

"Hey... Sorry! Reminds you of so many sad things..."

"Sometimes people's luck always has ups and downs, I believe you will definitely be able to meet noble people in the future and let you get out of such a predicament!"

"And my prosthetic legs here also have different models..."

"Expensive is good, cheap can also be obtained, in short, it can definitely allow patients to get a certain ability to live!"

"If you want, you can ask Izumi to learn medical ninjutsu with me!" In this way, she can also take care of Fujimoto Kaizaka Shinobu in the future..." Haruno

laughed at her words made Fujimoto Hazuki overjoyed, and her daughter was actually taken by the Haruno laughing master in front of her and wanted to take her as an apprentice!

"Yes! Of course I want to..."

"Izumi, hurry up and call the teacher!"

Saying that, Fujimoto Hazuki, who is a mother, quickly reminded his daughter. This is a good opportunity for their Fujimoto family to turn over again....

Mrs. Fujimoto, you are sending sheep into the mouth of the tiger!

If Izumi had been under Haruno Xiao's hand, he might have changed into someone's form in the future.

But this is also much stronger than her future obsession with the anti-bone cub of Uchiha Itachi!


When Fujimoto Izumi heard this, he immediately bowed to Haruno again to show respect, and his smiling face was very happy.

"Hey! Just call me Brother Haruno in the future..."

"I'm actually a few years older than you!"

Haruno Xiao is only twelve years old this year, so it's really not much bigger than the spring in front of him, which is only a gap of about five or six years old!

However, his words surprised the Fujimoto mother and daughter in front of them, and they thought that the tall Haruno smile in front of them was at least fifteen or six years old!

"I'm only twelve years old!"

Seeing the mother and daughter's somewhat incredulous appearance, Haruno smiled and had to say his true age with a wry smile.

"I'm so sorry!"

When Fujimoto Hazuki heard this, he immediately pulled his daughter to bow and apologize, and let someone be too addicted.

"Haha, I'm used to it by misunderstanding!"

Haruno Xiao quickly collected some of his thoughts, and smiled on his face to relieve them. Well, it's still too early for him to do something! Hold on, don't be too wavey for the time being....

However, after the misunderstanding was solved, the atmosphere of the three became much more harmonious.

After all, in the eyes of Fujimoto Hazuki, Haruno Xiao is now just a child, and accepting his daughter as an apprentice should be pitiful for their family, so he chose to help again.

Haruno Laugho is an excellent medical ninja at a young age, and he has such a gentle personality, what a good person!

Otherwise, the other party can't always fancy her or her daughter, right?

(Haruno laughs: I still fancy your husband!)

Izumi was also happy at this time, she was eager to become a ninja like her father! Now Haruno Xiao can teach her some medical ninjutsu in advance, that's really good!

You know, medical ninjas are ninjas!

And Tsunadehime, one of the legendary three ninjas, is a powerful medical ninja! She is the object of envy and worship of all the female ninjas in Konoha's hidden village!

She Fujimoto Izumi must also become a powerful female ninja like Tsunadehime in the future!

A certain little loli has secretly made up her mind that she must obediently learn new knowledge with the kind big brother in front of her in the future....

"Huh... Don't worry too much! I just grew up faster, which is unexpected!

Haruno Xiao grew much taller than his peers because of his hard physical training. The fish in the Nanhe River are also a lot of chewks by him, and he has developed relatively fast since he was a child with sufficient protein supplements, so he is often misunderstood by others for his real age.

However, because of the relationship between studying medical ninjutsu since he was a child, his body has grown extremely healthy, and he has not left any sequelae such as dark injuries because of the practice of physical arts, plus his genes are not bad, so his appearance is still quite a gentle handsome guy!

The clothes he usually wears are relatively tight, and it is really difficult for others to find that Haruno Xiao actually has explosive muscles full of lines.

This is also the power of medical ninjutsu!

"Then I'll help Fujimoto Uranaka Shinobu treat it again!"

"Then please Haruno-sama!"

"Thank you, Brother Haruno!"

"Hmm! I'll let Izumi see the power of medical ninjas now!

After the three of them exchanged ideas, Haruno Xiao began to work on the comprehensive treatment of Fujimoto Kai in front of him.

"If you want to learn medical ninjutsu well, then you must have Chakra, and preferably Chakra with Yang attributes!"

"Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome!"

"Izumi hasn't gone to ninja school yet, has he? But you already seem to have Chakra on you, don't you? "

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