Naruto's hanging tail car is also counted, since Kakashi can teach Uchiha Sasuke, the second pillar, then it is actually no problem to teach Sakura's illusion with his knowledge reserves...

But he seemed to treat Sakura completely as air, and had no intention of teaching her ninjutsu, making Sakura a complete vase at that time!

Even if something happens, I can only cry helplessly....

In the end, it was only after Sakura took the initiative to learn from Tsunadehime that she shined in the field of medical ninjutsu and showed her extraordinary talent.

But Sakura can never become the second Tsunade-hime, she can only be regarded as a monkey version of Tsunade.

Among his peers, he can only be regarded as inadequate, more than inferior, and completely incomparable with Naruto and Sasuke in the future.

It was probably all Kakashi's fault!

Under her own teaching, Sakura will definitely not be worse than Tsunade-hime in the future! Even stronger!

Whether it's strength, or stature....

Haruno is very confident about this!

"Laugh, you're back!"

"yes! Sister Ye Yue... I'm back!

After Haruno Xiao returned to the residence of Fuzi Village with a group of people, Fujimoto Hazuki immediately ran out happily to greet him.

The other party's gentle water-like eyes and a look that seemed to be disgusted and joyful, watching the Haruno bud who was secretly observing while blowing couldn't help but jump out of the corner of his eye...

Return Sister Ye Yue!

This kid is not honest!

They definitely got it!

Although Haruno Bud was sluggish in his heart at this time, his face was still extremely happy to greet Fujimoto Hazuki.

They are also acquaintances, after all, there is Haruno Xiao as a bridge, and they have had a lot of contact over the years.

"Aunt and uncle, you and Sakura will live in my house for the time being! Anyway, I'm bigger here, and the room is enough for you.

"After you get acquainted with Fuzi Village, think about what kind of life you want to live!" I have a lot of industries in the ninja world, and when you have some strength, you can choose some of your favorite industries to participate in them..."

Sister Ye Yue and Izumi are also living with me now! Sakura can also have a companion then..."

Haruno Xiao didn't care about his aunt's weird thoughts, and directly arranged for them to live in his own house, which also made it convenient for him to transform and exercise them in the future.

If you want to promote them from ordinary people to excellent shinobi in a short period of time, even with Haruno Laugh's superb skills, it will take a certain amount of time.

Not only does it require physical transformation, but it also requires a long trial of illusion, and then use suitable exercise methods and actual combat exercises to turn fantasy into reality.

Such a laborious cultivation method used to only Fujimoto Hazuki had this treatment, and now there are two more.

However, now that Chunye Xiao has awakened his kaleidoscopic chakra eyes, he may be able to use this special pair of eyes to speed up this cultivation process.

"Oooh... We're no problem! Sakura would probably love it here too..."

"Honey, what do you think?"

The huge complex of buildings in this neighborhood turned out to be the house of his nephew Haruno Xiao, and Haruno Nha couldn't help nodding and decided to live here for the time being.

After all, their family is not familiar with life now, and they still need time to adapt to the environment of Fuzi Village, and with their nephew who is the leader here, they should also have a good life.

At least it shouldn't be worse than living in Konoha Village!

"Haha... I'm okay with that! But it's really big! I can't imagine that we can also live in such a luxurious house..."

Is our Haruno clan revived in the hands of laughter?

Haruno Zhao looked at the luxurious courtyards and scattered houses along the way and couldn't help but sigh that their Haruno family seemed to be prospering in the hands of their nephews.

"It's still far from it!"

"The prosperity of a family does not depend on just one or two people, but also requires the help of the clansmen."

"Uncle and aunt also work hard to give me a few more cousins and cousins..."

"So that our Haruno clan can prosper!"

Haruno smiled and pulled Izumi and Sakura ahead and then turned to give his uncle and aunt an important task. Their Haruno clan is thin, and it is necessary to increase the number of family members.

"Huh!? This one...... This one...... I'll work hard with your aunt in the future!" Strive to have a few more..."

"But... Laugh! You're not too young, so consider thinking about your life's events!

Looking at the solemn eyes cast by his nephew, Haruno Zhao immediately felt a lot of pressure, especially when he saw his wife's subtle rosy face, he couldn't help but swallow his saliva to relieve his pressure.

Then he seemed to have thought of something and immediately pointed the finger at his nephew. He is responsible, but his nephew Haruno is also responsible!

And the other party's age is also suitable, marry her ten eight in the future, maybe in a few decades their Haruno family can also become a big family.

Fujimoto Hazuki, who was walking on Haruno's laughing side, couldn't help but prick up his ears, blushing and wanting to hear the thoughts of the man next to him.

She doesn't wish much....

Just need your daughter to grow up healthy, happy and happy. If Izumi is happy, she will be happy....

And for Haruno Xiao, who helped their mother and daughter, she is also full of gratitude. If the other party is in need, she is also willing to give everything for the other party, even have children!

As if noticing Ye Yue's gaze, Haruno smiled at her slightly, and then made a "tonight" lip shape, which immediately made this beautiful young woman start to think cranky.

Ah! Could it be that laughter is going to be real this time?

What am I going to do?

Is it a promise? Or promise?

After calming Ye Yue beside him, Haruno Xiao immediately felt a soft touch coming from his arm again. When he looked down, he saw the delicate eyes of his eldest apprentice, and the other party rubbed it defiantly.

Boy! This ninja girl is so precocious....

His actions were obviously done quite secretively just now, how could he be discovered! And it's still a spring....

Thinking of this, Haruno couldn't help but smile awkwardly at Izumi, and continued to look at his uncle, wanting to divert everyone's attention.

"Hey, hey... Am I not young?

"Uncle this responsibility, you can take it up! If you need to, you can come to me..."

I have developed some health pills before, which are very popular in the ninja world, and should help you! When

it comes to having children, Haruno laughs and realizes that his uncle is a little weak-hearted, so he begins to observe his uncle carefully.

Looking at the other party's slightly darkened face and puffy eyelids, Haruno knew the other party's unspeakable concealment when he smiled, so he said such a thing.

Man! All understand....

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