In contrast, in the original play, Uchiha Fugaku's education of his son was a great failure!

Not to mention that Sasuke, the silly second pillar, has always lived in the shadow of his dear brother, Fugaku always likes to compare his younger son with his older son.

This intentionally or unintentionally hurt Nizhu's young heart, fortunately, Sasuke was also a brother at the time, otherwise Uchiha Mikoto would have wanted to worry about how big this young son's psychological shadow area was.

Fugaku's education of his eldest son Uchiha Itachi was even more unsuccessful, and he dared to take his four-year-old son to the battlefield!


After experiencing the Third Ninja World War, the little Itachi questioned the word "life" and began to think about what "life" is, what is "ninja", and what is "village".

He almost jumped off the cliff and hung up, that is, he had a big life, and he reacted in time to save himself....

After that, this guy even bonded with the big snake pill who saw this scene and exchanged what is the meaning of life?

In the end, Uchiha came to the conclusion in his daily life: life will be born, life will die, life will be piled up, and life will fight.

As for what a "ninja" is? What is a "village"?

It was only after an encounter with his best friend Uchiha Shisui, who was also neurotic, that he was guided...

This is also an important turning point in Uchiha's sad life!

As if God also wanted this genius boy to bear this tragic fate, let Uchiha stop the water and lead him to understand the meaning of the village and the ninja.

Let him be a ninja who watches over the darkness and protects the village....

It can only be said that the neuropathy of the Uchiha family has a long history, especially the clansmen who have opened kaleidoscopic chakra eyes are even more prone to neuropathy!

Uchiha Fugaku opened the kaleidoscope chakra eye, so he became a sinner who could ignore the safety of his clan for the sake of his son, causing the Uchiha clan to be directly exterminated!

Letting this weak and incompetent guy become the patriarch is the greatest sorrow of the Uchiha clan....

Uchiha took the soil to open the kaleidoscope chakra eye, so he became a person who could give up everything in order to let his beloved Rin Nohara live in a beautiful fantasy world again!

Boy! Knowing that illusions are false things, he still chose to give everything for an illusory and beautiful future.

Is this the so-called "if you want to deceive others, you must first deceive yourself"?

Uchiha Shisui also opened a kaleidoscope chakra eye, so he became a person who could give up everything for the sake of the peace of the village.

Even if he was betrayed by the village high-ranking and gouged out his eyes, he only chose to commit suicide to die in the end, and he was not willing to get justice for himself....

This concept of his was even passed to Uchiha before he died, and he also caused the other party to directly open his own kaleidoscopic chakra eyes!

Get! In the end, this strange blood-vein neuropathy spreads and continues, making Uchiha Itachi also become a person who can give up everything for the peace of the village and the safety of his younger brother...

Finally became the Weasel of Extermination!

Uchiha Fugaku always likes to say a word to his eldest son Itachi: Itachi is worthy of being my son!

It can only be said that they really deserve to be father and son, and even the symptoms of neuropathy are passed down in the same vein....

They are all wretched bugs living in their own world!

It's just that Haruno Xiao really looks down on Uchiha Itachi in the original work, thinking that this guy is a poor and ridiculous white-eyed wolf!

No matter how whitewashed it is, it can't wash away the fact that the other party betrayed his family for the sake of the village, killed his father and mother, and exterminated the clan!

Why don't you kill your own brother as well, and then try to kill Obito who pretends to be Uchiha!"

After all, Obito is also afraid of reading the moon ... If Uchiha fights together, there is really hope that the other party will be gone!

In this way, the Uchiha clan will almost become extinct, and there will be no need to worry about his family threatening the stability of Konoha Village in the future!

But he didn't!

After killing his father and killing his mother and exterminating the clan, Uchiha left his favorite brother, and also pressed the hope of reviving the Uchiha family in the future on the other party.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to act to let his beloved brother completely ruthless himself....

Then why didn't he even let go of the children and babies of the Uchiha clan before?

Oh! The Uchiha family is Uchiha Sasuke is hopeful, other children are hopeless garbage that can be killed at will, right?

In the end, Uchiha Itachi in the original book is also just a poor and selfish guy who has been continuously brainwashed and lives in his own right-of-the-world view!

A properly neurotic patient....

This may be the sequelae of using overstimulation to open the kaleidoscope chakra eye!

All became self-righteous paranoia....

In contrast, Haruno Xiao uses the method of spiritual condensation to break through his yin limit and successfully open the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye flying method, which is much safer!

In other words, didn't the Uchiha clan have a way to cultivate spirits specifically?

Or is it the reason why they have always relied on the innate advantage of writing wheel eyes to eat old books!

Truly! Even if the Uchiha clan didn't play those bells and whistles of spiritual cultivation, relying on the power of the Sharingan alone, it would innately overwhelm other families who were also good at yin!

It's like Sunset Red, who is good at illusion, and compared to Uchiha Itachi, he is also a guy who can deal with his eyes, and there is no comparison at all....

Of course, the sad and ridiculous things of Uchiha Itachi's killing of his father and mother and exterminating the clan have not yet happened, and perhaps there will be some chance for change in the future because of Haruno Xiao's intervention.

It also depends on how he, the hidden Uchiha bloodline, finally views the Uchiha family...

Is it to pull the Yu Zhibo family at a critical moment?

Or take the opportunity to fall into the well and seek more benefits for yourself?


Sasuke obviously heard the voice behind him, and a little angry, he immediately turned his head to see who was laughing at him. The next moment he saw two cute little girls with pink carvings, and for a while Sasuke forgot why he was angry.

"Brother... Let's hurry home! After

looking at the two cute girls stupidly for a while, he suddenly reacted and finally did not continue to trouble Sakura and Ino, and could only urge his brother with a red face.

"Huh... Sasuke, it's almost us! Just bear with me a little longer!

After noticing Sasuke's strangeness, Uchiha soothed his younger brother while secretly observing the three people behind him.

For the stunning appearance of these three, Weasel was also a little surprised. However, Konoha is so big, and there is an endless stream of clients who come here every day to post tasks, so he does not have much doubt about the identities of these three.

Because the temperament of these three people seems to be very harmonious, they seem to be very familiar with Konoha Village, and there is no stiff feeling at all.

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