"Big sister... Don't go, okay?

"Please take me as an apprentice!"

"I hope to have the power to protect myself and this country..." Seeing

Haruno Xiao and Ye Cang leaving, Feng Hua Xiaoxue immediately walked quickly to each other, and then hugged Ye Cang tightly, and said in a firm voice.

She was afraid! I'm really scared!

The feeling of powerlessness before was too uncomfortable, and she no longer wanted to feel the feeling of being arbitrarily dominated by life and death...

And this powerful big sister in front of her may be able to bring her a different life!

"Hey... You see..." Ye

Cang also took pity on this little girl, and at the same time, she also noticed that her man seemed to be interested in this country, so she turned to look at the other party to ask for advice.

"Okay! Take her if you like!


then I'm going to ask our Kakashi-san to keep it a secret..."

Haruno smiled and let Hakura choose, but in fact, he already knew that the other party would agree.

"Damn it!"

Seeing Haruno Xiao suddenly drop the pig-headed man, and then disappear in place, Kakashi, who was not far away, immediately stood up in sweat, feeling that danger was approaching!


Before Kakashi could react, Haruno had already approached him using teleportation, and then pressed him against the roof with his blue-glowing hand.


Kakashi, who was pinched by the neck, instantly felt that he had lost control of his body, leaving only the ability to think.

He almost thought he had been cut off his head!


"You're still so weak..." "

Oh! It turns out that the state is not quite right! "

Is it the Eight Doors Dun Jia?"

After Haruno used medical ninjutsu to temporarily control the nerves in Kakashi's neck, the other party immediately lost control of his body.

In this regard, he couldn't help but shake his head in disappointment. Did he become stronger, or did Kiki Kakashi become weaker?

After probing, Haruno Xiao quickly noticed that something was wrong with the other party's body, which was clearly a symptom of physical weakness after the outbreak!

So Kakashi Kiki at this time is a sage state....

However, the other party with such a physical state even dared to take the initiative to appear in front of him, this guy is using his life to test the bottom line of Haruno Xiao!


Kakashi, who was pinched by the neck, wanted to say something, but in the end he could only make a slight vague mutter, and his consciousness became more and more blurred.


"Oh! I almost forgot that the nerve was cut off for a long time, and you would really die..."

"Kakashi, look me in the eye!"

In order not to let Kiki Kakashi expose the events here, Haruno Xiao can only activate his own kaleidoscope chakra eye to change the other party's memory.

This process was actually only a moment, and at this time, Kakashi, who had already fallen into a semi-comatose and dying state, had no ability to resist at all.

After a blur, he completely fainted...

"Gee! If it weren't for the fear of alarming that guy with soil, I would really like to gouge out your eyes..."

I also don't have a spare three-hook jade chakra eye here. Looking

at Kakashi Kiki, who was at his disposal at this time, Haruno also felt very pity.

However, the other party's knowledge is a treasure in itself, especially the White Fang inheritance, which is a very precious secret tradition, but it is a pity that Kiki Kakashi himself does not cherish it....

What a waste of resources!

Originally, because of the influence of the Sharingan, he lacked blue, and he was stubborn not to use the White Fang Knife Technique, and in the future, he even used the Sharingan to get the title of a copy ninja, which is really putting the cart before the horse!

In fact, the sword technique of the White Fang Burst Flow is more suitable for Kakashi, who is now lacking blue, than some Chidori Raiche...

"Whew! My business is done..."

"And what about your decision?"

Seeing Haruno smile carrying Kakashi who had passed out to him, Ye Cang couldn't help but glance at the other party, and then touched the head of Feng Hua Xiaoxue beside him to calm the other party.

"Xiaoxue, you will be my second disciple in the future!"

"Thank you, Master!"

"Congratulations, congratulations!"

Seeing that Ye Cang finally accepted Wind Flower Xiaoxue as a disciple, Haruno Xiao also began to quickly change his strategy towards the future of the Snow Country.

"What about the gift of worship?"

Ye Cang looked at someone who had dropped the flag and Kakashi and came to his side, and as soon as his eyes turned, he began to fight for the interests of his disciple.

"Oh! Shouldn't you, the master, send a gift to a disciple after others succeed in worshiping the master?

Haruno was surprised when she heard this.


Ye Cang didn't say anything more, just gave Haruno a smile of "you understand yourself" look.

"Alright! All right! I'll make it up later..." The

good man doesn't eat the loss in front of him, so Haruno Xiao can only eat this dumb loss in the end.

Of course! He will definitely take revenge on the other party in the future.

"Hee-hee..." Seeing

Ye Cang and Haruno laughing and interacting interestingly, Feng Hua Xiaoxue finally showed a smile.

"Uh-huh... This is..."

"Ah! It's time for me to leave!

When he woke up in the morning, Kakashi looked at the strange ceiling and felt a little trance, but he soon remembered that his mission in the Land of Snow had been overfulfilled.

Wind and Flower Fu Tao has been successfully solved by him, and the coup d'état in the Land of Snow has ended, but it is a pity that he did not save Feng Hua Zaoyue's life.

However, now that the mission is over and the handover has been completed, it is time for him to return to Konoha Village.

So after Kakashi finished breakfast at the inn, he continued to leave the Land of Snow without looking back, and then went in the direction of the Land of Fire.

"Gone! It should be fine, right?

"Absolutely no problem! Unless he can fully grasp that kaleidoscope, it is impossible to remember what happened before..."

After Kakashi left, Haruno Xiao and Hakura appeared.

"Kaleidoscope? Are you saying that Kiki Kakashi's Sharingan is a kaleidoscope?

Hakura was also surprised to hear Haruno's laughing words, and he couldn't imagine that Kakashi Kiki would have the highest achievement of the Uchiha clan, the kaleidoscope chakra eye.

The main thing is that his surname is Qimu!

What an irony....

"yes! It's a troublesome eye..."

"Let's talk about this topic again when we have a chance in the future!"

"Now we need to help Xiao Xue deal with the turmoil in this country..."

Although Haruno has been solved by Haruno Laughter, his power still affects the country. At least those snow ninja who wander in the country of snow still need to be dealt with by them, otherwise it will be a huge hidden danger in the future.

For the next few days, Haruno Xiao was responsible for cleaning up the snow Shinobi, and Hakura was responsible for protecting Koyuki.

The entire Snow Country is rapidly restoring stability....

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