Naruto’s Strongest Bloodline

Chapter 478: terror! The resurrection of Starry Night! (Fifth! Silver ticket contest! Ask for a sil

At this moment, Xiaoxing was so dizzy, his eyes opened dimly.

"Xiaoxing! It's me! I'm the elder brother!" Shigure also shouted immediately, Datongmu Kagura, seeing all this, seemed to feel Shigure's strong feelings for his sister.

"Brother... why am I here... Xiaoxing's consciousness is clear, but at this time, she still can't control her actions.

"The head hurts... Brother Shiyu... Xiaoxing was holding her head, and the heat around her made her body temperature rise sharply.

"Go to sleep! Starry night princess! I will unlock your seal now!" After Chuanshi finished speaking, Chakra was suddenly lit up in his hand.

"Yang Seal·Solution!!!" Datong Muchuan-style slapped Xiaoxing with a palm.

"Bang!!!" Xiaoxing closed his eyes in an instant, and when he opened it again, he had lost his original look, just like a puppet.

"The power of Otsuki! It's all for you!" Otsuki Chuanshi conveyed his power into Xiaoxingde's body without reservation.

Xiaoxing's eyes gradually dimmed, as if she was dead.

"Asshole!!!" Shigure rushed towards the Sichuan style with all his strength, breaking the Sichuan style again and again.

However, Sichuan style is resurrected again and again.

"It's useless, I won't die." Chuan-style's power was transferred to Xiaoxing's body in a single brain, without reservation, Chuan-style really loves his teammates, that is, the so-called big tube Juxing Ye, However, all this is too cruel to Shigure and Xiaoxing.

"Kagura! Help me! I'm going to seal this guy!" Shigure pointed to Chuanshi and said angrily.

"Shigure! Control your emotions!" Kagura was also very anxious at this time, and immediately persuaded.

"I...I can't control it! That's my sister!" Shigure is no longer as sensible as before, so rational that his opponents feel terrible, the moment when everything is under Shigure's control, now and now. Can't find it.

"Calm down! Shigure!" Otsuki Kagura tried his best to persuade, but Shigure still beat Sichuan style again and again.

The Sichuan style seems to have the ability to swallow the power of others, which means that every attack of Shigure not only does not cause any harm to the Sichuan style, but instead allows the Chuan style to collect the power and accelerate the eternal combination of this space and the earth. .

"Haha! Hahahaha! Go on! Use your power! Starry Night will resurrect faster." Chuan Shi laughed.

Xiaoxing has also changed. At this time, Xiaoxing’s eyes are getting colder and colder. After her yang seal is unlocked, she has absorbed the incomparable purity and blood power and endless chakras after her Yang seal was released. It is also rapidly changing to the so-called Big Tube Jupiter Night.

"Zizizi... Xiaoxing's whole body has undergone drastic changes again, her eyes have turned white, her eyebrows have disappeared, her skin has become extremely fair, and her forehead has horns.

"Starry night! Princess!" Chuan-style heart was also raised, and he was also very excited. After all, for nearly a thousand years, he finally achieved his goal and resurrected his favorite person.

"This... Chakra seems to have changed... She is no longer Xiaoxing... Kagura said with a rather regretful expression.

Shi Yu shook his head and said: "Impossible, my sister will not become a big Jupiter Night Princess."

At this time Xiaoxing's breath also changed suddenly.

"Me? Where is this?" At this time Xiaoxing's voice had completely changed to that of another person.

Chuan Shi was very excited and said: "Starry night! It's me! Your partner! Datong Mu Chuan Shi! I have resurrected you! Then we will absorb the whole earth as nutrients!"

"These two guys have been obstructing our existence! We are bound to kill them! Those ninja coalition forces are all products of the new era, but there is no need to exist! Next is the time for the two of us to comeback!" Chuan Said.

"Oh? What's next? What are you going to do?" Datong Juxingye asked with a slightly raised mouth, watching Chuanshi.

"I...I will return to heaven with you!" Otsukikawashi said.

"Thank you for everything." Datong Juxingye also nodded and thanked the Chuan style, and slowly approached the Chuan style.

"You're welcome! These are what I should do! We have always been partners!" Chuan Shi said.

"Absorbed the whole world! I hope to continue to be with you!" Chuan-style eyes were filled with emotion, but he didn't realize that Xingye was very close to him.

"Puff!!!" Datong Juxingye suddenly locked Chuanshi's neck, but Chuanshi opened his mouth and found that there was no sound at all.

"Thank you for everything, but don't forget, you are just a humble servant! Everything you do is taken for granted! I don't even want to be with a dog like you!"

"You only exist as a nourishment for me at any time! Don't think so high! So, be a part of me!" Datong Juxingye also seems to have the ability to swallow everything.

"Um... Chuan-style eyes showed extreme disbelief. He loved someone so much, but the end result was...

Tears shed tears from the eyes of Chuan-style. At this time, it is not clear whether it is regret or grief, because Chuan-style has been replaced by the light of the whole body.

"This!!!" Kagura was taken aback, and the surrounding ninja coalition forces couldn't believe it.

Shi Yu knew that the sister she knew could not return, and the person in front of her at this moment was a cold-blooded princess Datongmu! Big tube Jupiter night!

Xingye pinched Sichuan-style neck in this way and turned it into a chakra fruit. Then, as if eating a bun, he stuffed it into his mouth and started chewing.

"Kakaka!" Xingye ate the Sichuan style without any hesitation, as if the Sichuan style was the food in his hands.

Starry night ate Sichuan style and instantly gained all the power of Sichuan style! Double ten tails! A huge amount of chakras.

"The Chakra fruit is still incomplete? Ten tails are still short of the power of three tails? Is the rest on you? Excuse me, merge with me, right?" Datong Juxingye said directly to Shigure.

"Datong Jupiter Night?"


"Return my sister!" Shi Yu said.

"Sister? So that's it... this woman is just a part of my strength. It has been swallowed by me. You will never see her."

"Unless, let me swallow you! Into my body! You will see her naturally! And be with her forever." Datong Juxingye also approached Shigure.

"Fuck!" Kagura stood in front of Shigure who was a little sluggish and pushed out with a palm, and the wind of the gods was overwhelming. Xingye frowned and stopped.

"You are not are Datong Juxingye!"

"If Xiaoxing is still there, she will tell me, let me defeat you! Completely defeat you!" Shigure regained his faith, and the battle spirit rekindled in his eyes.

"Shigure! I knew it! You will cheer up!" Kagura joined Shigure again.

"Sorry! I won't do that again...because I want her to pay the price!!!" Shi Yu pointed to Xingye and said resolutely.

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