Naruto's strongest cheating system

Naruto: The Strongest Cheating System Chapter 111

"The Art of Flying Thunder God!"

Quan disappeared in an instant. When he appeared again, it was behind the upper ninja who used the vacuum Dayu. Before the upper ninja reacted, the Thunder in Quan's hand had penetrated his body.

"How is this possible?" His chest was pierced, and Shangren knew that he was bound to die, but he didn't understand how Quan appeared behind him.

"From the very beginning, I think you have fallen into my trap when you throw kunai. Those kunai are all kunai engraved with the imprint of the god of flying thunder. Unfortunately, you just had this kind of thing under your feet. Put the kunai."

Quan explained it very kindly, and this name Shangren completely died after hearing Quan's explanation.Only one of the three Shangren was left. The remaining Shangren had the intention to retreat, but it was clear that Quan did not intend to let him go.

"Fire escape, dragon fire art!"

The C-rank ninjutsu was released directly, and the terrifying flames directly attacked Shangnin.Seeing such an attack, Shangren could only choose to use ninjutsu to resist.

"Tu Escape, Earth and Land Return!"

The dragon fire technique was blocked, but this did not mean that Quan's attack was over.At the moment when the Dragon Fire Technique hit the earth and land and returned, Quan had already appeared here behind Shangren.

However, what surprised Quan was that this Shangren had prepared a defense in advance as if he had discovered Quan.

"Earth escape, Lianyan stab!"

A large number of spurs appeared directly from the ground, and the spring could only evade as quickly as possible. When the two of them moved away from each other, they did not wait for the spring to counterattack, and the attack of Shangren came again.

"Wind escape, Scythe Itachi!"

Seeing the opponent's attack, Quan also immediately launched a counterattack.

"Huo Dun, Huo Yan Dao!"

Without leaving any hands, the A-level Fire Drain Ninjutsu Fire Flame Heaven Dao directly released, and the terrifying flame directly swallowed the Scythe Itachi and mixed it with the Scythe Itachi and attacked Shangnin.

Shangnin originally had a certain hole card, but seeing Quan's horrible attack, he knew that his so-called hole card might not work at all. When he was about to avoid it, he found that his body could not move.

"Illusory technique, the technique of golden binding!"

Quan's illusion directly controlled Shangren in place, and he faced Quan's A-level ninjutsu, it was impossible to survive only with a flesh and blood body.

In an instant, Huo Yan Tiandao swallowed the Supreme, not even leaving the corpse.All three Shangren died in Quan's hands, and Hinata also ran over at this time.

"Quan Jun, are you not injured?"

"No, I thought your battle was not over yet. I didn't expect you to end the battle sooner than I did." Seeing Hina Tianquan was slightly surprised.Originally, it was only for Hinata to hold down the seven Zhongren, but he didn't expect Hinata to have solved his opponent in such a short time.

"It's that their strength is too weak. Compared with the Zhongnin we have played against before, the strength of the Zhongnin in Sand Ninja Village is a bit too bad." Hinata said directly and honestly.

"Perhaps this is the strength of Shayin Village. Today's Shayin Village is already going downhill. The Konoha collapse plan for Shayin Village is not small. It is impossible to recover in such a short time. Maybe these ninjas are all It's a newcomer who was promoted."

Chapter 133 The Next Task

Izumi didn’t guess wrong. All the ninjas who came to chase this time were all recently promoted ninjas. Today, Shayin Village is simply unavailable. This is why Shayin Village has clearly confirmed Luosha’s death and has not recommended it. The reason for the new Fengying.

"Izumi-kun, where are we going now?" Hinata asked.

"Complete the task first, let's talk about it, anyway, we are now free birds, no matter where we go." Being forced to join the Akatsuki organization, Quan is already afraid to easily return to the country of ghosts, who knows if he will watch from the side. .

Before Izumi and Hinata came to the nearby bounty association, all the tasks they had received were handed in. The next thing to do was to choose a new task. At this time, Izumi saw a very suitable task. Izumi did not hesitate. After accepting the task, he took Hinata and left the bounty association. Hinata felt Izumi's excitement, and was very puzzled, so he talked with Izumi through the system.

"Quan Jun, what's the difference in the mission this time? How do you feel excited?"

"Ding, the system prompts, the side mission, kill the black hoes Thundertooth, the mission reward opens the continuous mission of Thunder Dunge."

Before Quan could speak, the voice of the system sounded in the two people's minds. Obviously this time the system prompt answered Hinata's question.

"Is our goal this time Thunder Blade Thunder Tooth?" Hinata also knew that Quan had been watching the several Shinobi swords in Wuyin Village, so he understood Quan's excitement.

"Yeah, I didn't expect to be able to take over this mission here, and now a new side mission is also opened, which can kill two birds with one stone."

Izumi and Hinata immediately moved in the direction where Lei Ya was, and the two of them had walked all the way up the mountain and water for half a month before they arrived nearby.Quan believed that this battle was definitely not easy. In any case, Black Hoe Thunder Fang was the secret part of the Wuyin Village in the Bloody Mist Period, and its strength was naturally self-evident.

"Izumi-kun, can anyone really restrain the ability to roll eyes?" Although Hinata knew Ranmaru with red eyes from Izumi's mouth, she still didn't believe it. After all, she had never heard of anyone with the ability to restrain the eyes. Roll your eyes.

"I only know about this, and I haven't seen it before, but if that's the case, you have to be careful and don't be reckless. You still don't want to participate in the battle against Black Hoe Lei Fang. His strength is still unknown. , The blood mist is not a joke."

"I know."

Izumi and Hinata cautiously came to the mine village in the country of the river. This is not suitable for hiding. Even if Izumi and Hinata are just children, it is difficult to blend in here, so the news that two people entered here soon spread. In the ear of the black hoe Thunder tooth.

He paid great attention to Quan and Hinata Black Hoe Rayya who suddenly broke into here, and the reason for paying attention was that Black Hoe Rayya regarded Quan and Hinata as the assassination troops of Wuyin Village.

Quan and Hina Tian were about to go to the place where Black Hoe Thunder Ya was located, but they didn't expect that Black Hoe Thunder Ya directly brought a kind of hand down to Quan and Hina Tian.

"You are not welcome here, the eagle dog of Wuyin Village." Hei Chu Lei Ya said with a dissatisfaction.

Izumi and Hinata looked at each other when they heard the words of the black hoe Thunder tooth. They also understood that the other party should have misunderstood the identities of the two, but this had no effect on Izumi and Hinata.

Chapter 314 Black Hoe Thunder Fang

"Leave the black hoe Thunder teeth to me, and the others to you."

"Be careful."

Quan instantly rushed to the black hoe Thunderya, seeing this, the black hoe Thunderya confirmed that Quan must be the assassination unit of the Wuyin Village.

"Lei Dun, Thunder Ball!"

In an instant, a large number of thunderballs rushed directly to the spring. The black hoe Rayya, who is very familiar with the hidden village of mist, naturally knows that most of the ninja attributes of the hidden village of mist are water, and the attack of Thunder Dun can be conducted through water.

"Lei Dun, Thunder Ball!"

However, Quan was not an assassination unit in the Hidden Fog Village, and Lei Dun happened to be an attribute of Quan.

The thunderballs of the two sides collided in an instant. Although the thunderball of the spring is not as good as the thunderbolt of the black hoe from the attack of ninjutsu, the spring with the writing round eyes can be controlled by the ninjutsu itself, which makes The attacks of both sides were once again pulled to the same starting line.

"Lei Dun, Lei Ya!"

Black Hoe Thunder Tooth uses a ninjutsu to perform ninjutsu, and Quan's writing wheel eye is obviously impossible to replicate, so Quan can only use other ninjutsu to resist.

"Lei Dun, thunder!"

The ninjutsu of the two sides collided once again, but this time it was Thunder Tooth that suffered. Thunder Tooth was hit by Thunder, and Quan used the technique of Thunder God to escape directly.

"That's the Art of Flying Thunder God, are you Konoha's ninja?" At a glance, I saw Quan's Flying Thunder God's art, and the black hoe Thunder Fang was even more strange. After all, I didn't have enemies with Konoha. Why did Konoha's ninja appear? it's here.

"I used to be, and now I have already left Konoha, the black hoe Thunder teeth handed your Shinobi sword to me, I can promise not to kill you, and I can let the kid behind you go." Quan did not intend to hide it. Own identity.

"Just rely on you, don't think that knowing a few ninjutsu is just to endure the kid."

"Lei Dun, Thunder!"

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