Naruto's strongest cheating system

Naruto: The Strongest Cheating System Chapter 122

"I see, thank you. Sun I have one thing I want to ask you."

"Little Snow Princess wanted to ask why this time you asked for help from the country of ghosts. Will it be me and Taiyin who came to support?"

"Yes, do you two come from the land of ghosts?" Fenghua Xiaoxue's eyes turned out to be bright.

"No, the two of us do not belong to the ghost village, let alone the country of ghosts. We are only obedient to our leader, who cooperates with the ghost village."

Fenghua Xiaoxue was taken aback when she heard Quan's words. She thought that Quan might deceive her, but she didn't expect that there would be such a reason, and Fenghua Xiaoxue was completely different from Quan's lie.Seeing this, Fenghua Xiaoxue can only believe what Quan said.

"It turned out to be so, I thought you belonged to the country of ghosts."

"No, this time the mission is over, we have other things we don't stay here." With this, Quan and Hinata disappeared from Fenghua Koyuki.

Izumi and Hinata left the country of Snow directly, Izumi sent the situation and handling of the country of Snow back to the land of ghosts by mail, while Izumi and Hinata quietly moved towards Yanyin Village.

Chapter 342: Coincidentally Encountering Jiaodu

Although Quan believes that Yanyin Village cannot rashly attack the Snow Country, Quan still has to prepare for the worst.So this is the way to move towards Yanyin Village with Hinata.

"Ding, the system prompts, challenge the task, defeat the four-tailed man Zhuli Lao Zi."

"Ding, the system prompts, challenge the task, defeat the four-tailed man Zhuli Lao Zi (tail beastization)."

"Ding, the system prompts, challenge the mission, defeat the four-tailed Monkey King."

Quan was not too surprised to hear the system prompt, but Quan did not know if Lao Zi was still in Yanyin Village at this time. After all, Lao Zi defected and left Yanyin Village according to the introduction of the plot, but did not clearly explain Lao Zi. When did Zi leave Yanyin Village?

"Izumi-kun, are we going to complete the task this time?" Hinata's voice resounded in Quan's mind, obviously Hinata didn't want Quan to take risks.

"Don't worry, I don't want to be burned to ashes. I don't want to face the four tails for the time being until the blood succession limit is completed. I can defeat the three Isojos by relying on the Oshe Maru. I am not sure about defeating the four tails. This time I didn't intend to challenge the four tails, at least I have no idea now.

"Well, Jun Jun, shall we enter Yanyin Village now?"

"No, it's good if we just stay here. Yanyin Village is not a Shayin Village. Their defenses are not necessarily lower than Konoha. If we are discovered, we may not be able to leave safely."

"Then what if Yanyin Village launches an attack on the Snow Country?"

"Then we will intercept and kill them. It is impossible to attack on a large scale based on the situation in Yanyin Village. However, we must first go to the Bounty Association to pick up some tasks. Anyway, the snow country has not arrived yet, so we don't need to. Anxious."

In this way, Izumi and Hinata came to the bounty association, and what surprised Izumi was that he met Kakuto and Hidan.It is not surprising to see these two people here, after all, Jiao Du is the finance minister of Akatsuki's organization.

"Senior Jiaodu." Quan and Hinata appeared directly in front of Jiaodu.

"Have you two ran here to take the task?" Jiao both glanced at Quan and didn't care too much.

"That's right, but this time I'm here to find Senior Clerk to make a deal."

"Deal? What deal?"

"Senior Kakuto also knows that my attribute has thunder, but I don't have a lot of ninjutsu in the hands of Raidun, so I want the ninjutsu in the hands of Senior Kakuto. Of course, as revenge, I can pay. "

Quan now has a lot of wealth. After all, with the addition of Carduo's company to the tasks, the Guiyin Village itself has begun to have income recently, and the money Quan invested in Guiyin Village has been significantly reduced.

"Rain ninjutsu? Interesting, I can give you the ninjutsu in my hand, but correspondingly, I need a ninja who can use earthen ninjutsu."

Hearing the angle, Izumi immediately understood that the earth-attribute heart of Kakuto was destroyed by people, otherwise there would be no need for earth-attributed ninjas.Quan even guessed that Jiao came here to find the right heart.

"Soil escape ninja? I don't know if a ninja is okay?" As I said, Izumi took out a scroll, and it happened to be sealed with the body of the ninja using the aggravated rock technique.Although Quan was aimed at the opponent's heart and launched an attack, he did not expect that this guy's heart was crooked, and Lei Che directly injured the internal organs, but did not damage the heart.

Chapter 343 The Arrogant Xue Ren

Seeing that it was a headless corpse, Kakuto also thought that this corpse was Izumi who had accepted the Bounty Association's mission. "Senior Kakuto, although I took the head of this ninja, this guy is still hidden. The secret technique of the village aggravates the technique of rock, I think Senior Clerk can use it, right?"

"It seems you know me well?"

"I know I don't dare to say it, but at least I need to know the status of the organization's members, not to mention that I have heard of your name before joining the organization. After all, you have assassinated the original Naruto god Senjutsu Zhuma."

"What an annoying kid, this is the ninjutsu you want, but this corpse is only worth B-level ninjutsu at most. If you want A-level ninjutsu, you can only get a better corpse." Both said while taking the body away.

"I don't have any better corpses, but maybe there will be better ones next time." After taking the scroll, Izumi was also very satisfied. His goal was the B-level ninjutsu pseudo-darkness, so other ninjutsu springs Doesn't care.

After taking some quests with Hinata, Izumi took Hinata and left the bounty association.

"Ding, the system prompts that Lei Dun's continuous mission is completed, and you have learned Ninjutsu Lei Dun, pseudo dark."

In less than two days, the fountain of time was the successful display of Lei Dun's pseudo-darkness, and therefore the penultimate ring of Lei Dun's continuous mission was completed.

"Ding, the system prompts, the final chapter of Lei Dun's continuous mission, learn Lei Dun, Qilin."

Hearing the system's prompt sound, Izumi was very helpless. Kylin, the ninjutsu itself, is very simple. It just uses the power of Chidori to induce thunder and lightning, but let’s not say how harsh the conditions for this ninjutsu to activate, just a little carelessness. Will be struck to death by thunder and lightning, which makes Quan a headache.

"Quan Jun, is this task too dangerous? A little carelessness is very likely to be fatal."

"I know, but if you don't complete this ninjutsu, the mission will not be completed, and my blood inheritance will not be developed. The combination of thunder and fire produces Yan Dun, but I am very longing for it. If I can obtain Yan at this time The blood of the escape is limited, then my strength will definitely be greatly improved."

"But once you fail, your life is in danger. I think you should be more careful, Jun Jun."

"Don't worry, even if it’s for you, I will cherish my life. When you develop Kylin, you will be with me, so you can rest assured." Of course, all know that Hinata is worried about him, so he proposed to let Hinata Follow the suggestions.

"Well, you are not allowed to secretly complete this ninjutsu yourself."

"Don't worry about it."

Izumi and Hinata waited another day outside Yanyin Village, when the Snow Country team arrived at Yanyin Village.

"Sell your old man from Ohnoki out, and we have sent you the body of your Yanyin Village ninja, so hurry up and accept it." From a distance, I heard the yelling of the leader Xue Ren, and even Quanquan heard this. Some can't help but want to punch someone.

"Quan Jun, won't he be killed?"

"Yes, shouldn't it?" Even Quan himself didn't believe this sentence.

"Who are you?"

"Who? This uncle is the ninja of Xueyin Village. In the future, our Xueyin Village will replace your Yanyin Village. This time your people have carried out a sneak attack. We, the adults of Xueyin Village, have a large number of people who have not asked you to pay compensation, but next time But I'm not so lucky." While talking, this Xueren was the ninja who threw the body at Yanyin Village.

Chapter 344 is really arrogant

At this time, Mo Feiyu also noticed that these corpses had already begun to decay. It seemed that Xue Ren did not do anything with the corpses along the way. Seeing this situation, Quan couldn’t help asking where Fenghua Xiaoxue was. The best I found.Although it is true that Quan asked Xueyin Village to be arrogant, this is a bit too exaggerated, right?

At this moment, Quan was also a little worried about whether Ohnoki would rush to the Snow Country with Yanyin Village to avenge his revenge. If that were the case, Fenghua Xiaoxue could only escape with someone.

At this moment, Ohyeki really appeared at the door of Yanyin Village. Seeing such a scene, the spring immediately knew it was not good.

"Hinata put on Xiaopao, I'm afraid things will change this time." Quan Wanwan didn't expect Oh Yemu to actually appear. You must know Oh Yemu himself is a very stubborn old man. If the people in Xueyin Village continue the performance just now Maybe this old man will really be desperate.

Hearing Quan's haul, Hinata immediately took out Xiao's robe and put on it, and Quan did the same. The two people stood quietly in the distance like members of the Xiao organization.

"When is Xueyin Village so arrogant?"

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