Naruto's strongest cheating system

Naruto: The Strongest Cheating System Chapter 131

With that said, Quan took a scroll in front of Zhongming, and seeing the scroll of Zhongming instantly became extremely surprised.How can this be?

"It is indeed impossible now, but I am also improving a little bit, so I hope to have experimental materials, and you and Fu obviously have a good relationship, so I will find you, otherwise I will not come here to find you. Just use the writing wheel eye to take your control away."

Izumi said while putting the scroll away, not caring about Shigeming's surprise at all.

Chapter 370 Reached an Agreement

"Why should I believe you?"

"You can take a gamble. You know what will happen if it succeeds. If you fail, there is no harm. If you don't gamble, I will use the writing wheel to trap you and Fu directly, and then seal the two of you together. I can also achieve my goal then."

Hearing Quan's words, Zhongming was silent. If Quan was doing things successfully, it would be equivalent to letting it be free. So Zhongming was looking forward to it, but it was worried that Quan was really deceiving it, so he hesitated.

"I can promise you, but if I find that you haven't carried out the research you mentioned, I will resist." For a long time Shigeaki finally chose to believe in Quan for the time being.

"Hey, can you two listen to my opinion? Anyway, I'm Renzhuli?" Jianquan and Shigeming directly finalized the matter, and Fu on the side spoke very dissatisfied.

"If you have any comments, keep it. I will send you back to Guiyin Village first, then you will be honest with me, otherwise I will directly restrict your freedom. Shig Ming, Fu will leave it to you to monitor. "Speaking of Quan, he retreated from Fu's spiritual space.

When the consciousness returned, Fu also showed a look of dissatisfaction, apparently protesting Shigeming Izumi's unauthorized claims, but Izumi could not care about this.

"Gaara, I will send Fu back to Guiyin Village first, and then talk to you." Said Quan directly grabbed Fu's shoulder and used the technique of Flying Thunder God.

Shayin Village is very far away from the country of ghosts, so Chakra, who has almost exhausted a huge part of the spring with Fu, came to Ghost Village smoothly.

"Quan, you are back." Bai had already waited at the predetermined location, so he was not surprised to see Quan with the seven-tailed man Zhu Lifu.

"Well, you take Fu Xian to settle down. I can't leave from Shayin Village. Otherwise, it's easy to arouse people's suspicion. Besides, she is not allowed to walk around until I come back. You are responsible for guarding her closely." I have already discussed with Chongming, but Quan didn't want any surprises.

"Hey, didn't you say that I won't restrict my freedom?"

"I don't restrict your freedom, but you can't expose yourself as a matter of human strength. Bai remembered to pretend to her for a while, and I went back." With that, Quan just disappeared.

When Quan came back, it was a lot less expensive because he was alone, but when Quan returned to Shayin Village, Chakra was exhausted.

Seeing Quan came back, Gaara also helped him.

"Is there anything else I need to do?" Gaara asked.

"Nothing, just make you be careful. Although I will pay attention to Akatsuki's movements as much as possible, I may not be able to inform you in time. If people from Akatsuki run away as much as possible, you are not their opponent. They will definitely act. It's a group of two, so you better not go head-to-head."

"I see, what are you going to do with Fu's two companions?"

"I can only kill them. My current identity cannot be exposed, otherwise it would be too dangerous."

Gaara frowned slightly when he heard Quan's words, but didn't say anything.

Quan and Gaara came back, and before Fu's companions spoke, Quan killed them directly and burned their bodies completely.After all, for ninjas, corpses can also be used for data extraction.

Chapter 371: Be a month old

The squad of the festival didn't understand at all when they saw such a scene, why Izumi would suddenly kill the ninjas in Takinin Village like this, but seeing Gaara didn't say anything, they couldn't say anything anymore.

"By the way, Gaara, I have a voice for you to listen to." Quanquan took out the previous scroll.

"No!" Seeing Quan took out the scroll, Ji immediately understood what Quan was planning to do, so he hurriedly spoke to block it.However, it was clear that her movements were still a step slower.

"Please save my Gaara, I don't want to see my favorite person die."

"Do you like Gaara? He is a human being, and in a sense he is a monster."

"No, Gaara is not a monster. He is the best person in my mind. I like Gaara the most."

The voice of the sacrifice sounded again, and Gaara was very surprised when he heard the words of the sacrifice. After all, although he became a wind shadow, most people who said that were still very afraid of Gaara, so Gaara heard the words of the sacrifice. Very shocked.

"When Gaara waits for you to get married, remember to send me an invitation to Guiyin Village. If you dare to get it done quietly, I can't spare you." While talking, Quan simply pushed Gaara to sacrifice.

The festival was completely in a state of crash, and did not respond to Gaara’s arrival, and even fell back because of Gaara’s impact. Gaara hurriedly supported her when he saw this, so two people staged the show. A very beautiful picture.

Seeing such a situation, Izumi took Hinata's hand and left directly. At this time, it is better to leave it to the two parties to solve it by themselves.As for the sacrifice teammates, Quan directly used the technique of Nirvana Abode to make them sleep for a while.

"Quan Jun, what are you going to do with Fu?"

"Of course it is to let her stay in the country of ghosts, and the research on the tail beast as a psychic beast requires experiments? Although Uzumaki Aoi is very willing to cooperate, Sanwei does not cooperate. If Nanao is willing, I want our research It can speed up the progress. If it can be completed before Akatsuki starts catching the tail beast, then everything is great."

"What if Xiao organization finds Fu and is in Guiyin Village?"

"Then let the Akatsuki organization come. As long as it is not for the Akatsuki organization to mobilize all the members, I believe that Guiyin Village can still be resisted, and the Guiyin Village is very sensitive. If the Akatsuki organization rashly attacked, it might lead to the start of the Ninja World War. At that time, the Akatsuki organization will not be able to block the union of the Five Ninja Villages."

Izumi and Hinata returned to Sagakura Village and saw Kankuro and Temari. They simply explained the situation. Gaara finally knew about the festival and was relieved by the two people. Both Kankuro and Kankuro think it's very good, but this kind of thing still depends on Gaara himself.

Soon Gaara returned, and Quan was a little surprised that Gaara returned with the sacrifice on his back. Although the sacrifice is equivalent to confessing to Gaara, it will not turn out to be like this. Everyone is very strange, and therefore everyone's eyes are on the sacrifice.

Perceiving the eyes of everyone, there were some unnatural sacrifices on Gaara's back, and these faces became even more red.It was very pitiful, and soon everyone knew what happened after Quan left.Because Ji accidentally wounded her, she was unable to act, but she had to withdraw from the Zhongnin exam, and Gaara brought her out.

Chapter 372: The Land of Earth, Yanyin Village

After three days, the Zhongnin exam held in Shayin Village ended very smoothly, and to all expectations, Guiyin Village became the dark horse of this Zhongnin examination. All nine members who took the exam became Zhongnin. One person was eliminated.

What surprised Izumi the most was that Someya Yuki, Uehara Kazumi, and Tajima Huaying not only became Zhongnin, but the most important thing was that they defeated the three of Hyuga Neji, Li Rok, and Tiantian. , This situation is really surprising to Quan.

The Ninja test came to an end. The personnel from various Ninja villages also left Shayin village one after another, and Quan also took the ninjas from the Guiyin village towards the Guiyin village. The difference is that this time Temari returns Walk with Quan and them.

The purpose of Temari and Sanna Shinobu is very simple, that is, to formally establish diplomacy with Oniyincun, the country of the wind and the country of Oni will exchange business, and at the same time, they have signed an alliance agreement.

Soon, the news that the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Ghosts became allies spread out, and to everyone's surprise, none of the other Shinobu villages responded to the news., Immediately afterwards, the fact that Uchiha Izumi and Hyuga Hinata were ninjas in the Onigin Village was also completely spread. For a while, everyone’s eyes fell on Konoha. After all, Uchiha Izumi was before this. He did an extremely sensational thing in Konoha, and left Konoha in a fair manner, declaring his identity as a rebel.

However, what makes all Shinobu village strange is that Konoha did not act as if he had not heard the news, and did not even ask the country of ghosts to explain this matter.

"Quan Jun, where are we going?"

After the Nakanin exam, Izumi and Hinata dealt with the ghost country and chose to leave again.

"The Land of the Earth, Iwanin Village,"

Hearing Quan's words, Hinata was a little puzzled. Although the quests received from the Bounty Association were all near Yanyin Village, she did not understand what Quan was planning to do.

"Quan Jun, what are you going to do?"

"Of course I found Lao Zi. As the four-tailed man Zhu Li, I should complete this task. Even if I can't challenge the four-tailed man Zhu Li, it is good to beat the four-tailed man Zhu Li." Three and Seven tails were in hand, Quan didn't plan to continue collecting tail beasts. The two tail beasts had already made Quan a great target, and Akatsuki's attention would inevitably be drawn if he made another move.

"Quan Jun, is our strength unable to defeat Siwei?"

"It's not necessarily. If that trick can be used successfully, even the four tails will definitely be seriously injured."

The trick that Quan said naturally refers to Lei Dun, Qilin.Now Quan has fully developed the Kylin, but because Quan is too careful, it has not completed the Kylin in half a year.

Today's Guiyin Village already has a relatively complete intelligence network, so it was also discovered that the four-tailed man Zhuli Lao Zi was about to leave Yanyin Village, so Quan arrived at Yanyin Village at this time.

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