Naruto's strongest cheating system

Naruto: The Strongest Cheating System Chapter 136

Kakashi's signature ninjutsu Raeche appeared again, and this was precisely the first time Hinata used Raeche.Although there is no dynamic visual acuity of Zhuanyan, the wide field of vision can also afford the side effects of Rachel.

Lei Che directly hit Chi Xing who was still in mid-air, and Hinata's palm passed directly through Chi Xing's body. However, when everyone thought that everything was over, the sudden change suddenly appeared.

Chi Xing, who was supposed to have died, didn't die, but instead controlled the peacock magic to attack Hinata. Seeing this, Hinata immediately wanted to get away from Chi Xing.However, to Hinata's surprise, he couldn't withdraw his palm.

Quan was aware of this the first time, so he immediately assisted.

"Thunder Dun, lightning strikes the armor!"

Using the technique of Flying Thunder God to directly appear next to Hinata, Quan immediately used lightning armor to protect the two people.Chi Xing's attack didn't work at all. At this time, Qu also directly released Rae Che to attack Chi Xing's injured part.

Rescued Hinata's arm, Quan immediately disappeared while holding Hinata.Returning to Neiji Hyuga and others, Izumi put Hinata down.

"Izumi-kun, what's going on?" Hinata asked with a look of puzzlement. The attack just now aimed directly at the opponent's heart, and it indeed pierced Akasei's heart. In this case, why is Akasung still Not dead, it is a bit strange.

"Akastar is indeed dead, but the star seems to be manipulating Akastar's corpse to continue fighting. It seems that this time I encountered an interesting thing." The spring did not care too much about the appearance of the abnormal situation, although the current'Akastar' 'Become stronger, but it still belongs to Shangnin.


Izumi called Hinata directly, and Hinata instantly understood what I was planning to do.

"Bagua empty palm!"

"Fire escape, Long Yanhuo!"

The cooperation of Izumi and Hinata made the flame directly hit the red star like a cannonball.Long Yanhuo itself is a B-level ninjutsu, and now the compression power of the gossip empty palm is unparalleled.In an instant, it directly hit the red star, and it exploded without waiting for the red star to react.

On the side, Hyuga Ningci was stunned when he saw this estimate. Ningci really didn't think that the original Eight Diagrams Empty Palm could still be played like this, and he was surprised by the power of Hinata.

"Lei Dun, pseudo dark!"

"Fire escape, the technique of dragon fire!" Hina Tian used the technique of dragon fire, and a huge flame dragon appeared directly towards the red star.However, Quan's pseudo-darkness, with the help of Shao Lun Yan, turned out to be the armor of the flame dragon.

The alternative combination of thunder and fire is that the power of the dragon fire technique is even more terrifying, and it only destroys most of the red star's body in an instant.

The body on the right half of Chi Xing had completely disappeared. If it were an ordinary person, it would have already died.However, the current Akastar is just a puppet under the control of the star, so even in this state, the Akastar is still controlling the peacock magic method to attack Izumi and Hinata.

"Baguazhang, return to heaven!"

"Lei Dun, go back to heaven!"

Hinata and Izumi used Huitian at the same time. The difference is that the Huitian used by Quan was based on his superb control of Lei Dun. Although it is very similar to Huitian, it is not a real Huitian.

However, the high-speed rotation of the two people successfully blocked the attack of Akahoshi.

Chapter 384 The Choice of Summer Star

Blocking Chi Xing's attack, Quan appeared behind Chi Xing directly using the technique of Flying Thunder God.

"Ninfa, the technique of Kuwuying avatar!"

"Ninfa, the technique of Kuwuying avatar!"

Izumi and Hinata were performing the technique of Kuwuying avatar almost at the same time, and countless Kuwuying moments came towards the red star.Seeing this scene, Akastar hurriedly used the peacock magic method to resist, but Akastar obviously did not notice that some kunai's tails were tied with very thin wires. Izumi and Hinata manipulated these kunai moments with wires to hold Akastar firmly Tied up.

"Fire escape, dragon fire art!"

"Lei Dun, Thunder Chain!"

Hinata Izumi's ninjutsu followed the steel wire at the same time, and the thunder and fire hit the Akahoshi directly in an instant.Although Chi Xing's peacock magic had a strong defense, his defense against Izumi and Hinata at the same time eventually collapsed.

Aka Star had no bones left under the attack of Izumi and Hinata, and the star that manipulated him also fell to the ground, perhaps because it consumed a lot of energy, the star became dim.

Quan came directly to the front and received the star directly into the system. This thing Quan still planned to take it back for belief research.

When the battle was over, Xia Xing also came out of Xingren Village at this time, and he had obviously completed what he had to do.

"The so-called three generations of Xing Ren is dead in the hands of Chi Xing. The reason why Chi Xing kills the three generations of Xing Ying is entirely because the three generations of Xing Ying forbids you to cultivate stars. The reason for prohibiting the cultivation of stars is also very simple. , But the price is that your lifespan is shortened. I think some of you little ghosts have already had a bad reaction. You will understand if what I said is true or false."

"Of course, if you think I’m telling lies to deceive you, I also welcome you to take revenge, I’ll be in Ghost Village, but if you do make a move by then, I don’t mind killing you, not like Now let you make a living like this."

After speaking, Quan turned around and left with Hinata, and Xia Xing hurriedly followed up seeing this situation.Chi Xing died, and his subordinates had already escaped when he died. Nowadays, there are only a group of little ghosts left in Xingnin Village. I am afraid Xingnin Village will also reach the end.

"Where did you put the star?" Xia Xing asked when he returned to the previous camp.

"Isn't your purpose to prevent your son from cultivating this star?" Quan said that he directly took out the star, "Now that the star is in my hands, he will definitely not be able to cultivate, why should you care where it went?"

"Couldn't you plan to use the stars for cultivation?" Seeing that Quan was ready to take away the stars, Xia Xing was a little puzzled, "You also saw that the stars are not a good thing."

"Although I am very interested in stars, I do not intend to practice, but it is still necessary to study it. You can rest assured that this star will not appear in the Ninja World."

Hearing Quan's words, Xia Xing showed a hint of hesitation, and he hesitated for a long time before he spoke.

"You come with me."

Although puzzled, Quan and Hinata still followed Xia Xing to leave her temporary camp.

Xia Xing takes Izumi and Hinata to a cemetery, and this is the grave of Xia Xing's husband, Firefly Mars.Press the mechanism, the tomb is opened, and Xia Xing also takes out two stars from it.

"You take these away too."

Chapter 385: Go to Da She Wan

Izumi and Hinata left the Star Ninja Village with three stars. The gain this time was not small. Izumi's illusion and free-sounding transformation technique was finally completed, and other gains were naturally stars.

"Quan-jun, where are we going?" Seeing that Quan did not move in the direction of Guiyin Village, Hinata asked with some doubts.

"Go to Oshe Maru, there must be interest in Oshe Maru, a weird thing like Xing." From the time I was preparing to take Xing away, Quan decided to go to O She Maru. After all, it would be better to leave it to a professional to study this kind of thing. .

Izumi and Hinata stopped and went all the way and finally came to Otonin Village, and Otoshimaru also appeared in Otonin Village by coincidence.

"I said Oshemaru, Hinata and I also changed our makeup somehow. Isn't it a bad idea for you to appear directly like this? It seems that the two of us are very bad at hiding identities." Of course, Quan understood that it was himself and Hinata. Entering the country of Tian is detected by Oshe Maru, so O She Maru will appear here.

"Come on, what's the purpose of coming to me this time."

"It's nothing, just come here to show you this thing." Talking about the fountain, he took out the star.

"Is the star of Hoshinin Village? Interesting. It seems that you are still quite interested in this kind of thing." Seeing Hoshida Shemaru did not show any happy expression.

"I just received a mission. I don't have much interest in this kind of thing. To say that the thing I am interested in is forbidden, such as the reincarnation technique. By the way, you may be interested in this thing."

Speaking of Quan, he gave a scroll to Oshemaru, and Oshemaru took the scroll and was taken aback. He really didn't expect Quan to get this kind of ninjutsu.

"Jisheng reincarnated, the forbidden technique in Shayin Village, I just heard of one, but I didn't expect you to have it. Come on, what do you want?"

"I don’t get anything, I just want you to see if you can improve this ninjutsu. After all, it’s not worth it to change your life. In addition, I want to confirm what would happen if you use Shalunyan to control others to use this ninjutsu. This is what happens when this ninjutsu is used on living people."

Quan directly stated his purpose. For Oshemaru, Quan has long been not afraid of it, but seeking cooperation with Oshemaru.Although Izumi does not have the strength to defeat Oshemaru, it is not a problem to retreat from the hands of Oshemaru. "Yes, if this ninjutsu is really as rumored, it will be very helpful to me. You can stay with me for the time being during the research, and by the way, you can teach Sasuke."

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